

Sep 18, 2005
Reaction score
From Wikipedia:
Jenkem is an alleged hallucinogenic recreational drug composed of noxious gas formed from fermented human feces.[1] In the early and mid-1990s, several reports stated that Jenkem was being used by Zambian street children. In November 2007, anecdotal American media reports gave the impression that Jenkem was a popular drug taking hold with American teenagers. Media reports were characterized by disbelief and distaste for the "grossness" of the phenomenon.[2] Since November 2007, no new reports have appeared to corroborate the early speculations.

Anyone here tried this?

Shit! But seriously though, breathing methane and sulphur dioxide will make you dizzy and drugged. But you can do the same with other types of shit, so why human shit? WHY!?
I guess this is why that cat shit Coffee is supposed to be so good.
I guess this is why that cat shit Coffee is supposed to be so good.
It's not a cat silly, it's an Asian palm civet and it's called Kopi Luwak. And it actually tastes alright.

Jenkem I've heard of before, they make it in prison too I believe. It shows a dedication I could never relate to.
Jenkem is so last year. Also lol @ all you taking it seriously, jenkem doesn't really exist (except as a hoax).
Jenkem is so last year. Also lol @ all you taking it seriously, jenkem doesn't really exist (except as a hoax).

I don't doubt that some entertaining shit would go down though if you inhaled methane :/

Entertaining for the user or the viewers though is the real question though...
Jenkem is so last year. Also lol @ all you taking it seriously, jenkem doesn't really exist (except as a hoax).
Its real in Sierra Leone, its a hoax in the USA.

I can hardly read this thread because I'm so high on Jenkem right now. Ahh gad, this is awesome. But seriously, great example of the American news media taking bullshit to entirely new levels.
From Wikipedia:

Since November 2007, no new reports have appeared to corroborate the early speculations.

shitstorm narrowly averted!!!

he's full of shit

what a shitty way to get high
Jenkem is so last year. Also lol @ all you taking it seriously, jenkem doesn't really exist (except as a hoax).

It does. There was a documentary I saw on TV of a gang member who took it, they filmed his supply and everything. (this is in New Zealand)
I once snorted poop in Reno just to get high.
I did some hardcore shit last night dogg.
Yo shit aint gonna be like mah shit u know what ah'm sayin dogg?
This is one of those classy designer drugs. Huffing a rotting pile of shit is not my idea of a good time.
Hey guise I'm doing some jenkem right now hardcore!