12 Year Old with Sugar Charged with Felony

Jul 17, 2003
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Boy charged with felony for carrying sugar

February 11, 2006

A 12-year-old Aurora boy who said he brought powdered sugar to school for a science project this week has been charged with a felony for possessing a look-alike drug, Aurora police have confirmed.

The sixth-grade student at Waldo Middle School was also suspended for two weeks from school after showing the bag of powdered sugar to his friends.

The boy, who is not being identified because he is a juvenile, said he brought the bag to school to ask his science teacher if he could run an experiment using sugar.

Two other boys asked if the bag contained cocaine after he showed it to them in the bathroom Wednesday morning, the boy's mother said.

He joked that it was cocaine, before telling them, "just kidding," she said.

Aurora police arrested the boy after a custodian at the school reported the boy's comments. The youngster was taken to the police station and detained, before being released to his parents that afternoon.

"This is getting ridiculous," said the boy's mother. "They treated my son like a criminal. .. . This is no way to treat a 12-year-old kid."

East Aurora School District officials declined to comment on the case, citing privacy issues.

The district issued a written statement, which said: "The dangers of illegal drugs and controlled substances are clear.

Could get probation

"Look-alike drugs and substances can cause that same level of danger because staff and students are not equipped to differentiate between the two."

The school handbook states that students can be suspended or expelled for carrying a look-alike drug.

Penalties for juveniles are decided on a case-by-case basis, but if convicted, the sixth-grader could likely face up to five years' probation, said Jeffery Jefko, deputy director of Kane County juvenile court services.

Juveniles who have prior criminal records could also be placed in a residential treatment program if convicted, he said.

Aurora Beacon-News

:rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:
In order to achieve total authoritarian control over our nation's children, we must enact zero tolerance policies that let children know that the educational administrations of America we are in control. If we let even one misdemeanor pass and turn a blind eye towards it, we as a nation will disintegrate into savages. Our newest generation of children are now forced into a media onslaught of sex and violence. We must be responsible and control what our children see, hear, and do. I believe in complete control by our government over what we do. Obviously, many of you will argue that we will be subject to a totalitarian, corrupt 1984 Big Brother-esque administration. However, the goodness of our human nature will prevent that from happening. By punishing those evil-doers with a lifetime sentence in a remote penal colony, we can eliminate all evil from our world. Let it be known that those bastards will not live among us any longer.

Also, he putz it in hiz butt.
Only in America!

I'm seriously getting less offended by that statement. This country is filled with goddamn morons, and a lot of them seem to make it to authoritative positions.

Why do I have to live in the paranoid capitol of the world? This is worse than the kid's who have been expelled for bringing Advil to school for headaches.
Wow...a kid brought a loaded gun to my school and said he was going to kill himself and others. The administration suspended the kid for a week.

Then a kid leaves a super soaker in his car and gets expelled from school for it.

Only in America...and everyone else that has jackasses in positions of power.
Erestheux, I understand your frustration man!

I agree with your statement 100%.
Glirk Dient said:
Wow...a kid brought a loaded gun to my school and said he was going to kill himself and others. The administration suspended the kid for a week.

Then a kid leaves a super soaker in his car and gets expelled from school for it.

Only in America...and everyone else that has jackasses in positions of power.
They should've expelled the kid so he would've killed himself. ****ing emo fags.
****ing morons. It's obviously not cocaine, don't ****ing penalize the kid for it. If he was trying to sell it under the guise of cocaine, yeah... but he obviously wasn't.
lol if he gets the felony charge and the year of probation he should go up to his principal and go

"Thank you Principal. I've learned never to bring sugar to school again. Although I've lost voting rights for the rest of my life, and most companies weed out immediately felony convictions, this will help guide me in life"
Seriously, where has all the innocence gone?

How does Europe do it?

Shouldn't stickers be illegal also, since wasn't acid or something distributed via sticker back in 'the day'.
xcellerate said:
Seriously, where has all the innocence gone?

