I'm trying to make a coliseum type map (sh*ts and giggles) an need to make a ceartain area zero gravity but have normal gravity in another area. Does anyone know of a way to accomplish this? I've looked through all the posts on hl2.net, interlopers,net and most of the othe hl2mapping forum...
yeah way too smooth. the body of the real thing is noticeably edged. the muzzle break is ot a solid block you may want to use polys there to make it a little more realistic. drop some poly's into the magazine it's too plain. it's a good start, just needs work.
I'm trying to import a building i made in hammer to max so that i can do some props for it to the proper scale. but i can't figure out what i need to do.
i dl'd CannonFodders .SMD export import script for max as well as mdldecompiler. what i need to know is how to get the building out of...
Attached are two caps taken during the load. i'm not conerned about the env_cubemap yet. it's the sound thats killing me. Anyone have any ideas?
i've gone threw the hammer config tutorial all to no avail.
though you want to avoid using boolean cuts as the make your mesh extremely messy to say the least. They add huge numbers of polygons and are generally more of a hassle than building the hole in the first place.
after spending about 2 hours learning how to make deatails with brushes my hammer crashed and me with no saves. oops, anyway MAX has an autosave feature that saves every three minutes or so. does hammer have a feature like this?
whether XSI is better than max is not a discussion we want to get into again :) there arealready thousands of topics discussing the pros and concs of each. best advice would be to use both. if you find one more intuitive use that one. I've always used max because i use autocad in my job so it...
after compiling my first map and running it ingame i get no sound except whatever sounds are associated to the weapon model. and during the load it shows all sorts of errors. i grabbed a screen of the last section after load. any ideas (perhaps hammer isn't configured properly...) if you...
looks good for a first model. definately too flat. a good place to start would be checking out ichi's VTM's (assuming you used max) www.3dbuzz.com would be another good place to look at some tutorials for rounding edges without wasting polies. overall good job. keep it up.
I've tried searching for the answers to these question but failed miserably. If anyone could clue me in i'd appreciate it.
1) Maps need to be sealed (this i get) but if your using a displacement map to create a terrain how do you seal the map?
2) Should things like architechture be created...
pretty fun i must say. Sounds need a LOT of work. and a more intuitive explanation of whats happening. i spent the first 10 minutes trying to figure out what i was supposed to be doing. all in all a job well done. now to get CW:MP going :)
Taurus Raging Bull -Pistol WIP-
been a long time since i put a model up here. It's a taurus Raging bull. Tri count- 1999 though some optmizing should bring that down. i did this using a bastardized version of IchI method. any comment/crits would be appreciated
amusing. We have been lucky at CWMP for the most part. I think the real problem isn't the DEV's (though ceartainly some are guilty) It more likely than not from a minority of a mods community. Fanboys who flame other mods and claim affiliation with their favorite mod team. I'm sure everyone...