1 Step away from High Def Conversion

No, this is the one I never want to see again in my entire life:

Heh, funny as that is, the G-Man high-def model in HL is different from the one that's in OF and BS - more close to the real G-Man in terms of looks and just looks better IMO
I like the one used in opposing force, that one's a keeper
I thought the OpFor G-Man was the same as the HL1 one. Could someone post a picture of it to prove me wrong, please? :)
It buuuuurns!
Earlier today I saw a download on fileplanet to a new texture and model pack that looked really good.
I'm not sure if it's half-life source compatible though.
I'm still looking for it and I can't find it :(
operative lm said:
I thought the OpFor G-Man was the same as the HL1 one. Could someone post a picture of it to prove me wrong, please? :)
Yes. :)

This is the high-definition G-Man model found in OpFor and BlueShift:

And Half-life if you're unfortunate enough to have such bad taste you play with the Blue Shift high def-pack.
That G Man doesn't look so good to me...

I think using the Half Life 2 G Man would make perfect sense because aging is obviously not a problem for the guy and if he seems incongruous with the other character design, that sort of makes sense too.
AJ Rimmer said:
And Half-life if you're unfortunate enough to have such bad taste you play with the Blue Shift high def-pack.
No! The Half-Life HD GMan is different, but the Half -Life: Opposing Force and Half-Life:Blue Shift HD GMan's are the same!!
Hey Drax, I've been doing the same thing with a version of the HD pack I have I'm just wondering, how have you, if you have yet, taken care of the following:

Mouth and head movement changes from the old system to the new source system.
V_<weaponname> models not doing the appropriate actions in game.
Physics and Material settings in the characters.
Hand grenade disappearing after hitting the ground once, making it hard to know where it landed (another possible physics problem).

keep up the good work, if you haven't got a solution yet, well atleast you've got an idea of what you likely to run into, in the way of problems.
I am the guy behind the post at VERC. You can contact me here - contact@**************. Why h l 2 s o u r c e . c o m is replaced with ***??? Can someone explain that?

Regarding release of PS2 high def models - we are discussing that with Gearbox.
THeReVeReND said:
Any update on this? Anybody?
Ya, has anyone here actually ported over the models yet? (I'm too lazy to look through seven pages to find out :cheese:) These guys have already proved it can be done and have started porting over weapon models. So what about the ppl here?
I have no Idea. Im a n00b to mapping, i cant even f**cking open hammer
ne0_shiny said:
i dont get whats wrong with hl2world,com....

It's because HL2.net fails to see that the leak is in the past. HL2world used to be a place with tons of leak talk and maps to download. Come on HL2.net people, uncensor the site, the leak era is over now, the game has been out for 3 months now!
Zeus said:
It's because HL2.net fails to see that the leak is in the past. HL2world used to be a place with tons of leak talk and maps to download. Come on HL2.net people, uncensor the site, the leak era is over now, the game has been out for 3 months now!
For once, I agree with you :)
So, what's the news on this? Has anyone been able to contact that guy from GearBox, and maybe find out why that thing hasn't been released?

Any word on plain old porting the high definition pack MDLs to Source-compatible ones?
I'm still only as far as my last post, as for a official port of the HD pack, note much else has been said about that.
Zeus said:
It's because HL2.net fails to see that the leak is in the past. HL2world used to be a place with tons of leak talk and maps to download. Come on HL2.net people, uncensor the site, the leak era is over now, the game has been out for 3 months now!

Amen brotha-man.
Tro-Oyi Huch said:
I'm still only as far as my last post, as for a official port of the HD pack, note much else has been said about that.

I'm afraid I don't know much myself about this sort of thing, but are you using that method someone suggested earlier? Looking at the original models and the ones in HLS and figuring out what's different?
Not quite, I've just been doing a basic conversion from HL1 MDLs to Source MDLs and VTF's for the textures.

The utilities I've been using are?
Half-Life MDL Decompiler v1.2 by Kratisto
Photoshop (to convert the BMPs from the original MDLs to TGAs)
vtex from the Source SDK available via Steam (converts TGAs to MDLs)
studiomdl from the Source SDK available via Steam (converts all the material for the model - SMDs and QCs - to Source compatible MDLs - Note: you will need to make some changes, using notepad or something similar, to the QCs files before converting)

Most of the models came out reasonably alright but I had the following problems:

Mouth and head movement didn't properly work due to changes in how those actions are done in Source.
V_<weaponname> models wound not do the appropriate actions in game.
Physics and Material settings in the characters were not right.
Hand grenade disappearing after hitting the ground once, making it hard to know where it landed (another possible physics problem).

For a number of these things, I think I'll need to use XSI, and right now, I'm not to willing to use that, so if it does turn out that I'll be needing that, then I'll leave it until some else does an official or unofficial pack thar people can download (I've been having problems getting a version of XSI, and I'm not all that good at some of the 3D modeling stuff).

I started doing my conversion before I even know of this thread, so my way might be a bit different to the ways surgested.
dont use old models if you can use half-life 2s. it kind of defeats the purpose of remaking the game. games just use the half-life 2
Ahh, but the game has already been remade. Only for some (probably legal) reason, Valve chose not to use the highest-quality models and textures available for it. Which, in my opinion, is the first thing to strive to fix.

I don't think HL2 models look quite right in HLS, anyway. Improved, fan-made models that are something between the HL and HL2 ones, perhaps.
so, has this pack made any progress or is it dead in the water. Im guessing it is dead!
It is a high definition conversion pack for half life 1. I guess it is unneeded seeing as how those dudes are making black mesa.
The crew over @ H.I.T. have a high def pack out, if you don't mind registering for their forum. It's a work in progress and has some minor bugs but it contains most the PS2 (aka "super definition") models and looks pretty awesome ingame. Bump maps have been added to a few of the weapon models to spiff things up even a bit more. In their second release they are planning to have the bugs fixed and add the remaining models.

A couple of comparison pics for your viewing pleasure (though the pics hardly do them justice)...



The crew @ BlackMesaSource.com (which is back up now) also have some great looking work but no public downloads as of yet. My hopes are with both of these projects cuz us HL:S fans need all the HD lovin' we can get! :naughty:
The crossbow is not in any of the above pics because one of the textures was messed up and did not appear ingame. I have since been emailed a fix that is not in the SD Pack. Anyone interested in the fix can email me at [email protected].

...and now I must return to blowing things up. :D
Is this open source i.e. can we use it in our mods?
You'll have to tak to the authors about that. Jump over to H.I.T.'s forum and see what they have to say.

edit: which I see you have already done. *thumbs up*
To clear some things:

H.I.T (stands for Half-Life Improvement Team) is not working on a SD Model Pack For Half-Life: Source!!
It's another Team (and/or a Community Project) that works on this Pack.

Super Defination Models (a.k.a. SD Models) are not PS2 Models!
They are PS2 Models with updated (improved) meshes and skins!!

H.I.T is working on a Mod called: Half-Life: Enhanced
It's a Mod for the old Half-Life (a.k.a. Half-Life 1).

It contains:
More Scientists models (not only 4),
more Barney models (not only the one),
hires textures, and a couple other things...

H.I.T is also working on making Half-Life: Blue Shift compatible with Steam.

dekstar said:
Is this open source i.e. can we use it in our mods?
Ask the author of the model first, before you do something!
Ambient.Impact (the lead modeller of H.I.T), released source files for most of his models.
So I'm pretty sure, if you ask him you can use it!