100 things your kids may never know about


Jul 25, 2007
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Top 100 list.

Unfortunately, many people will still be hearing the "scream of a modem" for a long time. I don't foresee dial-up becoming obsolete for at least another 15 years or so until rural broadband is more accessible.

Oh, and rollerblades? I thought those were pretty retro nowadays too.

I don't think information and media technology is gonna change so drastically like so many people think. Sure, just like somebody on wired posted, it may become as ubiquitous and necessary one day as a commode and blender, but I don't ever suspect anything so drastic as say a, "neural link" or any other currently sci-fi shit like that. Maybe the super-wealthy, but the commoners will probably still be stuck with buttons, keys, and knobs.

Great list, check it out.
they should have checked but the list should only be like 30 long.

#30 Blowing the dust out of a NES cartridge in the hopes that it’ll load this time.

Ummm I'm pretty sure my children will be cleaning my NES games when it comes time for a cleaning

#66 Pay phones.
i still see them everywhere, they're called cell phones and they cost much more than pay phones per min these days
"80.Starbuck being a man."


Also there's a lot of bull shit in that list like:

"33.Having to delete something to make room on your hard drive"

No matter how large the storage space, you can be sure that you'll alway find junk to fill it up with.
I feel like Warped was trying to say a couple witty comments, but failed.
Vinyl records. Even today’s DJs are going laptop or CD.
Wires. OK, so they’re not gone yet, but it won’t be long
Counting in kilobytes.
Having to delete something to make room on your hard drive.
Recording a song in a studio.
Actually being able to get a domain name consisting of real words.
Not knowing exactly what all of your friends are doing and thinking at every moment.
Swimming pools with diving boards.
The fact that words generally don’t have num8er5 in them.
Waiting several minutes (or even hours!) to download something.
When a ‘geek’ and a ‘nerd’ were one and the same.

All of these are retarded.
I dont use cash for anything except laundry.

edit: **** I didn't see there was an actual list.
I fear the loss of books, comics, and graphic novels..
There is rarely a need for wireless unless it's actually a mobile device! All this useless shit. I like my wires.
20. The buzz of a dot-matrix printer
Oh gosh I remember that. And how the paper came all connected with perforations, with those awesome little strips with holes you tore off the sides. Since there were two strips per page, I always folded them together to make a little accordion thing.

I also still have games that came on 5 1/4 inch floppies (Populous, Dr. Quandary's Island, Qix).... AND a dos computer that can use them :). I miss those things. Useless now, but they were always more fun to use because they were actually floppy.

The 3-inch floppies won't go completely obsolete until research labs finally get around to replacing their crappy old equipment.

"96. Libraries as a place to get books rather than a place to use the internet."
This one makes me sad.
Recording a song in a studio really gets me..

WHAT THE HELL ARE THEY TALKING ABOUT? How else do people record a song besides live albums?
Recording a song in a studio really gets me..

WHAT THE HELL ARE THEY TALKING ABOUT? How else do people record a song besides live albums?

i guess they record songs on a boat now
Lego Holy mother of Jebuz I use to love that stuff. ):
My mum made me get rid of it, she said I was too old for childish things like that. What a tool |:
i guess they record songs on a boat now

Well gee, i am going strangle these guys with wires in a blood soaked bath.

Stupid list.
they should have checked but the list should only be like 30 long.

Ummm I'm pretty sure my children will be cleaning my NES games when it comes time for a cleaning

i still see them everywhere, they're called cell phones and they cost much more than pay phones per min these days

100 things your kids may never know about

Warning! This list may not be specifically tailored to each and every person reading it!
Rain that doesn't burn, sunshine and living animals. Except for the mutated super-spiders of course.
I still have 3 of those square buckets full of normal legos. I wouldn't give those to a needy kid. >:l
You know, I never thought I would end up being one of those parents that said "in my day we didn't have this or this, think yourselves lucky" because I thought the technology we had growing up was pretty awesome - dial up internet, now-retro game consoles and Windows 95. But now, looking at this list, I guess our parents thought the same thing.
Turning a PlayStation on its end to try and get a game to load.
Well, a Playstation maybe. But I'd be very surprised if a piece of Hardware is never shoddily manufactured and cured by low-tech means again.
Recording a song in a studio really gets me..

WHAT THE HELL ARE THEY TALKING ABOUT? How else do people record a song besides live albums?

Yeah, that confused me too. I guess he's trying to say that PC software is making it easy for artists to set up home studios, and digital distribution is making it easier for artists to not even worry about a publisher.

But studios still have really nice, expensive equipment, professional recording engineers, and are acoustically engineered to cancel noise and provide the best sound. They aren't going to go away anytime soon.

As home technology advances, so will the top quality studio stuff. So there will always be a reason to go to a professional studio, it will always be better.
97. Spending your entire allowance at the arcade in the mall.
This is the worst one. You can always buy a VCR, a NES, or a rotary-dial telephone. But how will you show your kids an arcade when they're all gone? Where will you go when the arcade is nothing more than a tiny entry in an encyclopedia? What will you tell your children when they ask you, "Daddy, what's an arcade?"

It brings me to tears.
You'll have to take them to a museum Darkside. You'll have to show them the dusty, disfunctional arcade machines that are shoved into a remote corner with dim lights and sectioned off by velvet rope that holds a sign saying "Please do not touch."
You only have three years on me Darkside, but I've honestly no nostalgia for the arcades. I've probably played on less than 10 machines.