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  1. Swilly

    No-Life has been moved

    I've started a google sites page dedicated to No-Life so it isn't an intimidating wall of text for new people. Each page is dedicated to its own single page and anyone can access them and leave comments. I'll be posting all chapters there...
  2. Swilly

    Why the Half Life series may end in disappointment.

    I don't think they can dissappoint me after Halo 2...
  3. Swilly

    Thoughts on NO-LIFE

    Its capitalized like half life, or did you miss the intro text in both games? The "O" should be theta but the forums here don't have theta
  4. Swilly

    Thoughts on NO-LIFE

    Seeing as how this thread gets more traffic, I wanted to know people's thoughts on NO-LIFE. I really want to be able to stay as true to the universe as I can. I want to know where I need improvements, storyline changes, or just any suggestions on what to this point...I'm having...
  5. Swilly

    N?-LIFE (Rate and Debate)

    Chapter 4 Sleep Mr.Brayton The man came in William’s sleep like a shadow anomaly in a photograph. William’s dream swallowed by an endless black void, he had seen this void many times before, every time the same thing happened. A warning or a explanation of why something happened. This time...
  6. Swilly

    N?-LIFE (Rate and Debate)

    He had closed his eyes weakly, almost sleepily, he didn’t notice the vortigaunt behind him, a pleased look in his eyes as the front and two flank eyelids were lifted up halfway giving a the specific look. William wasn’t surprised, that specific refrain was from the wisdom of the Vortigese...
  7. Swilly

    N?-LIFE (Rate and Debate)

    David’s right hand grabbed a grenade off his waist and flicked the pin of it, the red light blinking on to signify it was counting down. His arm swung straight out, catapulting the grenade into the air. It was a graceful gymnast trying its best to stick the landing, or in the case of a grenade...
  8. Swilly

    N?-LIFE (Rate and Debate)

    Adriana nodded as she sprinted to the end of the station’s sky-bridge and made a right. William charged his suit up with two Combine batteries that were sitting on the floor. The male voice chimed, stating that he was at fifty-three percent. He jogged down the stairs, grabbing his AR2 by its...
  9. Swilly

    N?-LIFE (Rate and Debate)

    Chapter 3 The Revolution Redux Adriana walked forward, her white lab coat overlapping the knee long black khaki skirt with lime green frills hanging off the end of the circumference of her skirt. The sleeves were rolled up and stitched in place so she didn’t have to constantly push the...
  10. Swilly

    NO-LIFE Intro to Chapter 2 Now Posted

    Its in the Fan Fiction section... Actual Story Discussion Thread
  11. Swilly

    NO-LIFE Intro to Chapter 2 Now Posted

    Its been a while....sorry >> I have finally fulfilled my promise and now the introduction up to chapter 2 have been completed and are now posted for your cranial and crowbarial(MY word) pleasure :3 Since traffic there seems to be light, you won't miss the captiol letters and the question...
  12. Swilly

    N?-LIFE (Rate and Debate)

    Chapter 2 Forced Heroism(Part 2...fricken character limit D:<) “AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHH!” bellowed out of the bottom of William’s angry throat as he ran at the soldier and knocked him over, shooting the poor bastard in the back of the head. The last soldier’s head exploded with bits and...
  13. Swilly

    N?-LIFE (Rate and Debate)

    Chapter 2 Forced Heroism(Part 1...fricken character limit) William dreamed of being a hero, but it hadn’t come out right. He didn’t like it, it was forced. His hands were forced into submission by someone else holding a pistol to his head and there weren’t any cops to help him. His arms...
  14. Swilly

    N?-LIFE (Rate and Debate)

    Chapter 1 Unforeseen Results A lonely pair of boots could be heard marching along. The echoes gave away the young man’s true despair. He walked forward as the boots mocked him by mimicking his feelings of wanting to be surrounded by others. But in a sense of compliance, an average person...
  15. Swilly

    N?-LIFE (Rate and Debate)

    No Life Introduction Two weeks passed and it happened again. Chairs, cabinets and small tables were recklessly tipped over like the trees they were once carved from. The elderly man, frustrated with what he thought was long since had its final croak crawled its way back to life from mere...
  16. Swilly

    The Vortessence Explained?

    Wow XD Actually one of the main points of my story is what happpens when the vortigaunts don't have a human subject to base their repairs off of. What happens to the human being healed?
  17. Swilly


    Thank you :D Side Note:The characters are actual people
  18. Swilly


    That's what I'll probably end up doing, the only problem is I'm still trying to figure out the ending >>, the whole story is based around the idea of the gman and how he treats the individuals he controls, some aren't as harmed as others and the character in this story is used more like an...
  19. Swilly


    I have no real way to go about explaining this but around a January of this year I was given an assignment by my Writing teacher to use a picture, the title and phrase together and make a story. That story quickly became(somehow) an eleven chapter long book based of the Half Life Universe taking...