-1 x -1 = +1 is not evil math

Dr.Gene Ray said:
Educators destroy your mind. You cannot think opposite of what you were taught to think. You have cyclop perspective and taught android mentality - lobotomized analytical ability. You can't think 4 corner days. No man, nation or God equal Cube symmetry of opposites. Mathematically impossible for a Genius or any God to match my Cubic Wisdom. Educators fear me, they cower and run. Teaching that a Cube has '6 sides' with no top & bottom, induces an evil curse that pervades all academic institutions. Opposites create Opposites. Mom & Dad opposites create son & daughter opposites. Opposite Creators required, Depicted by Earth's opposite hemispheres. Singularity God impossible.
Opposites de-god Religion.
Opposites create the universe.
Opposites compose the Earth.
Opposites compose humanity.
Opposites create your body.
Opposites de-god academia.
Opposites de-god singularity taught by religious/academia.
I can call singularity educators the most putrid name on Earth and claim they eat cow-dung ambrosia, but the lying ass
bastards will not even object - for they know I am right and that any debate will indict them for the evil they perpetuate against the students and future humanity. Scientists know Time Cube, but any scientist supporting the 4 simultaneous days in a single rotation of Earth, will be fired and banned for life from academic institutions. Scientists are evil cowards and should be castrated for obscurantism of the 4 simultaneous days within a single rotation of Earth. Average people understand 4 Day Creation when I tell them about it, but scientist can't accept it, for the evil bastards think singularity.
Singularity can't procreate, a feat requiring opposites.
Bible Word is a singularity.
You are taught singularity.
Singularity is death worship and damnation of humanity.
No God equals the 4 corner simultaneous 24 hour days within single Earth rotation.
The universe and all within it is composed of opposites.
Religious/academic taught singularity is queer as 1 sex.
Believing is not knowing - but evil that ignores facts.
Santa vital to Christmas - No Santa - no Christmas. Why credit Santa LIE with gifts that parents buy their children? It bribes the child mind to accept false Santa spirit and false god spirit deceit associated with it. Santa Claus and Christmas
must be indicted deceits that destroys child mind. God is but an adult Santa extension of child Santa - equating evil singularity - unnatural as 1 pole Earth. Earth has not 2 poles, but opposite poles that cancel each other out - if added.
6 side Cube is Evil math, ignoring its top & bottom.
-1 x -1 = +1 is Evil math, as +1 and -1 are antipodes equating a zero existence.
3 Dimensions is erroneous math without a 4th corner perspective dimension. If ever allowed, Cubic debate will indict evil singularity as damnation of humanity. Believers are Evil - for not measuring. Result of belief is dying stupid - you can know. Singularity education begets evil, for you were born as an opposite, between opposite sexes & the opposite Earth poles. You are educated as a stupid android slave to the evil Word Animal Singularity Brotherhood. Your analytical mind is lobotomized and you cannot think opposite of lies you are taught to think.
You build the hell 'they' teach.

I hate maths.
Evil? what the hell? was the guy catholic or something?
15357 said:
If you can answer 2 * 4^2 * (-4)^0.5 with using only numbers and equation thingys(!,%,^,*,/,*,-,+), then i'll give you 10 thousand dollars.
It comes out at -64, can I have my 10 thousand dollars now, why would I need the equation thingys?

Que-Ever said:
Evil? what the hell? was the guy catholic or something?
Probably, or at least a very essentric or delluded man
It comes out at -64, can I have my 10 thousand dollars now, why would I need the equation thingys?

Probably, or at least a very essentric or delluded man

More like i64 :)
By the operator things I am thinking maybe he wanted you to write that expression in prefix mode as opposed to infix. (because prefix removes the ambiguity involved with operator precedence). 2 4 2 ^ * -4 0.5^ *

Sulkdodds, yeah that's the article I read. What an idiot, claiming that -1 x -1 = + 1 is evil math :)
Well, maybe if we take the first 1 and divide it by 0 which is 0, but that must mean that the absolute value of...

BOOOOOOOORING, whos up for pizza? Its all on me! cheers!
Math threads along the lines of "Guess what I can prove, guys!" tend to break down quickly.
I'd find mr. timecube a lot more credible if he could speak english :hmph:
bryanf445 said:
yea i know that one idiot created it
It really annoyed me when he turned out to be right.

And Death, obviously its the only way to give the inter-dimensional conspiracy known as "time cube" its proper support.

By the way, does anyone know what the basic idea to that guys rave is at all?
xombine said:
1337 is a funneh number
harry potter OMG lolz
It comes out at -64, can I have my 10 thousand dollars now, why would I need the equation thingys?

Probably, or at least a very essentric or delluded man

-4^0.5 is a non-existant number. Go put that on a equation program and it will give you an error.
0.999... = 1, and dropping a cat from a plane will not kill it because it can land from its terminal velocity.
OvA said:
15357 are evil numbers

There is no good and evil, there is only power.

Everything can be understood through me.
3y=3x => x=y, right?
Then 15x0=17x0 Let's just cross out the 0s and... 15=17 ^_^
Funny actually, plainly stupid, but funny.
TheSomeone said:
0.999... = 1, and dropping a cat from a plane will not kill it because it can land from its terminal velocity.

Offcourse if you tied it to a brick..... :naughty:
TAU neutrino said:
3y=3x => x=y, right?
Then 15x0=17x0 Let's just cross out the 0s and... 15=17 ^_^
Funny actually, plainly stupid, but funny.

No, its actually ax = bx, a = b IF (x =/= 0) (=/= mean not equal to btw)