1 in 4 American Teens have STD


Mar 29, 2006
Reaction score
Article at NPR

To clarify, "Teenager" is defined as 14 to 19 years old, and they only test positive for one STD, with or without any obvious symptoms. The most common found is HPV, or genital warts.

And... wow. Especially since I qualify as the tail end of that age demographic. I could probably write a whole dissertation on how today's high school kids got to be like this. Put shortly, though, it's the sexualized mass media IN COMBINATION with a social taboo on sex. That is to say, everything teenagers watch implies sex, but no one around them really wants to talk about it.

That and Catholicism.

LOL at the disease prevention myths. I mean... douching with Coca Cola? WTF?
I think STD is a pretty cool guy. eh is in 1 in 4 American teens and doesn't afraid of anything.

To be honest, I thought it'd be higher. Though I guess virgin nerds like me make up more teens than I thought.
wtfpwned, America :P


yes, I'm a Virgin :( I'll go cry now
You're not supposed to rub your genitals on public fixtures.

It's my eye jerk! but i laughed, so i forgive you.

I haven't had a breakout in years though, ithink my superior healing abilities got rid of it.
Meh...as my friend said if I give some girl herpes she better take it like the lottery haha.

Oh can has buttsecks now?
Talk about scary....

This goes to show that the secular progressives policies regarding sex and sexual education as well as the continual downfall of traditional conservative family values has ended up with a mess like this.

I'm sure the left will try to blame this on conservatism.
@Andrew LB

I blame this on conservatism.


Because there ain't no such thing as "secular progressives policies regarding sex and sexual education" in USA.

There is mostly "religious regressive abstinence only sex ed".

And there are studies that PROVE abstinence only HURTS. Google it.
Talk about scary....

This goes to show that the secular progressives policies regarding sex and sexual education as well as the continual downfall of traditional conservative family values has ended up with a mess like this.

I'm sure the left will try to blame this on conservatism.

Yeah man, it's also complete coincidence that the more progressive sexual ed a county has the less teenage birthrates it has, and the more conservative policies it has the more teen preggo's
I blame it on shitty education. Hows that?

Please elaborate?

... well, it was the democratic party that created the Department of Education in this nation and since it's creation.... our schools have progressively gotten worse and worse.

Yeah man, it's also complete coincidence that the more progressive sexual ed a county has the less teenage birthrates it has, and the more conservative policies it has the more teen preggo's

Please take a look at the United States instead of your European buddies. You cannot compare the two because of how incredibly different this country is. Our massive population of uneducated immigrants, urban city schools, and how the vast majority of these groups are what's causing these horrible statistics in the US.

40-50 years ago when education was non-government ran and the American family and their great values still had widespread influence in people of all walks of life, the STD rates were FAR FAR lower.

Oh... and FYI. I went to high school in the mid 90's and graduated from college in 2005 and the sex-ed programs at both high school and at the university level were by far as "secular progressive" as anything you guys have over in Europe.

@Andrew LB

I blame this on conservatism.


Because there ain't no such thing as "secular progressives policies regarding sex and sexual education" in USA.

I don't know where you're from, but in high school AND in college, I took sex-ed classes which were INCREDIBLY "secular progressive". They spent one day on 'absenence" and the rest of the entire semester on safe sex, condoms, birth control, sexual practice, morning after pill, sex toys, and more.

Perhaps you're not from California, but thats what we went over in class at California State University Long Beach.
It's the whole behavior from parents(instilled into them by the catholic church) that condoms are bad, in which kids end up in these situations.

Not only are they rebelling and having sex because their parents tell them it's bad and not to do it, but they're also being careless and getting pregnant or contracting STDs because of the attitude about birth control pills and condoms.
I think the main problem is that kids these days at an extremely alarming pace are just stupid and don't take the proper precautions to prevent STD's. And don't even go blaming this on religion or lack of education. Parents gave me a speech when i was young, dumb, and full of....

Everyone at a young age no matter which western country you're from knows what condoms and safe sex practices are. Trouble is, kids just don't think with the big head and tend to have absolutely no respect for their parents and what they were told by them.
I think the main problem is that kids these days at an extremely alarming pace are just stupid and don't take the proper precautions to prevent STD's. And don't even go blaming this on religion or lack of education. Parents gave me a speech when i was young, dumb, and full of....

Everyone at a young age no matter which western country you're from knows what condoms and safe sex practices are. Trouble is, kids just don't think with the big head and tend to have absolutely no respect for their parents and what they were told by them.

Kids are stupid. That is an acceptable reason and I believe that. But it's one of many reasons. You'd be hard pressed to find a person, especially a teen who doesn't know what a condom is. However, you have "family" organizations that stress only one thing. They stress abstinence, as in not having sex at all. They don't spend any money or time on stressing safe sex. The only way is no sex. You also have groups like the catholic church which speaks out against the use of condoms. Condoms can prevent unwanted childbirth, as well as shielding from STDs.

