Jade Raymond NEKKID!!!!11111

Have you seen the picture of her in the Princess Leia outfit? If you havent yet, then I can understand where you're coming from.
She wasn't wearing panties with that outfit. Just FYI.
No, that was another girl who looked vaguely similar and wearing the same exact outfit. Olivia Munn had panties on, the other one on the right is the real slut.

Well that's certainly disappointing. Now I have to stop sending her those mails saying, "I've seen your vagoo" and settle for, "I've seen your panties."

It lacks the necessary punch.
Im sorry, I should have left you to your delusions. But you can keep sending her the "ive seen your vagoo" mail, if just to creep her out. You can also say that you have watched her deep throat a wiener now too.

After a thorough investigation (read: google searching) of the subject, I have come to the conclusion that she never did anything to deserve this kind of hatred. This is NOT parody, it's defamation, and lawsuit worthy. Did Ubisoft use her looks to pimp their game? Definitely. Was she responsible for that decision, or for that matter, was it even a wrong thing to do? NO.

That said, Ubisoft should have known better than to immediately blame somethingawful for all this. The person who thought of threatening them with legal action should be shot and raped by a grizzly bear.

She was just an employee doing her job. I've seen sluttier nuns. (Yes, I'm a sucker for a pretty face :p)

She is soo cute *le sigh*
Good heavens, defamation on the internet! To the lawyers!

Listen, first off, if you're going to be portrayed as a lure to get a male-dominated audience to purchase your game, you're going to have to expect that people are going to view you as such. You're there to look sexy and promote the game; you are basically a whore of advertising. If you think that people aren't going to draw you or photoshop your head onto nude bodies, you're dead wrong and obviously do not frequent the internet.

Secondly: "she never did anything to deserve this kind of hatred." It's not hatred. Nobody's hating on her. That's part 2a; no one's being a hater. Part 2b is, who said she had to do anything to "deserve" this? You really think people need more motivation than, "I'd like to see her sucking a dick?" ESPECIALLY if you can draw? Man, you obviously don't understand the mindset of people like me--I mean, others. Other people who can draw.

And if anything, she's making a bigger deal about this than it should be. Putting it out there that such an image exists, and there are lawyers involved trying to sue everyone and everything, the picture probably wouldn't have gathered such a reaction. Now it's on digg and newsfeeds and forums and private image hosts, public image hosts...good job there.

That whole thing about it causing "immeasurable harm" to her career? It's immeasurable because it's nonexistant. Good heavens, somebody drew a pornographic picture of her! She'll never work in video games again!

Get real.
The comic was drawn because she's attractive, and everyone is up in arms about it for the same reason :rolleyes:

"OMG howz could this happen to such an innocent and sexzy woman?!1?!"
the thing is

who cares about her?
you all want to bang her in the ass and dont care about her feelings so shut up
Did anyone watch the UFC last night?

Rashad Evans had an Assassin's Creed hat on after his fight :O
UFC's been pimping Assassin's Creed all month. Missed the hat, though; I don't watch the show regularly.
I'm sure tons of people are ending up here from Google searches of "Jade Raymond" + "Naked" :LOL:
And if anything, she's making a bigger deal about this than it should be. Putting it out there that such an image exists, and there are lawyers involved trying to sue everyone and everything, the picture probably wouldn't have gathered such a reaction. Now it's on digg and newsfeeds and forums and private image hosts, public image hosts...good job there.

Yeah totally, I hadn't even heard of her until now, and now I will always associate her with that comic.
Yeah totally, I hadn't even heard of her until now, and now I will always associate her with that comic.

Same here. If it werent for her making a big deal out of it, i never would have seen the comic.
I think there are a number of game devs that become public figures when it comes to marketing their game. Things just go a little differently when it's a woman...
The most delicious thing about all this, is that until today I never heard of Jade Raymond and her insignificant little developer house.

Oh and I was only barely aware of her game, mainly because, it looked shit, and that was just from the irritating ads alone.

I managed to see that comic though before it dissappeared.

So hats off to Jade, This was a triumph, huge success!.

I'll always remember you, your game, and your company now. But probably for the wrong reasons. And I still feel no desire to give money to you.


The game is great, you're missing out. So, why can't a company get pissed off anymore of someone posting hentai of them? Come on, I'm sure you would get pissed as well. I sure as well would. That is a horrible, horrible thing to do to someone, and anyone who gets any satisfaction of of this is possibly a fag themselves. [See: 80% of this forum.]

BTW I like the comic, and am saving it on my flash drive. lol.
/will fap tonight D:
I think there are a number of game devs that become public figures when it comes to marketing their game. Things just go a little differently when it's a woman...
Not really. Male developers get it too. Carmack, Romero...*cough*Newell*cough*.

