10 most overrated games of 2008

That list is definitely correct, they are overrated in the opinion of that stupid bitch.
I expected absolute trash from The Force Unleased, but I gave it a rental and was pleasently surprised by it. Sure, there's no multiplayer, but I always love a few seconds of zapping the shit out of stormtroopers.
there's a duel mode on the wii that's fun as hell, a mate's got it.. you can do all the anachronistic clashes from the movies, such as when anakin skywalker fought darth vader on hoth.
there's a duel mode on the wii that's fun as hell, a mate's got it.. you can do all the anachronistic clashes from the movies, such as when anakin skywalker fought darth vader on hoth.

Internal conflict is the most compelling sort of conflict, I guess. Not sure if it'd make a good lightsaber battle, though.
This list is lacking in quality and I wish to submit my disapproval of it.
You'll have to fill out the proper paperwork. Form #47369 should do the trick, but you'll have to fill it out over there, sir.
This goes on my "10 worst top 10 lists of 2008".