Yes, it has always existed. The length of the hypotenuse of a triangle has always been h = sqrt(a^2 + b^2) whether we knew it or not. It doesn't matter what language you know, what units your using or what base you work in; it is always true.
Math is just a language of expressing things. What you're saying is as crazy as saying bananas don't actually exist because humans created the word banana. It's still there, we just came up with a way of describing it.
Stigmata possesses the remarkable ability to survive on nothing but cookies without gaining a single pound. He also never performs any kind of physical activity and is in great shape.
Damn you Stiggy, damn you.
Hahaha, best reasoning ever. So what are you doing next year after escaping?
Edit: Yeah, I liked the old avy more.
I go to my school because it's the "nerdy" school, about 88% of grads go to university afterwards so it has a glorious lacking of the crappy people that just really don't want to...
I'd post mine. But they're awful. I might do it anyways...
Mostly just quick outlines of cartoon-y characters on my math notes. Because I'm awesome and don't bother taking notes in math but ace the course anyways.