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  1. Draklyne

    Group Story ver.3 - Grey Citadel

    I'm taking over until I know what the **** is going on... ------------------------------------------------------- Mark woke to the sight of an old and decrepit man's face. His eyes widened slightly, but he hadn't been human for long enough to show any more signs of surprise. The austere...
  2. Draklyne

    Group Story ver.3 - Grey Citadel

    ...oops...screwed up the order...apologies all around...stigmata, chainer...I guess it's stigmata's turn... Boy do I feel stupid now!
  3. Draklyne

    Group Story ver.3 - Grey Citadel

    Simmons swallowed, voal chords used to denote warmth and friendliness sore and withered from disuse. Yahn got slowly up to his feet, masking his wariness with a facade of amiability and trust. Simmons shuffled closer, as if to help Yahn to his feet, but stopped short, awkwardly. "Yeah...I...
  4. Draklyne

    New group story

    You're getting married? Congratulations! Good luck! I remember the day of my wedding. I was driving to the church when I got into a car accident... Actually I'm just messing with you. I'm too young to get married.
  5. Draklyne

    Group Story ver.3 - Grey Citadel

    "Gunship!" Leaping up to gunner's position, Sarah efficiently displaced Ben, whose dead body tumbled to the floor with a wet thud. "Floor it!" The two cries dovetailed each other perfectly as the SUV lurched into motion, gravel spewing up behind it. "Fan out" was forgotten as those...
  6. Draklyne

    Group Story ver.3 - Grey Citadel

    Caymon breathed hard, legs burning and heart pounding. The high, whining sound of rotors impinged on his hearing and he stiffened, drawing himself up like a board against the wall, plaster falling away from the contact. The whining noises wandered off hesitantly as the flock of rotor-bladed...
  7. Draklyne

    New group story

    The purpose is to involve multiple authors in a single story. The appeal is no one knows what the next author is going to do, and no one can contradict things that have been put into the story, within limits...if someone writes something completely ridiculous and implausible I know I'd get...
  8. Draklyne

    New group story

    So...Rigg just isn't on scene? That kind of bugs me...I thought the edits would be made to put him in the scene. Oh well. I'll cope.
  9. Draklyne

    New group story

    Wow, I didn't know organization would be such an issue. I should have though... Oh well. And yes, the plan sounds good! Now what modifications are we making to the story?
  10. Draklyne

    Grey Citadel (Group Story Revised)

    "Exo-armor serial code 04391...Exo-armor serial code 04391...Logic circuits corru- Database corrup-" "Fatal malfunction in core operating system...Emotional Control Unit disabled...Artificial Intelligence Core disabled...Communications Filament subsystem...
  11. Draklyne

    New group story

    I'd like to use the old story - it was interesting. I like to think it was interesting...
  12. Draklyne

    New group story

    alright, it's all coming together. Should we limit it to us four so that it's less disorganized? That would be me, Chainer, Sprafa, and stigmata.
  13. Draklyne

    New group story

    I'm good for it, sign me up. Hopefully it'll go somewhere...
  14. Draklyne Community Mod

    What about a Xiao Xiao stick-figure style mod? I imagine the task would be relatively simple for the modelers...
  15. Draklyne

    Group Story

    I'm going to start PM'ing people to post here - I'll provide a link to this thread. Too bad I didn't say it on the first post - screwed everything up. Excellent point - we want to approach this like a single story instead of, "my take on this story is..." No offense or anything Navy Man...
  16. Draklyne

    Group Story

    There's a period of time (something like 5 minutes) where you can edit or delete your post. After that, it's all set in stone for us ordinary folk.
  17. Draklyne

    Group Story

    Chainer. Please refrain from making comments in the ****ing story thread! Argh! Have to find a friendly neighborhood moderator!
  18. Draklyne

    Group Story

    I agree - this stuff is great. I still think we should go in order however, because it keeps a little bit of...uh...order. We just need to get a rhythm going. And should I write or wait another cycle? I'm fine either way.
  19. Draklyne

    Group Story

    *tips hat to Top Secret* I guess we continue then.
  20. Draklyne

    Group Story

    Hey, thanks for showing up stigmata! Don't worry about it - I just got worried because there wasn't any communication going on. But the torch has already been passed to Top Secret...