Your hands down 100% favorite game.

Gunstar Heroes. There will be no "honorable mentions" from me because nothing even comes close to standing on the same plateau. Other games do not deserve to be mentioned in the same breath. Among games, Treasure's masterpiece stands alone!

Dragonshirt, you're my only ally in a world that hates Zelda II and has forgotten all about Crystalis.
Zelda:II was awesome imo. I don't understand why so many fans hated it so much. I liked it so much in fact that I even have a few old comic books based around the game.
Copyright 1988 "The Triforce of Power". lol Remember getting it the same year it was published too. (I wish I could upload a pic)

...and Crystalis is probably one of the most underrated games of the NES era imo.
Sid Meier's Alpha Centauri

Honourable Mentions:
Team Fortress 2
Half-Life 2
Neverwinter Nights + expansions

Because it was the best, and I always remember back to it. Played on several persistant world servers, always some good fun and adventuring to be had, fighting off elementals on cliff edges, getting ambushed by gnolls ogres and all sorts, crawling around a dark cave full of undead, and just the fun of being a sorcerer, the D&D ruleset thing justr translated well to a game in that instance, best RPG ever and lots of fun.

Honourable mentions:

Rome Total War + Total Realism mod - perfect combo.

Shogun Total War - needs no explaination, the first TW and in many ways the absolute best.

Sid Meiers Alpha Centauri - I lost weeks of my life to this.

Delta Force: Black Hawk Down - I lost years of my life to this, fun to play with good friends.

Half Life 2 + episodes - Best singleplayer FPS experience I've had, I've ignored Halo because Halo is its own thing.

Red Alert 2 + Yuri's revenge - My first really often played RTS (I had been playing TBS's and the likes on and off prior) and quite fun.

Dawn of War + expansions and some mods - Get a friend and play, swear to god its fun.

Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory - The first online FPS that I have been awesome at, good fast paced gameplay, good balance, just all roudn fun, another game that really shines when playing with friends.

Duck Hunt on NES

Nah, double dragon on the megadrive. Or streets of rage II?.

Both were cool.
My most favorite game ever would have to be Battlefield 1942.
So many epic memories with it, it was the best multiplayer game I had ever played ever.

Honorable mentions would be...
Starsiege: Tribes, same deal with BF1942... except Tribes was the first multiplayer game that I had played at the time.
I got damn good at it to and was in several clans, good times

Knights of the Old Republic, most engaging singleplayer game I had ever played.
Poured hours and hours into it.

And lastly, Call of Duty + UO, fantastic singleplayer and even better multiplayer... COD4 almost knocked it out of the spot but, it just didn't have that one thing that I can't put my finger on to keep me coming back.
Command & Conquer: Tiberian Sun/Firestorm
For a story that captured my imagination. For my childhood. For Westwood. For the epic campaign and for the great skirmishes. For the crates. For the atmosphere. And of course, for KANE LIVES!
Half-Life (or Deus Ex).
yyyyyyeah. It is. Do you have just one favorite song? Or one favorite food?

If you have absolutely ONE favorite of anything, you're probably a very boring person.

Most people do have favorites. They may change over time and get swapped around, but I know I certainly have a #1 album or movie at any given point in time.

It's not difficult to distill what you appreciate down to what you consider the apex of the medium. And it's more meaningful than endless ****ing lists of every game you ever enjoyed.
I have to say Goldeneye, just flat out fun. Multilayer was awesome, single player never seemed to get boring, plus it had a decent sound track to it.
Deus Ex! Once you get past the first mission...

HMs to Half-Life and Counter-Strike. System Shock 2 would most likely have received the third honourable mention had I ever had the guts to finish the game... glory to the many for scaring the living bejesus out of me.
It is quit hard to choose, because just like with films and books, a lot of great games are so diverse and
bring such different experiences to the table that it feels like comparing apples and oranges. Every time
someone asks me what my favorite game is I think about so many games, and it hurts not mentioning
I was never really sure before, something on the N64 most likely. But I know now:

Team Fortress 2
RollerCoaster Tycoon.

No not really but it was pretty damn great.
my answer would change every time you asked me, ive probably got about 20 games that could share the topspot out of the litterally 1000's of games ive played, but i wont bore y'all with the list. suffice it to say the list spans about 20 years and pretty much every system made. one day it might be soul calibur 2, the next day it might be toejam and earl.
It's still Half-Life 2. There are games I like more, but to me, your favourite game is one that you can enjoy on multiple levels, whatever your mood. The gameplay is satisfying, the story interesting, but not a pace-killer, and it has visuals that still do their thing extremely well even today (I still want Raising the Bar II you know).

I can lose myself a little more in the depth of a game like System Shock 2, the story of Final Fantasy Tactics or have a little more mindless fun in Sonic the Hedgehog 3, but only Half-Life 2 works for me all the time, every-time.
The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time

Absolutely brilliant.
That feeling you get when you first experience a game?
OoT was definitely the best.
I forgot to mention, Star Ocean:The Second Story. I loved that game more than FF VII tbh.

I did mention the Parasite Eve series too, but I just wanted to emphasize how awesome part 2 was. One of Squaresoft's greatest creations in my book.

God, I really want to play that game again now. I just hope father time hasen't been so harsh graphically speaking.
Since it's mainly pre-rendered/static backgrounds like the old Resident Evil games though, and other than the blocky character models, maybe it's not so bad.

Please ANYBODY! I NEED a PS1 memory card and Parasite Eve 2 NOW! ;(
I find it funny the the OP says "pick only one game rawr"

then lists his top 3.

I'm torn between Deus Ex, and Zelda OOC. So I wont participate in this thread.
RollerCoaster Tycoon.

No not really but it was pretty damn great.

Forgot this one. So damn good. I spent hours making rides that dead-ended after a large drop causing my wonderful roller coaster connoisseurs to fly to their miserable and pathetic simulated deaths in an agonizing pixelated explosion. At least they had those few moments of ecstasy as their cart literally flew off the tracks, finally free of all friction, for an instance giving the ultimate thrill before they slammed into horrible oblivion.
It's been edited dudertrons, move along. You saw nothing ignant' whatsoever.
The whole appeal of Rollercoaster Tycoon was the death rides.
lol I remember making the water slide (where the guests rode on tubes), making a super steep slope, with a normal slope half-way down, then it went back to being steep, they'd just fly off it like a ramp and somehow the tubes blew up. I always lol'd.