How does europe do it?

my HL2 account name & password say the kid is black (if he was white they probably would have let him go with a warning)
Lou said:
my HL2 account name & password say the kid is black (if he was white they probably would have let him go with a warning)

That's pretty racist, no? I don't know if you're connotation is that the kid was arrested because he was black, or was showing around sugar and joking it was cocaine, because he was black.
Raziaar said:
That's pretty racist, no? I don't know if you're connotation is that the kid was arrested because he was black, or was showing around sugar and joking it was cocaine, because he was black.

Presumably because he is black. Again, we don't know his race, but my gut tells me the kid is black, otherwise they probably wouldn't have charged him with a felony. Anyway, I am tired of seeing black people and other minorities treated like shit, I actually hope the kid is white.
Glirk Dient said:
Wow...a kid brought a loaded gun to my school and said he was going to kill himself and others. The administration suspended the kid for a week.

Then a kid leaves a super soaker in his car and gets expelled from school for it.

Only in America...and everyone else that has jackasses in positions of power.

Dont forget about people who are convicted of robbery who get more time than murderers. I think the message is clear. If youre gonna commit a crime, go all the way and leave dead bodies in your wake.:smoking:
Lou said:
I actually hope the kid is white.

...because if the kid was white, then that would make up all the poor black people's suffering? Because finally the 'system' would be fair where everybody gets screwed equally? Because it's about time whitey gets what's comin to him?

Would you rather see minorities get screwed, or everybody get screwed? <-- loaded question, dun dun dun.
xcellerate said:
...because if the kid was white, then that would make up all the poor black people's suffering?


Because finally the 'system' would be fair where everybody gets screwed equally?


Because it's about time whitey gets what's comin to him?


Would you rather see minorities get screwed, or everybody get screwed? <-- loaded question, dun dun dun.

Erestheux said:
Only in America!

I'm seriously getting less offended by that statement. This country is filled with goddamn morons, and a lot of them seem to make it to authoritative positions.

Why do I have to live in the paranoid capitol of the world? This is worse than the kid's who have been expelled for bringing Advil to school for headaches.

do I smell a fad starting? D:
TwwIX said:
Jack Thompson is gonna be all over this one.
"And if the kids never gotten their hands on "Drug Wars" then this would have NEVER happened.

*Parents cheering in background*
TwwIX said:
Jack Thompson is gonna be all over this one.

How can they do this? The kid is only fecking 12 years old and they are charging him with felonious carrying of "Drug Look-alikes"
I mean Christ did some teacher spot him and start hysterically screaming "Oh MY GOD His got a bag of sugar***N FOR YOUR LIVES!"

I'm sorry but this makes so little sense to me.I can't even fathom the logic behind it.
I'm usually against the schools on these things...

but think about it. The kid claims he brought it for a science experiment? An unplanned science experiment? How many science experiments can you think of that would use powdered sugar?

Sure the school overreacted but I seriously doubt the kid brought it for anything other than to make it look like drugs. So he's partly at fault for putting himself in that position.
dfc05 said:
I'm usually against the schools on these things...

but think about it. The kid claims he brought it for a science experiment? An unplanned science experiment? How many science experiments can you think of that would use powdered sugar?

Sure the school overreacted but I seriously doubt the kid brought it for anything other than to make it look like drugs. So he's partly at fault for putting himself in that position.

Testing for Gloucose? To name one
how much sugar was in the bag? cocaine costs about $100/gram (can) ..what grade 6'er would carry hundreds of dollars worth of drugs? Surely someone in the school admin/police dept has SOME experience with identifying drugs? either that or they're just incredibly stupid
First sugar, then science books that contain evolutionary 'Theory'.
Solaris said:
First sugar, then science books that contain evolutionary 'Theory'.

I wonder if those new textbooks had an expieriment to create life using sugar ;)
Can anyone cite the law that makes carrying confectioner's sugar illegal?

Hot damn, I should be this kid's lawyer.
I hope that scum is locked away forever, except being dragged out for occasional beatings.
It's just another step towards the complete removal of childhood and innocence. I hope those f*cking politicians are happy.
JNightshade said:
It's just another step towards the complete removal of childhood and innocence. I hope those f*cking politicians are happy.

I know I am. Children are the root of all evil.
Ok I can't fault the logic. Without children there would be no evil in the world.

But it would be a pretty quiet world ;)