1 in 100 americans behind bars

meh cheney will get his ..or more precisely americans will get what cheney deseves ..hopefully it wont come in the form of airplanes falling from the sky

and get used to the weather, golbal warming means wilder fluctuating temperature ..one day you're wearing snowshoes and the next you're waiting for the chopper to rescue from flood waters (only if you're white though, which i assume you are because you're american and own a computer)
LOL. Can I hijack a thread or what? we went from prisons, to police brutality, to global warming, to Bush/Cheney in about 15 minutes.
all we need is immigrants and imperialism in the middle east and we have a full political platter
meh cheney will get his ..or more precisely americans will get what cheney deseves ..hopefully it wont come in the form of airplanes falling from the sky

and get used to the weather, golbal warming means wilder fluctuating temperature ..one day you're wearing snowshoes and the next you're waiting for the chopper to rescue from flood waters (only if you're white though, which i assume you are because you're american and own a computer)

I love how global warming disciples can have their cake and eat it too.

Too hot? Global warming!
Too cold? Global warming!
Too dry? Global warming!
Too wet? Global warming!
No snow? Global warming!
Too much snow? Global warming!

all we need is immigrants and imperialism in the middle east and we have a full political platter

I think we should recruit illegal immigrants, provided they speak English, to help us invade Iran. There, that should just about do it.
I know you're kidding ut that really is what global warming is ..if there's an increase in precipitation it's because systems are out of whack ...and I'm by no means a disciple ..I'm just smart enough (not stupid enough) to thinlk what we do as humans doesnt affect our ecosystem in some way or other

btw why are convervatives almost always of the cookie cutter variety ,,I mean I could make a bullet point list and it almost always mirrors a convervatives POV ..I mean there's the standards: gun control, immigration, war mongering with a few electives thrown like abortion (pro-con), same sex rights and church and state ..but besides those conservatives are almost always identical in their way of thinking ..is there some Barbizon school of Conservative Thinkspeak that's I'm unaware of? do they give out scholarships at NRA meetings or monster truck shows?

btw the above is with tongue firmly planted in cheek

Hapless said:
I think we should recruit illegal immigrants, provided they speak English, to help us invade Iran. There, that should just about do it.

come on this is what you really wanted to say, dont go all PC on us

Hapless said:
I think we should recruit illegal immigrants, provided they speak English, to help us detect landmines in Iraq. There, that should just about do it.
I know you're kidding ut that really is what global warming is ..if there's an increase in precipitation it's because systems are out of whack ...and I'm by no means a disciple ..I'm just smart enough (not stupid enough) to thinlk what we do as humans doesnt affect our ecosystem in some way or other

btw why are convervatives almost always of the cookie cutter variety ,,I mean I could make a bullet point list and it almost always mirrors a convervatives POV ..I mean there's the standards: gun control, immigration, war mongering with a few electives thrown like abortion (pro-con), same sex rights and church and state ..but besides those conservatives are almost always identical in their way of thinking ..is there some Barbizon school of Conservative Thinkspeak that's I'm unaware of? do they give out scholarships at NRA meetings or monster truck shows?

btw the above is with tongue firmly planted in cheek

come on this is what you really wanted to say, dont go all PC on us

Let me check the Conservative Handbook for the proper way to respond to this.....hang on a minute..........ah, here it is:

You are a liberal, Communist, pinko.:p

Edit: Oh, and God hates you, as well. Same with Jesus. Matter of fact, it says here you are first on the list when He returns.
meh jesus was a rebel ..and a commie so your handbook has it all wrong ..but god does hate me, I keep proving his flock is retarded
in canadia we dont go for religious shennanigans ..get OUT!!!

nah nah nahnahnah /does skip dance, dives to floor as gunshots heard from over the border

"that'll learns ya!!! <sound of banjos>
Why would he hate you?

God only said all that stuff for shits and giggles, he proper rofls at everyone who believes it.

