$115,000,000 Day One Worldwide Sales for Star Wars!


Wow, that's incredible...

I didn't contribute to the $115m :P
Bugger me that's a lot of money!

I was just thinking the same, Shadowfox ;)
And LucasArts canned Sam&Max because they were worried about sales.
george lucas is wallowing in piles and piles of money, probably thinking of his next butchery of star wars.
George Lucas is gonna secrectly recruit an army in germany with all of his new money, and then "World War 3"
World Vs Ggeeromragneylucas
George Lucas will use "Star Wars" technology, he will use the force and everything!
Germany? no way..but think of EVERY hardcore Star Wars nerd...an army of nerds led by George Lucas...end of the world..
Does anyone know if anything was majorly changed? I'm going to get it for my girlfriend soon, but i'd just like to know in advance.
Sedako said:
Does anyone know if anything was majorly changed? I'm going to get it for my girlfriend soon, but i'd just like to know in advance.
they replaced the old guy in the end of rotj with hayden christenson
Holy shit, people still like Star Wars? Wasn't it "remastered" or some crap already?
Letters said:
Holy shit, people still like Star Wars? Wasn't it "remastered" or some crap already?
before dvds were widely used.
gh0st said:
they replaced the old guy in the end of rotj with hayden christenson

they also replaced boba fetts voice with the actor who played jango fett.
I bought one set yesterday, haven't watched it yet. Been busy playing Battlefront :laugh:
Wow, that's alot of money.

I'm going to get it too, probably, despite all the shitty changes.
George Lucas could secede from the US and become his own country.
I bet George Lucas jerks off to robotic Leia doll while laying on top of a large pile of money.

Lucas is laughing at all the Star Wars fans who bought the new DVDs. Laughing all the way to the bank. Jar Jar was his way of proving to everyone that he has an iron grip on the SW fanbase. He could introduce Mimey, the retarded Emok that pees on everything and get throngs of people in stormtrooper armour to STILL go and see it.

Lucas only loves you for your money.

P.S. Stormtroopers are cool :P
Wait a second, doesn't the guy who played C3PO have a contract which allows him a certain percentage of any revenue from Star Wars merchandise? Or am I thinking of a different thing?
i remember there was a thread a while ago that linked to a dvd review of the boxset. well...i dunno whether i have a different version, but about 70% of the changes mentioned in that article are false. just as an example off the top of my head: in episode IV, cantina in mos eisley, when obi-wan chops off a guys arm...according to the article, the blood stains were going to be removed because 'a lightsaber cauterizes a wound, so there wouldn't be any blood'. unfortunately, the blood is still on the arm, and splattered around liberally.

there's loads more, just can't be arsed to point them all out.
well thats is a nice pile of money :P

Yeah I don't like the changes either Dedalus, but still it's the first time Starwars has been released on DVD, as a fan I couldn't resist :)

Some of my friends believe Lucas will surely release a "collector's edition" with the original scenes just to milk some more credits out of it, and you know what? they're probably right! But I still had to buy this set, 44.99€ for three DVDs is pretty cheap hehe :D
StarWars :| Quite possibly the worst set of movies I have ever seen. Yes, worse then the Matrix! The only thing good that's ever come from StarWars is KOTOR, class game :)
Varg|Hund said:
StarWars :| Quite possibly the worst set of movies I have ever seen. Yes, worse then the Matrix! The only thing good that's ever come from StarWars is KOTOR, class game :)


Ban him!
/me runs.

I redeemed myself when I praised KOTOR, didn't I!? ;)
el Chi said:
And LucasArts canned Sam&Max because they were worried about sales.

Yeah that sucked, i never could understand why they canned that one...Sam&Man rocked and im sure alot of people think the same as i do about that game, it would of sold loads..damn lucasarts :(

On topic. That is alot of money.. :eek:
What's your source for this info? I just watched the 5th movie today actually :) FAR better quality than the first/fourth one... That one was lousy.

*Awaits the new ultra-remastered version with more than 100% more footage :D* Guess I'll have to wait for a while though ;(
i might still buy the DVD.. maybe.. i dunno, i've got it on VHS from like 5 yrs ago, and i watch it every now and then.. but.. i like the old version than the remastered versions they put out in theaters.
Yeah I saw a poster for it at ASDA with a big logo of £29.99

The price is not bad for three DVDs plus extra features
wow there are so many stars wars fans?

I am not a fan of stars wars but I think it hav cool stuffs

and I made this pic to all HL2 and stars wars fans :cheese:

(see atachment)
I've been watching the new versions, and I have to say they're worth watching again for fans of the series just for the quality and widescreen treatment. Its really, really nice.
Direwolf said:
I've been watching the new versions, and I have to say they're worth watching again for fans of the series just for the quality and widescreen treatment. Its really, really nice.

Definately, i watched episode 4 and 5 together yesterday, number 6 is coming tonight :).

My only gripe was that there will never be an episode 7, 8 or 9, they could turn some of the books into movies so that people who haven't read the books get to see what happens after Return Of The Jedi.
Razor said:
My only gripe was that there will never be an episode 7, 8 or 9, they could turn some of the books into movies so that people who haven't read the books get to see what happens after Return Of The Jedi.

apparently there will be a new trilogy. there was an interview with Mark Hamill and he kind of gave it away. i forget the link, but just search the forums and you'll find it.

EDIT: found it: http://comingsoon.net/news/topnews.php?id=6318
OMG sweet

*this star wars nerd rejoices*
my DVDs came through the post today.

im going halves with my dad, but he'll probally just end up paying it all anyway.
<RJMC> said:
wow there are so many stars wars fans?

I am not a fan of stars wars but I think it hav cool stuffs

and I made this pic to all HL2 and stars wars fans :cheese:

(see atachment)

Nice atachment :naughty: :E
<RJMC> said:
wow there are so many stars wars fans?

I am not a fan of stars wars but I think it hav cool stuffs

and I made this pic to all HL2 and stars wars fans :cheese:

(see atachment)
lol nice one mate :)

I don't really like StarWars :p
shit, $115m in one day. im gonna pick it up soon. hopefully i come across some money in the street or something cause i need the stuff i get for *classified information*

edit: no not that stuff you idiots.