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  1. I snipe you too

    cliffy B: people like mass effect cuz is like gears...

    What an arrogant F*C*ing D*ckhead i didn't buy mass effect 'cause i like gears, i bought mass effect 'cause i like shooters and RPGs.
  2. I snipe you too

    Glenn Beck on Net Neutrality. Know what he calls it?

    Oh glenn beck i turn on to fox whenever he's on if i want to have a laugh or if i'm feeling down 'cause he always makes me laugh!:D also i think glenn beck should win an award for biggest l*ng*r ever! -snipe-
  3. I snipe you too

    What is YOUR Gordon's personality?

    My gordon thinks he knows what he's doing but ends up doing something tottaly different and gennraly screwing up!:D -snipe-
  4. I snipe you too

    I drew Alyx :3

    oh god my mom thought i was going crazy with laughter when i saw that pic!:laugh: -snipe-
  5. I snipe you too

    Who's looking forward to Mass Effect 2 ?

    I have to say i hate one little thing and that is on my friends and my copy whenever you die you get sent back to the START of the game! and what also pissed me off on the final battle i died so you can guess what happend next! (:flame: NERD RAGE :flame:)...