I think God is a pretty cool guy, eh turns people's wives into pillars of salt for the lulz and doesn't afraid of anything.
in canadia we dont go for religious shennanigans ..get OUT!!!

nah nah nahnahnah /does skip dance, dives to floor as gunshots heard from over the border

"that'll learns ya!!! <sound of banjos>

Right....no-one is to stone anyone until I blow this whistle. Even, and I want to make this absolutely clear, if they do say Jehova.
I think God is a pretty cool guy. eh floods the world, murdering innocent childeren and animals and doesn't afraid of anything.
I truely do believe that the writers of the bible mistransaled "tested" ..it should have read "Teased" ..just how God teased moses in the desert

"Pull my celestial finger"

"oh lord how should I pulleth it, I am not worthy in your eyes, for the heavens have spoken .."

"oh ffs just pull my goddam finger!!! do you want an angry god or a happy god?"

"yes oh lord, you in your infinite wisdom and kindness..."

"oh do shut up with your groveling <incinerates human> ..I'm sooooo freakin bored ..perhaps I'll make a unicorn again and when some human sees it I'll just turn him back into a horse"
well, I've had enough of this wretched hive of scum and villainy. I'm off to get ready for work.
Whites commit a similar amount of crimes. The difference is that there is prejudice in the system against blacks and other minorities. Blacks will get pulled over a lot more by the police than whites. Once they are pulled over white people are far less likely to get searched than black people. Poor blacks don't have the same access to lawyers as middle class whites. And once the legal system comes in to play blacks end up facing much stiffer penalties than whites for the same crimes. A 17 year old black kid spending 2 years in prison for getting head from a white girl comes to mind.

These things happen all the time, its nice of you not to notice and just blame black people for the problem. But now that I pointed this out I doubt you care. :rolleyes:

If you're going to claim that whites commit a similar amount of crimes, which is quite simply ridiculous, you really should have some evidence for that, instead of conjecture driven by preconceived notions.
Oh boy. Still waiting for the big indictments for Rove and Cheney to be handed down?:bounce::bounce::bounce:

I proved you wrong on this statement once, why are you repeating it? I never said cheney would be indicted. You can look for me saying that but you are just wasting your time. So as Colbert would say, apology accepted. ;) In regards to rove I don't remember what I posted about that but I might have believed an article that speculated he would be indicted. Sue me. The fact is he should have been but he decided to name his source so he wouldn't have to serve time. And if you remember Libby did get indicted and he got convicted on lying to protect Cheney. Then the guy you support actually pardoned him.
If you're going to claim that whites commit a similar amount of crimes, which is quite simply ridiculous, you really should have some evidence for that, instead of conjecture driven by preconceived notions.
If you don't dispute anything else I said then you should understand why I can not provide you with these statistics you are looking for. If cops stop more black people than white people and if judges are biased against blacks then its pretty obvious blacks will have a higher crime rate in the statistics. It doesn't dispove anything I am saying.
If you don't dispute anything else I said then you should understand why I can not provide you with these statistics you are looking for. If cops stop more black people than white people and if judges are biased against blacks then its pretty obvious blacks will have a higher crime rate in the statistics. It doesn't dispove anything I am saying.

It's entirely possible for blacks both to commit more crimes and to get more severely punished for the crimes they do commit.
In any case, judges being "biased against blacks" is most likely to be down not to the colour of their skin but to the fact that most of the blacks that end up in court can't speak proper English. If you come across as an uneducated idiot, you get worse treatment from any professional person in any professional situation - that's not exactly brain surgery.

Considering the following:

#1 that this trend is markedly similar all across the Western world, not just limited to America
#2 crime is far more prevalent amongst low-income, low-status, undereducated sections of society, which describes many more blacks than whites
#3 urban black culture rewards criminal activity, truancy and other sociological dysfunction, and severely punishes success as the rest of society understands it
#4 despite what you're saying, I'm pretty sure you wouldn't be comfortable leaving your car in a black area of town or sending your kids to a school where 90% of the pupils are black

It's absolutely absurd to claim that blacks do not commit more crime than whites.
i wish we slimmed down on the laws that deal out actual jail time to affect only those that are actually a danger to the community.

