Search results

  1. G

    New Computer For Half-Life 2

    Thanks man. What about a 512MB ATI HD 4670? Someone suggested one of those and said it would give similar performance but be more reliable due to lower power consumption. Does that make sense? Actually I've been told I should probably get a better power supply/ fan to go with the barebones...
  2. G

    New Computer For Half-Life 2

    I've been advised to get one of these barebones things: If I stuck a Geforce 9600GT in it, would the PC be fast enough to make the card give any significant performance increase over a cheaper card? Thanks.
  3. G

    Help Me Choose Barebones PC + Graphics Card

    Hi, I'm thinking of buying a PC off this website I've seen. They have a list of barebones systems that you can choose from. I'm thinking about getting one, and asking them to put a better PSU/ fan in it for me. Someone told me that you're better off getting a branded PSU/ fan than using the...
  4. G

    New Computer For Half-Life 2

    Thanks for the advice but I'm not that tech savvy.
  5. G

    New Computer For Half-Life 2

    Hi, I'm thinking about buying a new computer so that I can use it to make a single-player episode for Half-Life 2. I know that there have been some visual enhancements made to Half-Life 2 in Episode 1 and 2, so I'm basically wondering if someone could tell me if a computer I'm thinking of...
  6. G

    OpFor 2? PLEASE?!!?!

    I'd like to see Opposing Force 2, maybe some kind of time-travel thing, with you playing Shepherd as he goes back to Black Mesa at various points in time. Maybe you could even go over to Xen when the original HEV suit clad explorers were going over there. I'd love to play some stuff relating to...
  7. G

    Post your 4 favourite wallpapers

    Crap, sorry, double post.
  8. G

    Post your 4 favourite wallpapers

    I can't remember where I got it, but:
  9. G

    Blue Shift was actually... good

    Well... it seems like I'm always being negative about stuff on here, but I really didn't think much to Blue Shift to be honest. Compare it to the most memorable Half-Life units- On a Rail, Questionable Ethics, Surface Tension spring to mind- and it just seems so small-scale and dull. The...
  10. G

    Got Steam HL & 10 mins to test something?

    Ah, I didn't know this! Thanks, I'll do that!
  11. G

    Got Steam HL & 10 mins to test something?

    Shit. I'm thinking it could be that my logo avi has too high a framerate. So I've re-done it, with a lower framerate now. Any chance anyone could try installing and activating from the following location? Thanks guys. EDIT: Actually I'm...
  12. G

    Official Hadron Collider / New Resonance Cascade thread

    If it does screw up, I hope someone says "Attempting shut down.. it's not.. it's not shutting down arrrrggghhhh!!!". That'd be funny.
  13. G

    Got Steam HL & 10 mins to test something?

    No worries, no need to apologise dude, I appreciate you testing it anytime.
  14. G

    Official Hadron Collider / New Resonance Cascade thread

    I heard a couple of the scientists talking earlier... one was saying something like "What the HELL is going on with our equipment?", and the other said something like "It's about to go critical!". Dunno if that means anything.
  15. G

    Got Steam HL & 10 mins to test something?

    Thanks. So can you see the logo in Steam Half-Life?
  16. G

    Got Steam HL & 10 mins to test something?

    Shit, sorry guys. Does this work? It's the only file there.
  17. G

    Got Steam HL & 10 mins to test something?

    I've been making an episode for Half-Life 1, and it's basically finished. The only thing is though, I added a logo to the menu screen, and I want to be sure it works on other people's computers. However, someone told me the logo won't work on Steam Half-Life. So I'm wondering if anyone would...
  18. G

    Deathmatch Gaming Site Idea

    I could do. The only problem is, I was screwing around trying to get Steam to work, and it wouldn't let me send messages to anyone last night. I also screwed around with it today and it still won't bloody work. I would join some of the existing UT/ Quake groups if I could. They'd probably be...
  19. G

    Deathmatch Gaming Site Idea

    No-one else has posted any events in the Quake groups, and even if I did that, how would anyone know if anyone else would be there for the game? Don't worry about bashing my idea, I'm all up for discussing things. By the way, I'm not saying I could make this myself. I'm just wondering...
  20. G

    Deathmatch Gaming Site Idea

    Thanks for the tip, but I don't think you can. There are groups on there, but don't think there's a system like the one I suggested. Actually I joined a Quake group on Steam, but I'm having trouble sending a message to anyone.