1.03 patch info!


Companion Cube
Jul 5, 2004
Reaction score

New Features

* Stats compare - view the extended stats details for any other player
in your BFHQ simply by double-clicking on their name on the leader board
or using the new search feature!
* Server Favorites and History - find your favorite servers that much
easier. No more searching for them through the main server list!
* Nickname Prefix - Add and change your clan tag to your account name at
will. No more creating alternate account names to cover the changes in
your competitive lifestyle!
* Supply Drop Icons - Supply drops now appear on the main map and within
the 3D Map. Find that elusive supply drop much, much quicker!
* destroying the commander's toys. Special Forces players rejoice!
* Server Reserved Slots - Server Operators can now set aside slots for
their admins to join a full server at any time!
* Vehicle Passengers - the names of players in a vehicle with you are
now displayed when you enter or change seats.
* Countermeasures - a reload bar has been added for vehicle
countermeasures. You'll always know now when you can set off that next


* Point Farming changes - DICE has implemented functionality that makes
it significantly harder to point farm on Ranked Servers.
* Mod Support - Mods now work properly with the Dedicated Server!
Additionally, the game will automatically switch mods when joining a
server that is running a mod you have installed but do not have activated.
* Map tweaks - Spawn menu map and Commander maps now scale based on the
size of the level being played (16, 32 or 64 players). Mini-map also
scales automatically based on the vehicle type you are using (manual
changes to zoom levels are remembered as well).
* Commander scoring - No more TKs from Artillery!
* Vehicle tweaks - No more accidental kills from bumping a friend with
your tank (try to avoid hitting him at speed though) and no more
struggling uphill in an APC. Also no more improper TK allocation from
vehicle explosions.
* Auto Team Balance tweaks - Commanders and Squad Leaders now immune to
team switch.
* Anti-Air Missiles - These are now much more effective against fast-movers.

...and much, much more!

Oh and Wake Island! It looks all pretty. :D
Sounds like a nice update, looking forward to it and if we're lucky it should be out within a few days!!
wake island looks sweet albeit rather narrow, hope its not another cleansweep...
Haha, Loke! :)
Yeah, ay least the commanders dont get negative scores because of n00bs who just wonder into an artillery strike thinking they're going to survive. :)
Ren.182 said:
Yeah, ay least the commanders dont get negative scores because of n00bs who just wonder into an artillery strike thinking they're going to survive. :)

Yeah, exactly. There is no thing more idiotic than some noob wandering into an artillery strike you just fired and get killed and of course punish you. :x
Wow. Wake actually looks really nice. I like the fact that Commanders no longer get TK's from arty...I hated that.
hmmm wake island looks like a foot soldiers worst nightmare ..not many places to hide. You'd think they would have built something on that island in 60 odd years
CptStern said:
hmmm wake island looks like a foot soldiers worst nightmare ..not many places to hide. You'd think they would have built something on that island in 60 odd years

You're right, I can already imagine how it's gonna go down:

Douchebag [Artillery] Gunner
Flyboy [JSF-35] Gunner
Heliwhore [AH-1Z] Gunner
Douchebag [Artillery] Gunner
Gunner has disconnected from the server.

Looks good though.
pfft if you cant beat them join em
get in a jet/chopper/tank for once
Am I the only one who thinks that after 1.03 comes out nobody's going to want to play as commander? As soon as spec ops get points for blowing up the commander's assets, every n00b on the server's going to be racing each other to blow them all up at the start of every round.
surely the commander should fix his own damn assets as engineer
like i always do as commander - and it means that there is now an incentive to protect your home base as any class
That's true..but I'm still glad that I ended up getting my Staff Officer Ribbon before the patch was released. :P
john3571000 said:
pfft if you cant beat them join em
get in a jet/chopper/tank for once

I do but you'd be surprised how little effect an unskilled pilot and his 5 passengers have on the outcome of the game when he's too busy trying to stay out of the way of the fighter plane whores who never seem to set foot on terra firma
Cool..would like to see an entire change list :P Bring on the patch.
cant wait for this one to come out...is it just me or am i too exited?
Yay! no more arty punish for me. We need a graph to compare between US/UK idiots and Aussie idiots, becuase Practicly every time I arty an area full of enemy troops after warning my entire team some moron/s manages to die.