I don't care if johnny potsmoker grows his own supply, provided he's not robbing me of my health, property, or quality of life, let him keep on doing it.
In any case, judges being "biased against blacks" is most likely to be down not to the colour of their skin but to the fact that most of the blacks that end up in court can't speak proper English. If you come across as an uneducated idiot, you get worse treatment from any professional person in any professional situation - that's not exactly brain surgery.
How many court rooms have you been to where a black guy was on trial? I've had my share of court dates for stupid shit. When black people went up I never saw what you described. So clearly your experiance must have been different unless you have no experiance and are just talking out of your ass.
It's absolutely absurd to claim that blacks do not commit more crime than whites.

No, it's absolutely absurd, or maybe racist is a better word, to claim that black people are so ****ing stupid that they don't know how to look and act in front of a judge. Blacks behave exactly the same as whites in court rooms. Are there exceptions, sure. But I've seen whites act like 8 year olds in front of the judge, it doesn't happen any more often for a perticular race and has nothing to do with your skin color. Yet blacks get treated much worse by this system. The example I pointed to of the 17 year old getting locked up for over 2 years for getting head from a white girl behaved perfectly in the court room yet he was treated unfarily not only by the judge but also by the DA who refused to release him after a judge ordered an order to have him released. Please do explain how race didn't play in to that.

And you aren't addressing my point about cops stoping and searching far more black people than they do white people.
Putting people in prison makes them more likely to commit crimes when they get out than they were in the first place.
Source on this? And how is this concluded?

Sounds like a clever, misleading way to say that a large number of people who have been in prison are natural criminals. Putting them in prison doesn't "make" them want to commit crime, they are just naturally criminals who keep commiting crimes.
If the States had an ASBO system, or harsher punishment for minor offences that figure would shoot from 1 in 100 to 1 in 7 :p

Much like the UK
If the States had an ASBO system, or harsher punishment for minor offences that figure would shoot from 1 in 100 to 1 in 7 :p

Much like the UK

The UK has a lower percentage of people behind bars than the USA though...
It's not black people who commit more crimes per se. It's poor people, most of whom, happen to be black.
makes sense seeing as the government really doesnt want to improve their conditions
Whites commit a similar amount of crimes. The difference is that there is prejudice in the system against blacks and other minorities. Blacks will get pulled over a lot more by the police than whites. Once they are pulled over white people are far less likely to get searched than black people. Poor blacks don't have the same access to lawyers as middle class whites.

Yeah? That means they're still committing some kind of crime, right? My point is still valid (and yet strangely has nothing to do with white crime statistics. How do you know whites commit the same amount of crimes if they're not the ones being arrested?)- poorer communities, despite ethnicity, seem to generate a larger number of felonies. It just so happens that the percentage of poorer black and latino communities are greater than white ones.

Step into the shoes of an Orkin man. The guy who kills bugs. You're tasked with ridding a city of cockroaches, but you're only given a small budget and a limited amount of time to do it. Where are you going to look to do the most damage? The pristine suburbs or the dank, moldy, and deteriorating apartments in the ghetto?

Biases are a good thing if there are reasons behind them.
The police really have very little buisiness in the ghetos, all the money they spend fighting drug dealers should be spent on stopping poverty and the crime would stop.
to be fair your draconian laws on drugs is probably responsible for a big chunk of that number ..whih in other countries wouldnt have been a prison sentence

Well, if you decriminalize Marijane, the problem becomes less of well, a problem.

I'm not for Cocaine or Heroin or Extasy -- my supporting reasons are: a. they're too destructive, b. they're not good for you, c. and they're certainly not going to help our society to be more productive or more progressive in its intellectualism.
In terms of that, Marijane is the samething but it's actually better for you that smoking cigarettes. Simultaneously, alcohol could also be viewed as having the same sort of potential for destructiveness as say, any other drug. However, since our culture is familiar in dealing with that I'm not going to worry as much because this isn't something that was approved just yesterday.

Who doesn't enjoy a Martini? I did -- and ran around the house naked because it was my bodies first experience with alcohol, and I felt really really hot.