You cannot deny that the catholic church has a huge impact on the irresponsibilities surrounding condom use in this world where there are large populations of catholic families. A simple use of a condom can prevent these cases of STDs, with a huge ratio in favor of success vs failure.
The fact that Willie is in fact a full 25% of America's teenagers may go some way towards explaining a few things.
It's alcohol, you can just watch as it turns your most innocent friends turn into complete whores.
Kids are stupid. That is an acceptable reason and I believe that. But it's one of many reasons. You'd be hard pressed to find a person, especially a teen who doesn't know what a condom is. However, you have "family" organizations that stress only one thing. They stress abstinence, as in not having sex at all. They don't spend any money or time on stressing safe sex. The only way is no sex. You also have groups like the catholic church which speaks out against the use of condoms. Condoms can prevent unwanted childbirth, as well as shielding from STDs.

You cannot deny that the catholic church has a huge impact on the irresponsibilities surrounding condom use in this world where there are large populations of catholic families. A simple use of a condom can prevent these cases of STDs, with a huge ratio in favor of success vs failure.

I think if teenage kids are willing to have sex, the last thing they are concerned about is the "Immorality" of using a condom. Condoms are often ineffiecent. (but it's still smart to use them of course)

I think it comes down to the inevitable and undeniable fact that people are just horny sluts that have sex with multiple people throughout their lives without fully thinking about their actions or taking the proper steps into assuring their health.

Fact is, before any couple starts having sex, they should get tested. I recall my first serious relationship we went and got tested beforehand, it's only logical. Using simple logic would prevent a lot of this.
I think Raziaar's point is not that any horny teens necessarily think "oho, I could use a condom but it'd be sinful" - rather that, in part because abstinence-only education (which is rising in the US) tends only to produce a teenage population who don't properly know about the dangers involved and how to reasonably avoid them.

I'm pretty sure that the Catholic church in Africa claims that condoms don't stop the spread of HIV and don't stop pregnancy. That's an extreme example but an example nonetheless of the problems caused by an approach based on abstinence - that is, on the mad notion that people will actually abstain.

Far better you tell everyone everything they need to know than if you tell them nothing and then hope blindly that they will be good little kids. Simple logic. :p

zombieturtle said:
Condoms are often ineffiecent.

Generally when condoms fail it's because they weren't used properly or consistently.
I think Raziaar's point is not that any horny teens necessarily think "oho, I could use a condom but it'd be sinful" - rather that, in part because abstinence-only education (which is rising in the US) tends only to produce a teenage population who don't properly know about the dangers involved and how to reasonably avoid them.

That's exactly what I meant. Thanks Sulky.
You'd be surprised how many teenagers wont actually have sex and spread their aids unless affected by alcohol.
I think Raziaar's point is not that any horny teens necessarily think "oho, I could use a condom but it'd be sinful" - rather that, in part because abstinence-only education (which is rising in the US) tends only to produce a teenage population who don't properly know about the dangers involved and how to reasonably avoid them.

I'm pretty sure that the Catholic church in Africa claims that condoms don't stop the spread of HIV and don't stop pregnancy. That's an extreme example but an example nonetheless of the problems caused by an approach based on abstinence - that is, on the mad notion that people will actually abstain.

Far better you tell everyone everything they need to know than if you tell them nothing and then hope blindly that they will be good little kids. Simple logic. :p


Generally when condoms fail it's because they weren't used properly or consistently.

I think more people use condoms than the media would have you believe. Yes, condoms are 97% effective, but if you take what you learned in high school about microbiology, it makes perfect sense why there are 1/4 females with an STD.
The condom only covers part of that area, granted it's a core area, but it still one area. It's extremely difficult, if not uncomfortable, to try to have protected sex without the surrounding skin (groin/lower abdominal area) comming into contact with the other's surrounding skin. We know that there is a high chance of these surrounding areas being capable of viral/bacterial spread if the individual is infected. Not to mention vaginal juices getting on the surrounding area as well.
We also know that a virus is significantly smaller than a cell, therefore there is a more likely chance for it to pass through, especially for how thin condoms are.
Sure, using a condom is better than nothing, but obviously it's not the protect all solution against STD's that some believe, otherwise we wouldn't have 1/4 teens with an STD.
Not to sound like a parent, but things like MTV give the notion that using a condom immediately guarantees good health and 100% supression of disease.
When in reality, people need to start getting tested more frequently instead of just purely relying on condoms to protect them.
We also know that a virus is significantly smaller than a cell, therefore there is a more likely chance for it to pass through, especially for how thin condoms are.
Size of a virus >> gap between molecules. Therefore argument phails.

Sure, using a condom is better than nothing, but obviously it's not the protect all solution against STD's that some believe, otherwise we wouldn't have 1/4 teens with an STD.
The STD problem exists because not enough people are aware that -
1. Condoms are 98% effective against pregnancy and STDs.
2. STDs are very, VERY common and sometimes dangerous.

Not to sound like a parent, but things like MTV give the notion that using a condom immediately guarantees good health and 100% supression of disease.
No, but it's certainly one crucial facet of good sexual health.
I think more people use condoms than the media would have you believe. Yes, condoms are 97% effective, but if you take what you learned in high school about microbiology, it makes perfect sense why there are 1/4 females with an STD.

