12,000 Years Old Unexplained Structure

What do you mean unexplained? Some culture built it.

Though, it is a History Channel video... they'll probably try and legitimately question whether Aliens are the ones responsible. I mean shit, they still don't think the Egyptians built the pyramids without some extraterrestrial help and that's more recent than this place.

Pretty cool though.
someone in the video implies Noah was involved lol.
History channel can't be taken seriously anymore. Any time anything is discovered they have to attach the Bible or aliens to it.
History channel can't be taken seriously anymore. Any time anything is discovered they have to attach the Bible or aliens to it.

Pretty much. ****ing pisses me off.

"But do these carvings actually provide historical proof of the great flood that was described in the Bible?"

youtube comment said:


Oh and

youtube comment said:
My question is, how do they know it's 12,000 years old?

youtube comment said:
all they say relies on radio carbon dating which is unreliable at best. 12000 years old? i mean come on!! there were mammuts back then!

Pretty f*cking cool, though. Whoever built these things.

Lost civilisations FTW.
It's pretty obvious that the Goa'uld built them. Duh.
Predator, tbh.

What is so baffling about ancient civilizations in the fertile crescent.

Agricultural surplus = spare time for other stuff
I liked that video but yeah this could bring a whole new series of question.

I for one welcome our newest oldest civilian overlords
What is so baffling about ancient civilizations in the fertile crescent.

Agricultural surplus = spare time for other stuff

First of all the site was built 11.000 years ago, while civilization in the fertile crescent didn't start until 6.500 years ago. Second it was built by hunter-gatherers, not by settled farmers. And third it is about the oldest building known to man.
I would be more impressed if they found a 12000 year old steam engine or something rather than "well crafted" rocks.
kinda like the dwarves in TES? :p

What I thought was really interesting was the question they raised about Myths we have about Ancient advanced Civilizations and how maybe it's not really mythical after all.
it's a shame that government is doing nothing to preserve ancient centers like gobekli tepe in turkey. there's thousands of places like that in urfa, which is known as the home for many civilizations through the history.
What I thought was really interesting was the question they raised about Myths we have about Ancient advanced Civilizations and how maybe it's not really mythical after all.

You are the reason History channel is so shitty now.
to be honest I don't watch TV (news if anything)....so yeah oyu can't blame me for that. :p

Be forewarned, they talk about ****ing aliens more because that's always a possibility. :|
I love it when we think we know everything and then boom, something like that comes along and blows what we thought we knew out of the water.

There's still so much mystery in our history and we humans think we're oh so clever.

Be forewarned, they talk about ****ing aliens more because that's always a possibility. :|

Giorgio A. Tsoukalos is a ****ing fake tanned hair spray covered piece of shit. He founded this horrible show "Ancient Aliens" for his own personal pleasure then shows up in every episode and pretends he has any credentials whatsoever. The reality is that his only background is in promoting bodybuilding. Apparently that makes you both an expert in history and astrophysics. He pulls a bunch of like minded idiots with similarly irrelevant backgrounds on to his show to make claims that have absolutely no proof other that PURE SPECULATION and just plain guessing, yet he presents it as fact so that impressionable idiots say "OMGZ ALIENS MADE PYRAMIDS AND JESUS WAS ABDUCTED!!!" Every so often he'll bring on a reasonably intelligent person with some education in history or technology to say something like "there's not proof that this isn't made my aliens..." but they give then about a 3-4 second little segment in the entire show. Back before this became a series that the "History" Channel picked up, it was just a single segment that came along after the Indiana Jones movie with all that stuff... you know how they try to follow pop culture with their segments. But yeah that had a completely objective opinion that included both crazy ass Giorgio and real historians, archaeologists, and various scientists. It presented the findings and showed pretty obviously that people were capable of creating things like this back then or other things were simply naturally occurring.

The point of this rant is that I hate when people take their own ignorance and spread it pretending it's historically accurate and scientifically sound. The "History" Channel took about 5 years to go from a legitimate source of historical information from experts to a shit show of scripted overly dramatized crap no different than anything else on television. The only recent show on there that I can stand watching is Inspector America... even though it has less to do with history and more to do with addressing very important modern issues... plus that guy on there doesn't pull any punches and leaves some people just looking at him wanting to disappear...

From the Göbekli Tepe video: "OMG, they haven't found any tools!" Well of course that means aliens or god carved and placed the stones right? Imagine in 4 thousand years or something a civilization uncovering one of our skyscrapers; "Wow, these were remarkable people, we found no tools around the structure to suggest how they managed to build it! Perhaps this suggests they built things by telekinesis!!"
From the Göbekli Tepe video: "OMG, they haven't found any tools!" Well of course that means aliens or god carved and placed the stones right? Imagine in 4 thousand years or something a civilization uncovering one of our skyscrapers; "Wow, these were remarkable people, we found no tools around the structure to suggest how they managed to build it! Perhaps this suggests they built things by telekinesis!!"

You know, if I was a foreman I would ****ing kick the shit out of my workers for leaving tools strewn about the work site after a job was over.

"Well, this job's finished! We won't ever be needing these tools again so let's just dump them right here. I'm sure the Temple owners won't mind them for however long this thing exists."

And as if tools were so inexpensive and common... they would just abandon them. I bet those tools were way more valuable to them than the tool sets in the garages of most men today.
since when history channel went to such crappy extremes?
Pretty much. ****ing pisses me off.
"But do these carvings actually provide historical proof of the great flood that was described in the Bible?"

The story of Noah could have been based on a real event in history that was handed down through generations and then fictionalised into a bible story, the carvings might tell the same story before it was handed down.
The story of Noah could have been based on a real event in history that was handed down through generations and then fictionalised into a bible story, the carvings might tell the same story before it was handed down.

What? How do those animals tell the story of a ****ing global flood that required a huge god damn ship to take a mating pair of every species on earth? They're just animals. There's no way to pull that story out from there simply being some animal carvings. Ancient civilizations were obsessed with animals. Look at all those cave paintings.

Oh and it's good to see you back Razor, don't think I've seen you in a long long time.
Oh and it's good to see you back Razor, don't think I've seen you in a long long time.

Judging from his avatar he's been gone since the baby avatar incident, which was what, 4 maybe 5 years ago?