Motion Blur coming in the future?

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I recently read the valve info thread and was surprised to see that valve is planning to implement motion blur into source at some point in the future. I thought this was only possible for movies and TV. Does anyone know how its possible to program it into a computer game?

Also, how will this effect the game in general. If motion blur creates a smooth performance at 24 fps, as with a TV, than wont we all be able to increase our graphics and resolution without fear of studdering as long as we maintain 24 fps. What could this mean for Games? Will we see a major increase in graphics when performance is less than of an issue? Also, will our games look radically different when motion blur is on? Perhalps it would give games a nore cinematic, realistic motion.
I haven't looked into this subject yet, seems very interesting.
Ummm motion blur has been available in games since the voodoo 3. Games just don't use it in large quantities because it kills the playability of the game. Try out Tron 2.0 I could be wrong, but I believe that used it a lot.
Motion Blur is one of the DirectX 9 features. If anyone knows of any demos that show motion blur, please post links here.
Eww GTA3 had that on the Playstation 2... omg it was so freakin annoying... made me want to puke
Originally posted by Cardo
didnt gta3 have motion blur ?

Yep, not sure how they did it though....

Looks like they just yept about 4 previous renderings and alphablended (or something like that) them over the top of the latest one.

Had it on the PC as well, except you could disable it.
GTA3's blurring is horrible... the DX9 implementation is much better than the crap they used (the only part done well was the streak behind moving lights).
Ok people, I will try to explain this slowly. There is a DX9 feature called MOTION BLUR, which is what Valve will implement in HL2. Other games may have had some form of homegrown motion blur, but no non-DX9 games have used the DX9 motion blue feature yet. Do you understand this?
I read somewhere that motion blur is very cpu and/or gpu intensive, so it hasn't been feesable.
what deos the MB do for the image?

give me an example please.
The accurate way of doing motion blur is just to triple buffer the screen render, and superimpose every second frame over the top of the last one before putting it on screen (which is pretty heavy on ram+cpu). I think? Guess the directx9 shader does it in a much fancier way.
(second motion blur image)_see the nice frame rate with the motion blur, 17fps at 640*480 on 9700 type card.

nice effect though
would you really want the effect in game or is it just a nice goody for 'cinema' style cutscenes or rpg's that sort of thing...

cos would it make fps games feel wierd?......
max payne had motion blur also... its annoying unless its like a temporary effect for being drugged etc, or maybe bombs going off or flares etc that'll screw your vision. on that thought, raven shield has a badass flashbang effect that freezes the screen when the flash goes off then slowly fades into your moving view :)
Pro race driver has motion blur.
It's not Dx9 only.
Yea, that was my e-mail to gabe...

My jaw dropped when I read that. :)
when i frist saw this i was excited because films in the movies only roll at 25 fps but the motion blur makes the effect that its much more. im very exicted to see wut dx9 motion blur looks like and if it will help draw the line between true motion blur and fakes like so many u have mentioned.
I'm more concerned about what this implies with the game supposedly due out on the 30th. Will they have enough time to put this into the game?

Yeah they said put it into "Source" and not HL2, but still...
I assumed from the e-mail that they were going to put Motion Blur in AFTER the HL2 release, as part of a patch. They've mentioned before that they'll be constantly improving the engine.
cards have NOT supported motion blur since the voodoo3. The voodoo3/4 line had the infamous Z-buffer, which could do motion blur, depth-of-field, and other cool stuff.

3dfx: "Look, we can do motion blur!!!"

nVidia: "Look, we can improve image quality AND framerates AND game complexity with hardware T&L!!

3dfx: "Look, we have no money!"

Personally I hope no one else banks on the success of motion blur et al....
yep apparently in that demo its called "multisampling" I can see how that would be very taxing on a gfx card, making dupes of the same image up to 16x. yikes.
moto GP 2 has motion blur, and does it quite well, you can still see where ur going, but make it slightly more diffcult, (ie things get a little blury, but not too bad).

the only think i can see it being usefulf in FPS is flashbang effects, and like the mortar effect in Call of Duity.

or but it is very good in games with veichles, (VC, MGP2, etc).

so it could be used in the buggy in HL2, or any other veichles that gabe has up his selve.
Wouldn't complete image motion blur burn my graphics card or something?
All I know is that in 3dsm, when I add motion blur, it takes the picture to render for an hour instead of minutes
****! that file doesnt work on my gefore 4 :E

Anyone else got that problem? It just says it didn't recognize any direct3d something, and it crashes.
It requires a DX9 Compatible card.

But you probably already know that ;-)
you wont be disapointed, that demo really does show off the HDR effects real well.
Motion blur would be great, as long as it's used VERY subtlely as in real life. GTA3 is a good example of how not to do it, as many have said ^^

Cool uses for this would be in the buggy, looking at the bottom of the screen to see the ground rushing below you realistically. Put the sensitivity right up and spin around in circles, and watch the world blur by. Also a nice addition would be to blur the whole screen when you got hit by somethin, like than antlion guard :D
I agree, motion blur should be used selectively. I think it would look like in the dune buggy example above (motion blur the ground). It could also be used effectively for things like the crowbar swing, or melee attacks from zombies (motion blur only their arms and hands). I think anything else would be too distracting.
gta3 had a sort of motion blur thing going on
Half-Life and the Source engine will get updated and added to long after the release of HL2. They'll release patches on Steam to include things like motion blur, 256mb GFX card high-res patches, unlock new DX9 features, work out how to do DX9 features on DX8 cards etc. etc.