* Vehicle tweaks - No more accidental kills from bumping a friend with
your tank

I remember the days of BF1942 where I would push the entire team over these bridges in a tank. It was much faster than them all walking across.
I am still not really happy with Wake Island as the bonus map. I played it a lot during the demo-days of BF1942, but that game was a lot more vehicle focused than BF2. Since BF evolved into a much more infantry-oriented game I'd loved to see a new urban map, esp. coz that kind of map seems to be played the most (by me at least).
The arty fix will be quite good in-game I guess, but it's a bit like forcing friendly fire off - unrealistic.
Someone i know (He is usually right) said that the patch will be out tomorrow and weigh a hefty 180MB.
Big patch!

We'll see tomorrow if he is right :P
Yay another huge freaking patch...I still want to see all the fixes.
Ren.182 said:
Someone i know (He is usually right) said that the patch will be out tomorrow and weigh a hefty 180MB.
Big patch!

We'll see tomorrow if he is right :P

In the leak it said 23rd October. I hope your friend is right :imu:
Shakermaker said:
I am still not really happy with Wake Island as the bonus map. I played it a lot during the demo-days of BF1942, but that game was a lot more vehicle focused than BF2. Since BF evolved into a much more infantry-oriented game I'd loved to see a new urban map, esp. coz that kind of map seems to be played the most (by me at least).

I think it'd be funny if they left an old-school Stuka just sitting on the runways for shits :P

I don't mind that it's Wake. The map was a lot of fun in BF1942. There was a decent amount of ground warfare going on. More people are gonna have to be AT's though. That's for sure.
Unfocused said:
The arty fix will be quite good in-game I guess, but it's a bit like forcing friendly fire off - unrealistic.

I think you'll probably still die- the commander just wont get a tk. I dont understand this one tbh, the commander in games i play always gets a really high acore (often pips me for a medal actually :)) and all this will do is increase that score. Anyone else see big commander scores already?
I usually see the commander about 3rd. But it depends on the skill of the rest of the team.
It'll help them reach those medals though.
But it is really annoying to get punished because some fool decided to walk into an artillery strike.
J_Tweedy said:
I think you'll probably still die- the commander just wont get a tk.

Oh, i didn't think about it. :) Now that would be fine. :thumbs:
on a side note- a huge tip for commanders if you hve good players or a good squad on you team, just follow them around on your commander map and spot/supply/artillery for them and rack up the supporting points as they own- i find when i do well in a round and im getting lots of support from my commander, the commander gets a very high score too.
I have no idea how the points are worked out but looking after one group and doing a good job of it will fare you very well.
J_Tweedy said:
on a side note- a huge tip for commanders if you hve good players or a good squad on you team, just follow them around on your commander map and spot/supply/artillery for them and rack up the supporting points as they own- i find when i do well in a round and im getting lots of support from my commander, the commander gets a very high score too.
I have no idea how the points are worked out but looking after one group and doing a good job of it will fare you very well.

I heard somewhere the commander's score is just the team's average score or something. It's something like that. I'll check totalbf2 forums to see.

But yeah, following around a good squad (in the commander screen that is) and spotting guys for them and giving them anything they need is always a good strategy when you're commander.
omg, I just installed it, its awsome, BF2 is super flying at loading time

BF21.01: 20seconds to load 30 seconds to verify
BF21.03: 3seconds to load 5 seconds to verify

FOOK off. its A joke ;)
Would have had me if it wasn't for the giant gap and the 3 second to load :E
Out tonight?
There are currently rumours circulating that the v1.03 update for Battlefield 2 will be released today - Monday, 3rd October. Apparently an email sent to Trusted Partners (those providing ranked game servers) was leaked, and it contained mention of an October 3rd release date for the patch. If correct, we could be seeing the update by around 9pm GMT tonight.

The arty fix isn't really THAT good. Because now, when your holding a flag point the commander can just drop arty all over your team for protection. I think arty should kill teammates but not count as TK's and no points will be deducted or added anywhere.

