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  1. djkanuk

    Matress in the HL2 vids -- first "ragdoll" inanimate object?

    I just read something that by the time a pillow is about 6yrs old, 10% of its weight is live mites, dead mites, and mite feces (they live in our skin and hair :O ). The same would probably be true for a mattress, so while not snail snot, you're pretty close!
  2. djkanuk

    New Binks

    If anyone needs a login, has logins for Fileshack.
  3. djkanuk

    ATI prepares Counter Strike 2 papers for Radeon 420XT

    It actually makes sense to me that CS2 could be finished sooner than HL2. Creating all the content and playtesting for the single-player game likely takes longer than creating new maps around a Source-based version of Counter-Strike. Essentially all the pieces are already there, but I'm sure...
  4. djkanuk

    CS for HL2 ??

    Yeah, most people don't understand the difference between CS for HL2 (or CS for Source), which is most likely included with HL2 as its in the Beta, and CS2, which will be a whole new game built in Source from the ground-up. Except for a few things like shimmery water and ragdoll effects, there's...
  5. djkanuk

    New Interview on GamesRadar

    So that's the reason the game hasn't shipped yet. Hurry up Gabe's Dad! ;)
  6. djkanuk

    Code thing getting stupid

    Thanks, Kamakiri. I totally agree. While of course the leak is really big news, and has deeply saddened me... not because it will lessen my experience of the game, but because I feel badly for the people and Valve and the company. But the discussion of the leak has unfortunately demonstrated...
  7. djkanuk

    Should i buy something else?

    Maybe in the wrong forum, but I'm picking up Call of Duty when it's released. At first I wasn't that impressed with the demo, but after playing through it a couple times, it really is an immersive experience. Better than DoD or MoHAA, no question. Probably would have been hailed as a...
  8. djkanuk

    Alcatraz Event still on??

    What?!? There's no climate today? I heard that the ozone layer was getting thin, but ouch.
  9. djkanuk

    Picture of Asus 9800pro XT box with HL2.

    Found spec sheets on the new ASUS Radeon cards: They look a treat, but no more info on HL2, except "Hot 3D Games Bundled."
  10. djkanuk

    Vivendi Dumped by Interplay

    Maybe the real question is whether Valve even needs a publisher after HL2, or whether it will break the old developer-publisher paradigm. They'll use Steam increasingly for direct distribution anyway, makes sense to cut out the middleman for retail as well.
  11. djkanuk

    If Valve Release the game ONLY on steam (At the 30th)...

    I don't really trust the retailers to have it on the 30th, but trust Valve to have it on Steam then. I'll do as many have suggested and get a subscription for one month, then wait for my retail copy to arrive before cancelling it
  12. djkanuk

    Download HL2 @ work, take it home ?

    Gabe said somewhere that you'd be able to copy the cache file to another computer. Since the authentication is from your Steam login, there shouldn't be any problem moving it from your work computer to your home computer. You'll probably need to burn the cache file on a CD (or CDs), or use a...
  13. djkanuk

    +++++New Movie+++++

    Prepare to get mobbed Dagobert. And thanks! Can't seem to get CVG downloads to work no matter what I try. BTW, isn't Dagobert a club in Quebec City? I have the t-shirt, I think.
  14. djkanuk

    HL2 Movie's Easter Egg - the many toilets of HL2

    In a way, it is like an easter egg hunt, finding the toilets in places where they ought not to be, so it could be the famous easter egg. Though, I'm still not sure that Gabe didn't mention the easter egg thing just to mess with our heads and keep busy until ship. The toilets, as has been...
  15. djkanuk

    Motion Blur coming in the future?

    From NVIDIA's site, ironically enough, a DX9 demo featuring motion blur: Haven't checked it out yet, tho.
  16. djkanuk

    Maximum PC refrence guide for VC

    Make an HTML table out of the same info, and I wouldn't think the mods would get too upset. And it would be easier to read. Otherwise, the mods have been pretty strict about magazine scans.
  17. djkanuk

    Half Life 2, 9800XT to be launched at Alcatraz Sept 30th

    There could be some logic here... Gabe says it's an ATI event that Valve just happened to get an invitation to. But the reality is that it's THE HL2 launch event. I mean, Sept 30! hello?!?
  18. djkanuk

    ati have begun plugging half life

    Yup. Browser-specific coding should be a war crime. Or at least make the webster get a nasty rash. And, all signs point to... GOLD!!! (but then, I'm easily excited)
  19. djkanuk

    ati have begun plugging half life

    S'pose. But they should do something fun and festive on the day of release as well.
  20. djkanuk

    ati have begun plugging half life

    The Alcatraz event is scheduled for Sept 30, right?? (at least according to, so that means that Half-Life 2 will launch there, as well as the new card and the bundle. I'd figure the game will be released right away, but the card and bundle would take a few weeks longer.