$115,000,000 Day One Worldwide Sales for Star Wars!

I would have been running out to get these DVDs too, except there are NO DELETED SCENES.

Scenes like Luke going for the power convertors, or even the sandstorm.

In a few years there will probably be a huge box set with all the episodes (excluding VII, VIII, and IX), with everything included.

I will probably still purchase the DVDs, the improved sound and quality would be worth it.
I saw the DVDs weeks before they came out, my half brother's friend at Lucas had the DVDs and he let him burn them, EAT IT YOU FANBOYS WHO WAITED IN LINE FOR SW DVDS!!! MWAHAHA
Wow...all that money for a butchered ending to episode 6. Some people are gullible.

I wonder how long i'll haveta wait to get mine...
I only have the extra material left to watch now. First movie was crap quality-wise but the other two were a lot better (good but certainly not great).