1 year on Halflife2.net!

^ GTFO n00bs <3

I have now been here for three and a half years. How many hours and days of my life haven't I wasted staring at the grey background of this site. And what have I gained from it?

I can't even remember what internet was like before hl2.net. You guys taught me everything.

Well, here's for another three and a half years!
I have now been here for three and a half years. How many hours and days of my life haven't I wasted staring at the grey background of this site. And what have I gained from it?

Blue: Superior
I too am one of the people who lurked in the woodworks for about a year before joining. Now that I have joined in, I am bound eternally. I once thought of leaving this place, but then I realized that instead of browsing hl2.net, chatting with some of the regulars, and becoming more and more insane with each post, I would just end up watching tv on the couch for several hours a day.

Now that I think about it... hl2.net has completely replaced my TV viewing.

Wow, i still cant believe i have posted so much. The next highest postcount I have on any other forum on the internet is under 200 posts, and thats over about 3 years also. 4.75 posts per day

I've seriously gained a lot from this forum; and if you all think about it for a bit, I'll bet you have gained a lot back as well. Some of you UKers have met each other, so there's one thing. Who doesn't like meeting someone to have a pint? While we all may be from different parts of the world, we all can relate to each other in one way or another.

I know I've gained a lot. Apart from a very special female planting the "electronic music" seed in me in eighth grade, most of my music appreciation has come solely from this website. While I do not doubt that I would have picked it up from somewhere down the road, the members of HL2.net have sped that process up. I've learned of many artists and groups that I've come to love and appreciate through HL2.net. I've picked up new ideals and thoughts from those in Politics (when I dare to venture in there), been constantly up to date about useless news stories thanks to Stern (:D), and, overall, met some really, really cool people.

Thanks to all of you.
You know, I don't even remember when I joined up. Or why. :/

/EDIT Hmmm... December 2004... I wonder why I joined...
I also don't recall the reasoning behind me joining this little corner of the Internets. Prolly had something to do with you all sexy people.

I can't find my first posts, though :/
*checks join date*

*checks posts*

*checks time away*

I don't believe I'm still here.. trapped.. trapped... D:

There's always the... other place.
Join us.
Have to agree with Qonfused. This forum has contributed a lot to my political consciousness (is there any other?) and, through communing with people across the globe, to my general sense of international understanding. It has truly been a profound and substantial part of my education and I'd like to take the opportunity to thank you all.

Its wierd to think that I've been on here for a year, and after all this time, I've met some fantastic people.

Thank you for being cool!

Love you all.

I think i've been here 3 years but i don't post much
I will admit, this forum has helped my grammar out a whole bunch. I may not be an expert linguist, but I can definitely carry myself better in a conversation. I've also met some of the best friends you could ever have off of this site. We may not be able to hang out with each other, smoke a joint/drink/play games/whatever, but the enjoyment we have over the internet, I feel, bridges that gap. Thank you, Halflife2.net. You have changed me for the better.