10 most overrated games of 2008


May 5, 2004
Reaction score
odd choices as I expect many of these will end up on top 10 lists. Mass effect ishouldnt even be on the list as the game came out last year, the pc version was released in 2008, and that was mostly ignored by everyone despite being an improvement over the original

Read the 10 most overrated game of 2008

10) Civilization IV: Colonization
I've never won a single game of Colonization. But I've loved every game I've played. I don't imagine many people would feel the same.

9) Left 4 Dead
It's a great showcase for zombies that can run and co-op gameplay, but it's as fast, slick, fun in groups, and gratifying as chasing a greased pig (take that however you will). Serious Sam and Robotron were pretty cool, too, while the thrill lasted.

8) Burnout: Paradise
A racing game largely devoid of meaningful physics or convenience, also known as Burnout: Drive All the Way Back to the Starting Line Because There's No "Re-Try Race" Option, Suckers!.

7) Spore
The developers have explained that Spore was essentially three products: a content creator, a game-ish sort of thing, and a way to share stuff. Unless you're interested in at least two of those three things, and if you're willing for at least one of them to be rather anemic, Spore will be a head-scratcher.

6) Wii Fit
Wii fad.

5) Mass Effect
The long-in-the-tooth Bioware RPG formula applied to a generic sci-fi universe, with bouncing buggy driving/shooting sequences standing in for the exploration of alien worlds

4) Metal Gear Solid 4
For fans only. For everyone else, this is Kojima's long slow wank and you have to get to watch.

3) Braid
This is not a game that moves and it's not very accessible. You need to have a stomach for old-school platformers and mental brick walls. Which is a shame, because the place Braid eventually goes is sublime.

2) Little Big Planet
Awesome graphics! And those little sack people are so cute I could just eat them up! Now where's the game?

1) Grand Theft Auto IV
One of the most amazing realizations of a real-world-ish place and one of my favorite games this year. Also the setting for a poorly told story and uninspired gameplay, and the subject of a system-shattering PC port.
Meh ... just comes off as a way to generate site traffic by putting together a "controversial" (read: resoundingly stupid) top 10 list.
There's no site i trust more than Fidgit when it comes to gaming journalism. :rolleyes:
Meh ... just comes off as a way to generate site traffic by putting together a "controversial" (read: resoundingly stupid) top 10 list.

agreed ..so lets put an end to that:

here is the complete article, no need to click the link:

Many of the following ten games are great. A few came close to being on my top ten list (to be posted tomorrow). I would call a couple of them works of genius. But I think they're the most overrated games of the year for the simple fact that I'm surprised at how well received they were. I wouldn't recommend any of these without a few important caveats.

Read the 10 most overrated game of 2008 after the jump.

10) Civilization IV: Colonization
I've never won a single game of Colonization. But I've loved every game I've played. I don't imagine many people would feel the same.

9) Left 4 Dead
It's a great showcase for zombies that can run and co-op gameplay, but it's as fast, slick, fun in groups, and gratifying as chasing a greased pig (take that however you will). Serious Sam and Robotron were pretty cool, too, while the thrill lasted.

8) Burnout: Paradise
A racing game largely devoid of meaningful physics or convenience, also known as Burnout: Drive All the Way Back to the Starting Line Because There's No "Re-Try Race" Option, Suckers!.

7) Spore
The developers have explained that Spore was essentially three products: a content creator, a game-ish sort of thing, and a way to share stuff. Unless you're interested in at least two of those three things, and if you're willing for at least one of them to be rather anemic, Spore will be a head-scratcher.

6) Wii Fit
Wii fad.

5) Mass Effect
The long-in-the-tooth Bioware RPG formula applied to a generic sci-fi universe, with bouncing buggy driving/shooting sequences standing in for the exploration of alien worlds

4) Metal Gear Solid 4
For fans only. For everyone else, this is Kojima's long slow wank and you have to get to watch.

3) Braid
This is not a game that moves and it's not very accessible. You need to have a stomach for old-school platformers and mental brick walls. Which is a shame, because the place Braid eventually goes is sublime.

2) Little Big Planet
Awesome graphics! And those little sack people are so cute I could just eat them up! Now where's the game?

