1000 people more annoying than mick hucknall

haha thats funny. They got some good burns on there. I like the talk about Catherine Zeta Jones.
lol oh ya, u know it. Here's a few things about Madonna:
-Frumpy gap toothed bandwagon jumper.
-Gappy toothed ugly untalented whore!!!!!!
-irritating duck shooter

ahhh man good stuff. I share their views.
some nifty little digs there.

sean connery??? annoying??!

Times have been hard for Sean , his acting career has all but dried up . His agent rings :

Agent : Sean , i've finally managed to get some work for you .

Sean : what is it ?

Agent : Only a small part in a commercial but at least its something, they want you to be there tomorrow . Get there for ten-ish .

Sean : Tennish ? but i haven't even got a racket .

that one made my laugh like a dork for some reason...
I'm shocked Bob Saget isn't on the list :eek:
from the one about Avril Lavigne.

'she has a face like a slapped arse'
'one word to descrbe her : poseur'
'this bitch should dignify herself , by becoming my personal sex slave'

Lol , its funny, cause its true lol :D
errr..... ok.... is everyone here who likes this thread as mad as the ppl who made this website or what??