130 results on crash to desktop, and still no fix - ROFL


Mar 22, 2005
Reaction score
Yup - been through a lot and decided to add another.
Now a question of ettiquette, start with some facts n figures, or the inevitable flaming about a problem that didn't exist before the recent updates.... hmmm - fact n figures:

System Spec:
3000+ on a GA-7VA rev 1
512 megs of branded 400
Radeon 9800pro (tried x4 and x8)
a few hundred gigs of various quality branded harddrives
standard battlehardened keyboard
a logitech cordless mouse that eats 2 pair of rechargable batteries a day
'branded' 350w PSU
dvdplayer / cdburner

I get dumped to desktop usually within 30mins of play...

Current cs:s tweak.cfg (thought it might be worth listing it in case one of you bods spots something that might be the problem...)


//Memory settings

//Netcode Settings

*cl_interp 0
*cl_interpolate 0
cl_lagcomp_errorcheck 1 //Checks for player position errors
cl_cmdbackup 50
cl_cmdrate 101
cl_updaterate 101
cl_rate 20000
cl_smooth 0 //Stops the game from feeling choppy
rate 25000

//Graphic Settings

budget_show_history 0
cl_ejectbrass 0
cl_forcepreload "1"
cl_phys_props_enable 0
cl_phys_props_max 0
cl_radartype 1
*cl_ragdoll_physics_enable 0
cl_show_bloodspray 1
cl_show_splashes 0
fog_enable 0
fog_enable_water_fog 1
*fps_max 101
mat_bloom 0
mat_bumpmap 0
mat_clipz 0
mat_dxlevel 81
mat_fastnobump 1
mat_fastspecular 1
mat_mipmaptextures 1
mat_picmip 1 //This is the command that the in game "Texture Quality" setting changes: 0 = High 1 = Medium 2 = Low
mat_specular 0
mat_trilinear 0
mp_decals 300
muzzleflash_light 0
r_avglight 0
r_decal_cullsize 1
*r_decals 0
r_dispfullradius "2"
r_drawdetailprops 0
r_drawropes 0
r_dynamic 0
r_eyeglintlodpixels 0
r_eyegloss 0
r_eyemove 0
r_eyes 0
r_eyeshift_x 0
r_eyeshift_y 0
r_eyeshift_z 0
r_eyesize 0
r_lightaverage "0"
r_lightinterp "0"
r_lod 0 //5 makes Player models look bad but saves CPU power. A setting of -5 will make the game render perfect quality models from any distance
r_mmx 1
r_propsmaxdist 100
r_rainalpha 0
r_rainalphapow 0
r_raindensity 0
r_rainlength 0
r_RainProfile 0
r_rainradius 0
r_RainRadius 0
r_RainSideVel 0
r_RainSimulate 0
r_rainspeed 0
r_rainwidth 0
r_RainSplashPercentage 0
r_renderoverlayfragment "0"
r_rootlod "2"
r_shadowmaxrendered "-1"
r_shadowrendertotexture "0"
r_shadows 0
r_sse "1"
r_sse2 "1"
r_teeth 0
r_WaterDrawReflection 0
r_worldlightmin "1"
r_worldlights "1"
sv_forcepreload 1

//Blood detail increased to see hits better

violence_agibs "1"
violence_hgibs "1"
violence_hblood "1"
violence_ablood "1"
cl_show_bloodspray "1"

//Crosshair brightness

cl_crosshairalpha "999"
cl_crosshairusealpha "1"

// next file

exec keys.cfg


Fixes Tried:

1. dissabled vpu recover
2. checked and updated where needed all drivers
3. replace ram with a branded 512 stick of 333
4. dissabled onboard soundcard, added old faithfull (creative live...)
5. dissabled fast writes
6. deleted all game content and downloaded it again (deleted the folder just to be sure)
6.5 ate lots of comfort food, washed down with lots of cheap wine
7. pulled all visual settings down to minimum
8. pulled all hardware acceleration down one notch
9. validated source files
9.5 went clubbing and did some substances im probably not allowed to mention here even though [edit: blah blah blah] - hooked up with a playmate and got laid.
10. came down with a bump and pulled all non essential periferals from playmate and then computer, dissabled virus/spyware, bandwidth shaping ware, chat systems
11. verified that doom3, riddick, cncgen, battlezone 2, X2 the threat and Playboy Mansion Poker still ran problem free
12. underclocked the 9800pro
13. gave up reading through 130 hits on 'crash to desktop' and started construction a voodoo model of valve studios... with intent
14. boosted agp voltage by 0.2
15. tried to remember the other things i've tried but can't. (probably due to use of afformentioned substances) ohyeh:
16. tried various version of vid drivers including omega
17. out of pure desperation, i tried the mass file copy suggestion listed about 6 posts into this thread: http://www.halflife2.net/forums/showthread.php?t=51721&highlight=crash+desktop
.. yeh - sounded like bs to me too, but this fix has worked for some...

Now for some flamming: F&(^*(& C*&^$!!! :angry:

[Deep Breath - Slow Release]

Any other suggestions people?
the problem is with this title only - so no reinstall xp or use a non via chipset based mobo style bs please...

One of the things that pisses me off the most about it is there's no record of there being a problem with the operating systems event manager - wtf not? So there's no hint of what the problem could be, or a decent lead to chase up... please valve - sort it the f*&^ out.