1) Grand Theft Auto IV
One of the most amazing realizations of a real-world-ish place and one of my favorite games this year. Also the setting for a poorly told story and uninspired gameplay, and the subject of a system-shattering PC port.
TIME's Best Games of '08:

1: Grand Theft Auto IV
2: Braid
3: Little Big Planet

4: Rock Band 2
5: Gears of War 2
6: Dead Space
7: Star Wars: The Force Unleashed
8: Hunted Forever (Flash)
9: Fieldrunners (iPhone app)
10: Spore

*bold on that site's worst list, interesting how TIME's top 3 are the exact same as that site's most overrated 3.
Doesn't Far Cry 2 count too? I was massively excited by it and everyone ended up complaining about the ridiculous respawning check points and baron nature of the maps. Yet Braid is somehow overrated despite minimal advertising and hardly any hype. Silly shit.
5) Mass Effect
The long-in-the-tooth Bioware RPG formula applied to a generic sci-fi universe, with bouncing buggy driving/shooting sequences standing in for the exploration of alien worlds


Grand Theft Auto IV
poorly told story and uninspired gameplay

What the hell, Left 4 Dead was so not overrated.
Dont you think all top 10 lists or GOTY lists or award lists are totally pointless though? every game seems to have just as many fans as haters, its all personal opinion.
Seconded. So that makes 20 dicks.

But seriosuly, this is the dumbest list ever. It is arguably a list of the most impressive games of 2008. What a bunch of twats.
odd choices as I expect many of these will end up on top 10 lists. Mass effect ishouldnt even be on the list as the game came out last year, the pc version was released in 2008, and that was mostly ignored by everyone despite being an improvement over the original

Read the 10 most overrated game of 2008

10) Civilization IV: Colonization
I've never won a single game of Colonization. But I've loved every game I've played. I don't imagine many people would feel the same.

9) Left 4 Dead
It's a great showcase for zombies that can run and co-op gameplay, but it's as fast, slick, fun in groups, and gratifying as chasing a greased pig (take that however you will). Serious Sam and Robotron were pretty cool, too, while the thrill lasted.

8) Burnout: Paradise
A racing game largely devoid of meaningful physics or convenience, also known as Burnout: Drive All the Way Back to the Starting Line Because There's No "Re-Try Race" Option, Suckers!.

7) Spore
The developers have explained that Spore was essentially three products: a content creator, a game-ish sort of thing, and a way to share stuff. Unless you're interested in at least two of those three things, and if you're willing for at least one of them to be rather anemic, Spore will be a head-scratcher.

6) Wii Fit
Wii fad.

5) Mass Effect
The long-in-the-tooth Bioware RPG formula applied to a generic sci-fi universe, with bouncing buggy driving/shooting sequences standing in for the exploration of alien worlds

4) Metal Gear Solid 4
For fans only. For everyone else, this is Kojima's long slow wank and you have to get to watch.

3) Braid
This is not a game that moves and it's not very accessible. You need to have a stomach for old-school platformers and mental brick walls. Which is a shame, because the place Braid eventually goes is sublime.

2) Little Big Planet
Awesome graphics! And those little sack people are so cute I could just eat them up! Now where's the game?

1) Grand Theft Auto IV
One of the most amazing realizations of a real-world-ish place and one of my favorite games this year. Also the setting for a poorly told story and uninspired gameplay, and the subject of a system-shattering PC port.

I would make a top/low ten list if I actually bought ten games a year.

I am too picky to waste that much expendable wad on shitty games I know fine I don't want or wont play for more then a day or two.
i agree with #7 whole heartedly. ****ing letdown
Any Guitar Hero/Rock band should be on that list. I mean can anyone really play those games while sober, I mean honestly! Being a guitarist/drummer I certanly didn't find anything good in them. Sure they are fun with friens, NOT! The South Park episode of guitar hero pretty much sums it all up "YOU'RE A FAG!"

Okay Guitar Hero 3 was fun after 20 beers and was even more fun when I sold it and got Fable 2 in return! WIN WIN.
Meh. I enjoy LBP. I love Metal Gear but I am a fan. Spore is a game we can all relate to when it comes to let downs.
I'm really surprised Spore didnt rank higher on that list. The public expected it to be the second coming of Christ (no, that was not an invitation for anyone to gloat about how they always knew it would suck :p).