The game is great, you're missing out. So, why can't a company get pissed off anymore of someone posting hentai of them? Come on, I'm sure you would get pissed as well. I sure as well would. That is a horrible, horrible thing to do to someone, and anyone who gets any satisfaction of of this is possibly a fag themselves. [See: 80% of this forum.]
I'm going to draw porn of you, Ace.
The game is great, you're missing out. So, why can't a company get pissed off anymore of someone posting hentai of them? Come on, I'm sure you would get pissed as well. I sure as well would. That is a horrible, horrible thing to do to someone, and anyone who gets any satisfaction of of this is possibly a fag themselves. [See: 80% of this forum.]

BTW I like the comic, and am saving it on my flash drive. lol.
/will fap tonight D:
So... you're a hypocrite?
It would be so messy if it got in the public's eye. I mean come on these guy pack horse sausages, they could blind somebody with those things!
Ah, chugworth. The guy is a genious. I think his name is Dave Cheung, he is an artist for Chugworth.com

Pretty much, he made the comic. It is funny as. If I am repeating what somebody says, forgive me. I'm not up to reading 5 pages of posts.
I didn't find that comic funny at all. In fact it made me uncomfortable enough to cringe and close my legs very tightly. The last thing that made me do that was 2girls1cup, and that's saying something.

Something about nerd jizz just doesn't sit right with me.
Not having heard about her before today I have no idea what she's like, but personally I'd say she has every right to be upset about that comic. It's pretty unpleasant.
I can see what point the cartoonist was trying to make (or at least I hope they were trying to make) but even so.
Dude who wrote it said:

Dave Cheung said:
Hoo boy. Who'd have thought 2 hours of messing around in Photoshop due to random boredom one night could result in so much DRAMA! Actually, it was probably inevetiable since the internet is full of morons who think they know everything (myself included).

So, to dispel some misunderstandings caused by up-their-own-arse moralistic ******s, here's a "Buy Jade's Game" MORAL-O-FAQ!

Q: Did you Buy Jade's Game?

A: As a matter of fact, I did. I've had it pre-orderded since before I knew of poor Jade's existence, since it looked quite nifty. Sadly, despite being promising in many areas, it gets very boring rather quickly, and has the most ridiculous plot since Star Ocean 3 (This is Jade's game... with a Sci-fi/Horror twist). Oh well.

Q: Why do you hate Jade? Leave Jade alone!
A: Personally, I have nothing against her. I just found the entire situation of HER being more heavily marketed and gaining more "press" (and I use the term loosely) coverage, than THE GAME to be somewhat amusing. In fact, fair do's to her working her way to a cushy position like "Executive Producer", it really is the ideal job; since all you do is sit around doing nothing and get paid for it. RESULT!
But I digress, this has nothing to do the matter at hand.

Q: What statement are you trying to make with the Jade Comic?
A: If you would take some time to read the links I originally posted along with the comic, you see that the primary reason for it's existence is the "Jade Hype" on videogame forums, blogs and "news" sites like Kotaku (lolz). Although Ubi-Soft UNDOUBTEDLY whored Jade out to an extent, it really wasn't any more than how say, Cliffy B whore's HIMSELF out. The difference is, forum nerds, bloggers and Kotaku (lolz) got rather more hot and bothered for Jade than they would for old Cliffy.
So, I suppose Jade could be classed as "Collateral Damage", which may not be very fair, but honestly, if you really care about something as trivial as a comic, you're a collossal ****** (that goes for you ladies too). A joke is a joke, and is only as harmful to you as you let it be.
When someone makes a joke about you, it is YOU who chooses whether or not it becomes EPIC BUTTHURT, not the other way around.

Q: What if Ubi-Soft sue you?
A: They won't, because they don't have a case. As obviously tastless and unsubtle as the comic may be, it is no different to (for example) Dave Chappele dressing up as R.Kelly and pretending to pee in someone's mouth or cartoons in newspapers showing George Bush as the devil. It is merely bullying tactics, and would reflect more badly on them than anyone else.

Q: What is a "moralfag"?
A: A moralfag is a person who's principals are so far wedged up their own backside that they believe that any any remotely derogatory commentary made on anyone else is unnaceptable, unfounded, sexist, racist and, possibly, EVIL. That is, of course, unless they are the ones doing it. Moralfags are also utterly convinced that their view of morality is the ONLY view, and anyone who disagrees can GTFOTHX!
In summary, a moralfag is 99% of DeviantArt users. OH SHIT!

Q: Are you a moralfag?
A: No, I'm just a self-satisfied ****.

Have fun flaming, arse-lickers!
