1 Hour!


Sep 23, 2003
Reaction score
Only one hour to go!

Who's with me on stacking up on the snacks!! :laugh:
2 fruit pies, half gallon of chocolate milk and 3 packs of gum
I don't have any snacks ;(;(;(
I've got school in 8 hours, but meh :p
Yes! I'm gonna eat a nice phat bowl of kellogs crunchy nut clusters while its unlocking!

(it's a breakfast cerial all you non ukers) :D
got a question to ask though, do i have to restart steam to authorise or does it just start automatically?
I'm ready. If you noticed, Steam's site is down (OMG BANDWIDTH CONSERVATION :D ).
47 mins!!!
for some reason this is getting me really exited...

waitttt....the forum clock is 10 minutes fast....DAMN IT!!
cups of coffee and the dead skin on my broken hand will be my snacks. lol
I only have Sprites here, Bawls would be awesome.

I need nothing but my skillz!!!@!2!21

I don't know, I'm probably going to grab some cookies or something
For all of us that don't know, can you tell us what "Bawls" is please? ;)

Can't wait, what is it, now like 37 mins.. w00tles
Kamikazie said:

I swear, for a micro second, I thought you were telling me you were a woman in need of a sex change.
ZeroG said:
Yes! I'm gonna eat a nice phat bowl of kellogs crunchy nut clusters while its unlocking!

(it's a breakfast cerial all you non ukers) :D

Hmm we have crunchy nut cornflakes but I've never heard of crunchy nut clusters. Interesting.

I think you guys are about an hour ahead of yourselves aren't you?
box of cookies large amounts of bottled water and some crackers.... im soo pumped!
iamaelephant said:
Hmm we have crunchy nut cornflakes but I've never heard of crunchy nut clusters. Interesting.

I think you guys are about an hour ahead of yourselves aren't you?

Its basically the clusters u get in crunchy nut but with added cruncyness and nuts but no flakes!

Most moreish thing you could eat. Ever.
i think the source code for DOD will be stolen at the last second and it will be delayed a year.
i want some skittles... i should run to the store across the street to get some....but what if i get hit by a car on the way.....not worth the risk AHHHH
poseyjmac said:
i think the source code for DOD will be stolen at the last second and it will be delayed a year.

Oh don't. No, really. Don't.
there is a store right down the street, im really hungry...good thing there is some french bread pizza cooking!!
send me some....

:bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce:
roofles!!1 said:
i want some skittles... i should run to the store across the street to get some....but what if i get hit by a car on the way.....not worth the risk AHHHH

Jaywalking FTW! I love walking with Jay!

Cop - "Sir, were you jaywalking?"
Me - "Hells no, officer... I was walking with Jay, my friend!"
Breakthrough said:
Jaywalking FTW! I love walking with Jay!

Cop - "Sir, were you jaywalking?"
Me - "Hells no, officer... I was walking with Jay, my friend!"

Cop - "You're under arrest for lying.
Me - "Bitch, DoD:S comes out in 30 minutes get your ****ing hands off me!!"

*gets beat down LAPD style*
Yes i know, but it won't stop it coming out this far in...will it....

I can see it now.

Everyone : "oo oo 10:58........10:59......"
Suicide42 : "BIG SCOOP! DOD:S Delayed 1 year"
Everyone : "mass suicide"
so we all say mass suicide or do we all do it...cause i have a problem committing myself to do stuff...heh heh...