10 tips for hl2DM that people often forget.

Mr. Redundant

May 20, 2003
Reaction score
a couple things I see people forgetting

1. you can sprint, remember to bind the key in options.

2. you can catch physics objects that are thrown at you by holding down secondary fire and facing the object.

3. you can pick up and throw grenades back at your enemy using the phys gun

4. you can grab the plasma blast from the pulse rifle's secondary fire (the ball of energy it shoots) with your physgun, and then shoot it back at them to score a kill.

5. you can block entrances by piling up things, then snipe through the holes with your crossbow.

6. explosive barrels have low health, DO NOT pick one up and walk around with it, you only make yourself an easy target.
instead only use them when you have the drop on someone.

7. Toilet bowls, basins and small cabinets are the best things to use to kill someone, the smaller it is, the easier it is to see over it when you are running around with it.

8. unlike in SP, you can sprint while holding phys objects with the phys gun.

9. you can AND SHOULD pick up items and use them for cover when retreating.

10. if you see a player named "Mr. Redundant" best bet is to run away crying.

:D (kidding about #10 though..... or am I? :P )
It would be very nice if those tips we're useful, but for now, because of the lag in soo many servers, it's hard to incorporate many tips involving physics...
Unimatrix881 said:
It would be very nice if those tips we're useful, but for now, because of the lag in soo many servers, it's hard to incorporate many tips involving physics...
it is unfortunate a lot of you guys can't find decent servers :(

but for the people like me (and I have played with) keep these things in mind when slinging around things ;)
It would be very nice if those tips we're useful, but for now, because of the lag in soo many servers, it's hard to incorporate many tips involving physics...

I don't get it I haven't run into any lag yet, and yet so many people are complaining about it and I don't reaaly have the best connection....

Anyways those are some useful tips most of them I figured out already.
I know, your tips are extremely useful, and people do forget them... As for my lag problem, well, I mostly chose the servers according to best latency, usually between 10-40, yet i still get a very bad ping, when in counterstrike, I get less than 50...
Dedicated servers are all over the place now and they work lag free so don't blame the mod, it's fine and great fun!
Also you can grap grenades out of peoples hands. I came up on one guy who was holding a grenade upand it just grabbed it from his hand. LOL I couldnt help but laugh as he spund around in circles confused. This i threw it back in his face lol
I recommend finding 12-14 player servers... any 32 player server lags.
the secondary fire grab is somewhat tricky...I died a lot of times because I tried to catch a cabinet flung my way, holding down the right mouse button, only to find myself crushed.
i ended up going manipulator vs manupulator agaainst this one guy.

He had picked up a barrel, and i had just finished throwing something that missed. So i still had my manipulator out. He shoots the barrel at me, and I fired the repel beam at the barrel he just shot.

I ended up flattening him with his own barrel, it was awesome

Anyway i don't know what anyone is talking about concerning lag, i just look for low ping servers. They run smooth as silk. The only real problem is that i like playing DM vs 3 or 4 other people. Not 20. So after 5 seconds of playing on what was a nice server, it suddenly gets overcrowded and crazy go nuts that decided to drop in on the low population server i just got into
11. Tables are good for taking out multiple enemies at a time! :D
Mr. Redundant said:
it is unfortunate a lot of you guys can't find decent servers :(

but for the people like me (and I have played with) keep these things in mind when slinging around things ;)

I didn't know the pulse-ball-mega-killer thingy could be gravgun-ified. I should use that tactic :D

And I like tables... they're fun to chuck around, but yah, radiators rullllle.
Great tips, esp the energy ball grav gun one! :)

Now to wait for some grav gun only maps... or even blue grav gun only maps!!