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  1. H

    Hammer wont compile

    I got it to compile by adding a file in the folder named the same as the vmf so it would copy over. But now when i go to run it it crashes. I checked for leaks and there wernt any and the compile time is 7 minutes 50 seconds. Some people say that theres takes over night. How come mines crashing...
  2. H

    Hammer wont compile

    I tried the check for problems tool and it says 0 errors, I wonder if it when i decompile it somethings getting messed up. Except ive tried it many times with many maps. Some work some dont. I really need to be able to edit this map tho
  3. H

    Hammer wont compile

    ok so i tried to replace plaster/plasterwall047b_c17 for plaster/plasterwall047b and it said 0 file replaced. Then why is it saying it not there if it doesn't even need it?
  4. H

    Hammer wont compile

    So i went into hammer and looked for the plasterwall047b_c17 material and of corse it wasnt there. so then i tryed plasterwall047b without the _c17 and it was there. How do i find were its mistaking plasterwall047b_c17 for plasterwall047b. You cant just use the replace tool can you?
  5. H

    Hammer wont compile

    Could you email me the PLASTER file to [email protected]? I cant find it anywere else
  6. H

    Help decompiling a map project

    Well i cant get this map to properly decompile so if some one out there who is an expert with all this stuff could help that would bve great. I can send you the map or you can just get it offline . the map name is rp_tb_city45_v02n.bsp. I need the format to be changed to rp_tb_city45_v02n.vmf. I...
  7. H

    Hammer wont compile

    Ok so im trying to edit map rp_tb_city45_v02n.bsp, so i used vmex to decompile the map. Then i can load and edit it fine in hammer, its just when it come time to compile it it doesnt work. I get like 2 seconds into it then i get this message: ** Executing... ** Command: "c:\program...