The condom only covers part of that area, granted it's a core area, but it still one area. It's extremely difficult, if not uncomfortable, to try to have protected sex without the surrounding skin (groin/lower abdominal area) comming into contact with the other's surrounding skin. We know that there is a high chance of these surrounding areas being capable of viral/bacterial spread if the individual is infected. Not to mention vaginal juices getting on the surrounding area as well.[/quote]

Jesus christ, what have you been taught?
The chance of getting an STI due to the conditions you just gave are incredibly low. I'm going to gloss over the fact that STI's can only be passed on by mixing bodily fluids, so rubbing skin together is not going to cause much of a problem.

We also know that a virus is significantly smaller than a cell, therefore there is a more likely chance for it to pass through, especially for how thin condoms are.
Sure, using a condom is better than nothing, but obviously it's not the protect all solution against STD's that some believe, otherwise we wouldn't have 1/4 teens with an STD.

OH COME ON, engage brain. By that logic a condom would offer NO protection against any virus, inlcuding HIV. Obviously that isn't the case because as previously stated, the distance between molecules is far smaller than the Virus.
Hell, we can ever think about this in a logic-amths kindof way. The above statement makes no sense. If condoms are over 95% effective, why are they the reason 25% of the population has an STI? 5% would be more reasonable.

Not to sound like a parent, but things like MTV give the notion that using a condom immediately guarantees good health and 100% supression of disease.
When in reality, people need to start getting tested more frequently instead of just purely relying on condoms to protect them.

Who taught you? Tell them they're a disgrace.
A condom almost certain garuantees protection. They're, what, 98% effective? Probably more so if they are used properly.

The reason STI's are 1 in 4 is down to cultural problems, not protection that doesn't work. More kids need to know the risks surrounding sex and how to combat it.
ME IS 75%

Wow, virgins are cooler for the first time ever
^^^ I tend to come from the philosophy that people should take responsibility for their own actions instead of blaming the results of their own stupidity on everyone else they can find.

Umm... when did I ever say anything which resembles me towing the party line in regards to the idiotic Catholic church?

I have always been an advocate of teaching children at an appropriate age the dangers of sex as well as how to prevent problems from even happening.

I grew up in Southern California, and the LA County School district began students on sexual education in late elementary school. The fears, dangers and risks of unprotected sex was something we learned from a very young age and there was not a single girl i could think of that came even remotely close to the flat out plain stupidity of kids these days. They're getting the same sexual education or possibly even more than I received yet at the same time, they're spreading disease like the common cold and having sex LONG before my high school class (class of '97) ever did.

Also, you're forgetting to micro analyze the various groups and demographics who are screwing and cranking out babies at a much higher percentage than any other "minority" group. (actually Whites and Blacks are the minority in California now).

And while I have rarely ever agreed with the Catholic church, at the same time... I put very very little blame on the church because young people here in Southern California may wear a crucifix or rosary beads.... but they don't give a damn about what their schools teach them, their parents say, or what the catholic church says.


Generally when condoms fail it's because they weren't used properly or consistently.

I have a pretty good feeling that those numbers are extremely skewed. I'm 29 and have double my age chipped out of my beds headrest (not literally)... and i cannot tell you how many times over the past 13 years condoms have broken.

I mean... how stupid can you be to not understand "Pinch the tip and roll the b*tch down!"
^^^ I tend to come from the philosophy that people should take responsibility for their own actions instead of blaming the results of their own stupidity on everyone else they can find.

I don't understand, are you saying I did that?
Andrew, I grew up on the East coast, and I had a similarly comprehensive and informative SexEd course. The problem is that, for the US, education curriculum is completely up the the county/state. Unless you can speak for all 50 states, you really can't make any judgments based on personal experience. But for what its worth, my friend in Tennessee was basically told "don't have sex" as a brief addendum to his health class.

Yeah, blaming this mess entirely on Catholicism is a bit of a misnomer, since American Values stem more from Puritanism than anything else. Still, it is that Puritanical junk which is convincing uninformed adults that the best way to protect kids from STDs is to tell them nothing about them.
Abstinence only is to blame for this. How are they supposed to know how to have safe sex if they don't get a sex education? We have free handouts of condoms in the schools here, I think that helps a lot in preventing STDs and pregnancies.
Umm... when did I ever say anything which resembles me towing the party line in regards to the idiotic Catholic church?

Well, maybe this line:

Andrew LB said:
This goes to show that the secular progressives policies regarding sex and sexual education as well as the continual downfall of traditional conservative family values has ended up with a mess like this."

Dear Andrew! You shapeshift way too often ;)
Put shortly, though, it's the sexualized mass media IN COMBINATION with a social taboo on sex. That is to say, everything teenagers watch implies sex, but no one around them really wants to talk about it.

The Information Age has given rise to a whole new epidemic -- too much 411 and most of it lies. The sexualized mass media is too busy heightening the awareness of celebritism and the worship thereof, while simultaneously allowing the Christian Right to control information reguarding to sexualism and sexual maturity. The end result is the wrong message of attraction, with a less then responsible image of sexual belonging, all the more while, not talking about the fictious bullshit that it all is.

Sometimes, I worry that some Americans are afraid to be smart just so they can be socially acceptable.