Oh, and from what I have played Mass Effect was alright. I much perfered KOTOR in terms of gameplay to this, but the dialogue and cutscenes in Mass Effect were fantastic.
i dont recall a few of those games ever being overrated. there might have been alot of controversy over them but they were in no way overhyped. i could say a game that was, but i dont want to start fanboy arguments in here.
Top 10 lists are overrated.

This 1 line death sentence approach to games criticism is the ****ing nadir of games Journalism tbh, and is the bi-product of sheer ****ing laziness. Do not support these sites with your page clicks, let them drown in web obscurity.
Any Guitar Hero/Rock band should be on that list. I mean can anyone really play those games while sober, I mean honestly! Being a guitarist/drummer I certanly didn't find anything good in them. Sure they are fun with friens, NOT! The South Park episode of guitar hero pretty much sums it all up "YOU'RE A FAG!"

Okay Guitar Hero 3 was fun after 20 beers and was even more fun when I sold it and got Fable 2 in return! WIN WIN.

Yeah, haha **** those fags who enjoy things you dont.

Yeah the list (aside from spore) is p. much bullshit.

Farcry 2: Bought this off steam the day it came out and it was fun...for the first 2 hours. Once you realize that every mission is exactly the same and that there are guard posts every 500ft then the appeal starts to wear off.

Dead Space: I don't get why people like this game so much. It never really scared me and reminded me a lot of Doom 3 (yuck). The gameplay was pretty much resident evil 4 with a real time inventory. It wasn't a bad game but really played it safe.

Fable 2: It really didn't feel like much of an upgrade to the first one.


Silent hill: homecoming: I played through this game and had a really good time with it. The atmosphere is great, it's pretty scary, the story was interesting enough for me to want to keep going and the combat was solid. I haven't really played any of the other SH games so older fans might not have liked it as much.

No More Heroes: Great art style, Great/Funny characters and story and the motion controls work well. The combat can get boring at times but overall this game is really something else.
*bold on that site's worst list, interesting how TIME's top 3 are the exact same as that site's most overrated 3.

How is that interesting? Do you understand what the word 'overrated' means? It fits perfectly well with TIME's list.
Spore, Mirror's Edge, Force Unleashed, and Deadspace would be my choices. Most of the games on the original list were pretty excellent, though...
4) Metal Gear Solid 4
For fans only. For everyone else, this is Kojima's long slow wank and you have to get to watch.

A HUR HUR? Metal Gear Solid is a story, pretty much. Who jumps into the 4th game of a bigger story hoping to know what the shit is happening; this guy obviously.

He's nuts.
So's Tiberian Sun or Tiberian Wars, for example. But you could still happily jump into either of those without having prior knowlege of the series.

Though I have not played MGS 4 and so I'm not in a real position to compare.
MGS4 is another game where Kojima proves that he can't blend storytelling and gameplay in any meaningful way. And it has a lot of overly dramatic, pathos-ridden cutscenes.

But yeah, what Bob said. C&C is an example of how sequels should be made (I know my opinion is controversial, but I really like how C&C3 turned out).
Overrated from me:

SW:TFU - seriously it's just crap

Spore - repetitive and dumbed down for the casuals

Far Cry 2 - I haven't played much of this I got past the introduction and my objectives told me to find a mission. I didn't know how to but I didn't have any drive to bother figuring it out. It seemed pretty standard and derivative really. 1st person african GTA.

COD WAW - I enjoyed it yes but it's just a retread of old ground. To be fair most reviewers seem to be saying the same thing but when I see IGN giving it a ridiculously high score and that it's selling faster than COD 4 it disturbs me greatly.

Mirror's edge - to be fair the review scores are not unanimously positive and its not selling too well but I was just so disappointed with this game. It's short, infuriating, lacks substance and the story is ****. It can be fun yes but it is very disappointing at the same time. Also did I mention how unbelieveably short it is?

Also wanted to mention mass effect cos it is in the list. I wasn't too fond of it. Go ahead you can shoot me now.
Why should you be shot? Mass Effect is a good game, as long as you don't try to treat it as a hardcore RPG. Funnily, what I predicted (dialogue system being shallow) came true.
Disappointed by Fallout 3.
Disappointed by Fable 2.
Disappointed by Soul Calibur 4.

Loved the latter 2 but didn't live up to my expectations. Fallout 3 just hasn't grabbed my attention at all.
C&C, FarCry 2, Soul Calibur 4, Mirror's Edge, Mercenaries 2.