Kamakazi should also REMOVE points instead of giving them, this way people will be less likely to kamakazi each other.
xcellerate said:
The arty fix isn't really THAT good. Because now, when your holding a flag point the commander can just drop arty all over your team for protection. I think arty should kill teammates but not count as TK's and no points will be deducted or added anywhere.

Kamakazi should also REMOVE points instead of giving them, this way people will be less likely to kamakazi each other.

No, arty still kills your team mates. It just doesn't dedict points from the commmander.
BF2.se have reviewed v 1.03 Beta:
BF2.se has together with BF2combat & BF2rankedserver been able to beta-test the new Battlefield 2 patch, version 1.03.
What can we expect of the patch then? Is it worth the long time we waited for it and how do you type in your prefix?
This and many other things is what I am going to try to give you answers to in my article that I wrote after playing Battlefield 2, v. 1.03.

Wake 2007
As soon as I jumped into the map the nostalgia smacked me right in the face. I can feel the warm feeling of all wars I played on it in 1942. This is the map that changed my way of thinking about 1942 and was one of my favourite map both in clan wars and that short public game between lessons in school, this is the map that made me the player I am today.
Wake have been resting for 64 years to once again be brought to life, this time with the power of today’s new weapons. But Wake 2007 is the same as it was 1942 with the small difference that instead of the destroyer we got a small island as a spawn point for USA mounted with artillery. The ship is resting where it should with a lot of planes and helicopters just waiting to attack to shores of Wake.

New in 1.03
1.03 contains a lot of new fixes and adjustments. We are given new sounds ( T98, MEC & China Jeep and new canon sound for the tanks. ), point-farming have been eliminated ( you can’t stand and heal your friend forever etc.. ) and you can’t repair an helicopter as fast as you could before.
The physics have been changed on the vehicles to make it harder to kill soldiers by running them over in 1km/h. Other bugs have been fixed as the Blackhawk-bug, no more weak spots there. Or as DICE calls it: “Set some wheels on jets and helicopters to stronger armour to prevent them from being destroyed instantly by AT missiles.”
The patch is big, 175 mb, and it contains a lot of fixes. You now must jump out of the APC to help you comrades to take a flag, this has been the centre of a lot of discussion on the BF2-forums around if it is a good thing or not.
The fix I love the most is that the TV-guided missiles finally response to my clicks and has a 2-click function. The first clicks mark the victim and the second click fires the missile. If you want to change the target just click on another space and the cross moves there. Your fire with a double-click and after it been deployed you can navigate it easy by clicking and you get the feeling of being in control of the missile.
The earlier messy BFHQ also had a remake and the compare-stats-function seem to be a fun addition.
You gain ranks much easier now then before so quite a lot of people are going to go up in rank the first time they play 1.03.
There is also an Account Login Welcome Screen that will contain messages from EA from time to time.
Auto-team balance have also gotten a big remake and seemed to work fine to me. But this will always be a function that always can be tweaked a little more.
The commander will now get it a little easier when TK-punish for artillery are removed and the soldiers can now see where the commander drops his crates on our mini-map.

Prefix, the long waited prefix is finally here! And it works very easy. Every time you login to BF2 you have the chance to add a new prefix to your nick and it won’t affect your stats in anyway. Your prefix will not be stored and you can change it every time you login.

Modsupport have finally been added to the menu. BF2 will automatically activate the mod witch server you join and you can now filter after different mods in the in game-browser. Modders are probably be glad about that you now can share BF2 libraries easier also.

Admins can now reserve slots on it’s server with an easy command. You then add the serveradmins in the serverconfig by typing their accountnames. There have also been some small fixes as Linux serves crashing when trying to contact stat servers.

BF2 v.1.03 has been long waited for, and I think you will love it, because soon it is here and you can notice all the changes yourself! There have been a lot of small fixes to improve the game play beside the ones I have mentioned.
To finish of this I want to thank EA and their trusted-partner-program that made it possible to try the new patch and of course Planet combat & BF2rankedservers!

// Gustav Halling ”a.k.a” cmd

sounds good, looking forward to playing with these annoyances finally eradicated...
I bet the patch will be out at the end of this week. Everything's sounding good to me so far.