Lawsuits Filed Against Apple For iPhone 4 Signal Issues

Anecdotes are worthless. And I wasn't necessarily saying I agreed with what Nid said, I meant to just suggest that his comment (to which you made your sarcastic reply) wasn't as absurd as you seemed to make it. I can't find a decent study on the life span of ipods, I see things ranging from 2 to 4 years generally, so its hard to say how regularly they fail. But Planned Obsolescence includes designed mechanical failures. Its not just referring to new tech making old ipods lame.
I realise anecdotes are worthless, which is exactly the reason I prefaced the statement by pointless out it was an anecdote. However, the accusations of ipod/phones failing "after the warranty expires" sounded intensely anecdotal to me, so I was merely trying to counter with my own.

In any case, my original comment was targeted more at the way he worded his post than his actual complaint (although that part sounded pretty absurd to me as well), but obviously I'm not fully informed on the subject, so I'll just refrain from further comment.

On topic, yeah, this antenna business is pretty dumb. :p
Who exactly are the "haters" here? The only people I see actually involved in these lawsuits are the ambulance chasers and the early adopters, the latter of which I would call the exact opposite of "haters", really.

Well I think when you see someone with an iPhone or iPod you instantly hate them if you dont have one yourself.

This, like with cars, is human nature when money is involved. You see someone with a DB9 (or whatever your dream car is just so we dont turn this thread into a ''which car is best'' debate) and you instantly hate the guy or milf driving it, simply because you know you will never have one yourself. I remember overtaking a DB9 convertible on the M5 as it snakes along the cliff just outside Bristol. Some grey-haired daddy was driving with his daughter next to him who must've been 16 or 17. They were slowly overtaking me as there was a road works speed limit. I looked over because I love the DB9, and she looked over at me, smiled and just gave me this ''har har, we have one and you dont'' looks. B**ch. I spent the next 10 minutes overtaking the buggers continuously.

Im not saying having any product by Apple puts you in some sort of hierarchy of ''upper class'', but alot of people think it.

Theres no way of wording that without sounding like a snob though.
Hmm, had me going up until this. Protip: just because someone expresses an opinion contrary to yours doesn't make them a fanboy.

Oh wait, I forgot this was the internet. Lulz.

Lolz, sorry. Point still stands.
Well I think when you see someone with an iPhone or iPod you instantly hate them if you dont have one yourself.

Theres no way of wording that without sounding like a snob though.

You are the one that sounds like a hater and you are projecting that on to other people. I don't hate people that have better things than me. If a ferrari pulls up next to me I don't think to myself "God, I ****ing hate that guy". I think, "wow, what a nice car".

I guess that's not how your mind works.
The only time anything Ive bought from Apple actually failed was when my iPod Nano went through the wash.

And I challenge anyone to find something electronic that will go through the wash and still work...provided you dont take it apart and lay it out on a radiator, blow drying it as you whimper and pray when you put it back together again.

My first iPod, the mini (which wasnt so mini) from a good 5 years ago (I think) is still in my draw and *checks* yes, still works, albeit the battery now lasts about 20 minutes on full charge due to me being a twat with recharging. For example, I hesitate to buy the FM transmitters if they charge your iPod in the car, because thats pretty much cancer for the battery. Even iPod docks arent good for the battery which is designed to make the iPod, you know, portable and last hours. How many times have you cursed yourself for not charging your iPod when you need it the most? That long-ass walk or journey is going to be oh-so-much sh**ter now.

It just comes down to personal experience in my opinion. If youve had problems with Apple products, youll always hate them because you feel the whole 'Ive spent so much and now it doesnt work' over-reaction. If youre like me and never had a problem, you dont care.

Personally, my iPhone doesnt lose any signal at all regardless of how I hold it. So Ive got no complaints.

And for those of you that laugh at Apple fanbois and have an iPod, like pretty much everyone with an mp3 player worth mentioning, then youre technically the same.

My old BlackBerry Storm went through the wash and I just sat it out for a few days. No taking apart or blow drying.
Shame the BB Storm's version of 'working' is generally akin to the washing-machined state of every other touchscreen device. Or perhaps its inability to get worse renders it waterproof?

Evil, evil machine.
Steve Jobs is dead ... dead tired of getting bad reception on his iPhone.
Well I think when you see someone with an iPhone or iPod you instantly hate them if you dont have one yourself.

You just stated the very reason most people mock apple fan boys, because that is exactly how apple fan boys work. There is a reason why the typical stereotype of an apple fan boy is one who will immediately purchase any new products coming from apple in order to stay with the "crowd". This mindset is the perfect example of peer pressure.
My first iPod, the mini (which wasnt so mini) from a good 5 years ago (I think) is still in my draw and *checks* yes, still works, albeit the battery now lasts about 20 minutes on full charge due to me being a twat with recharging. For example, I hesitate to buy the FM transmitters if they charge your iPod in the car, because thats pretty much cancer for the battery. Even iPod docks arent good for the battery which is designed to make the iPod, you know, portable and last hours. How many times have you cursed yourself for not charging your iPod when you need it the most? That long-ass walk or journey is going to be oh-so-much sh**ter now.
I'm not sure what you mean by "being a twat with recharging", but for your information:

I'm pretty sure most everything uses lithium-ion batteries these days. Lithium-ion does not have a 'memory', like nickel cadmium batteries did. So, completely discharging a lithium-ion battery is not good for it, like it was with nickel cadmium.

Lithium-ion batteries that are in constant use typically last 2-3 years and can generally be charged 300-500 times.