On re-reading this post, most of the things i've tried have been a permanant fix for the people who posted them - does anyone know of a post that lists every known supposed fix ? (doesn't look like it - i'll keep this one updated here and at the steam forums...)
cmon people, there's gotta be something else worth trying that's not mentioned in that list...
Actually dude, If you dont mind... Can you post the rest of yer CFG files? Those look like some nice tweaks. :( sorry I dont know what to say but... Have you tryed setting the hash on it?

With this new patch I was getting stuttering... IT WAS BAD. I hadent even got stuttering with HL2 first came out so I knew that something was up. I erased the entire CSS directory and let it re do it self and it fixed the problem. It seems that sometimes the CSS directory gets messed up and then the GFC that gets mounted gets outa sync with it.

Try backing up yer maps and CFG and eraseing the folder.
that's the only cfg used to tweak my fps - experimenting slowly it's taken my stress test from around 65 to 100ish fps without making the game look like shite... i was gonna do some more research into the way lights and effects are handled to see if i could squeeze a few more fps out of it without loosing any more eyecandy. but there doesn't seem to be any point until this dump to desktop is sorted out. the keys.cfg is just my keybindings, and a quick-knife...

setting the hash? i was about to try -heapsize 256000 in the launch options. It was part in my tweakfile, but didn't seem to make any difference... is that what you meant?

i had actualy scrubbed the cs:s dir either b4 or after using the tool to delete all game content - i should have mentioned that on the list... i'll edit

tracked down sourcemodels.gcf it's half a gig - i'll delete that tonight and leave it d/ling while i sleep

oh, and thanks for the compliment on the tweak file - appreciated m8
The way I set my hash is by createing a shortcut for CSS and adding -heapsize 512000 for mine. Then when i LOAD it, on the console screen that CSS shows whyll booting, it states that the heap is set to 500mb. Belive it or not, I think that the heapsize helps my FPS and lowers the gag effect. Weather it does or not isnt for me to find out. As long as I think it does, then its working just fine :) hehe
ohyeh - that tweaks file's a lil out of date. i've been running on mat_dxlevel 81...
Psu? Whats that?

If somehow you meant GPU? Then seriously he should live with it till december or january. The cards out now are nice, but dont support WGF which is the next version of direct X. Also those cards will be 2x faster ATLEAST than the best card now.

EDIT# Oh... I looked at it again, dur PSU... Power supply unit...
it's a 'branded' 350w PSU. (knew i was forgetting something on that spec list) i was gonna up it to 400, but read somewhere that some guy fixed his locks buy downgrading from 400 to 350....

and i've just played for over an hour without a crash. the only change being the heapsize 256000 in the launch option... that said, i got over an hours play after dissabling vpu recover, d/ling the files again, dissabling fastwrites, and upping the voltage - then either later the same day, or the next, it was back to 20mins a go again.
I heard fastwrite can be bad.(don't know the specifics)

If it was teh VPU recoverer, you may have been overheating?
5. dissabled fast writes
Heats nowhere near alarm levels on the cpu - the cards only about 6 months old so i doubt there's a fault with it yet. this machines never had a full case on it btw and nothing's ever been overclocked...

Just had about another hours play without a crash. A few looping sound judders which i thought were gonna end up at the desktop, but it got through them all, maybe the heapsize fixed it. would seem strange as that would imply some kind of memory error which should show up with other games and definately leave something logged with event manager each time.

i'll rename sourcemodels.gcf and get a new one while i sleep. tomorrow i'll run a 30 min memtest and attempt a 3 hour play session with the original gcf and post the results.

thanks for your suggestions so far peeps, keep em coming...
ok - todays testing went well... ish
after ending yesterday seemingly stable, this mornings attemtps with both the ol and the 'new' source models.gcf file was crashing within 15 mins of joining a variety of servers. (i say 'new' because there noway my 2mb connection d/lded 500ish megs in 25ish mins. dunno where it got the file from....)

So closed everything killed networking, ended every proccess tree i could and ran memtest until 900% coverage - no errors
system file checker didn't prompt me for anything, so i'm guessing there's nothing wrong with any of my system files either - no suprise there. So i uninstalled steam and restarted the machine.

10 mins into the first game after a re-install i got a really good loop of a reload over a distant explosion in compound that i was grooving in my seat to when i was shown my desktop again. Wasn't running that tweakfile either. I'd turned down a couple of the more extravagent suggested settings in the video options page and punched in cl_smooth 0 to sort the jitters out.

On attempt 2,3 n 4 i got 20-30 mins of play. On attempt 5 i ran my tweak file and got about 2 hours play. Had a couple sittings since then over an hour each with no crashes... wierd, but nice.

Noticed some kinda minidump files turning up after crashes eg:-Steam__2329__2005_3_26T15_3_6C406546.mdmp - looks like garbage in wordpad. Anyone know where i can get a widget that'll make sense of it, without having to ask someone to lift a copy of .NET visual Studio from thier workplace?

Noooooooooooooooooooo - can't edit the list anymore have to stick it in here:

Fixes Tried:

1. dissabled vpu recover
2. checked and updated where needed all drivers
3. replace ram with a branded 512 stick of 333
4. dissabled onboard soundcard, added old faithfull (creative live...)
5. dissabled fast writes
6. deleted all game content and downloaded it again (deleted the folder just to be sure)
6.5 ate lots of comfort food, washed down with lots of cheap wine
7. pulled all visual settings down to minimum
8. pulled all hardware acceleration down one notch
9. validated source files
9.5 went clubbing and did some substances im probably not allowed to mention here even though [edit: blah blah blah] - hooked up with a playmate and got laid.
10. came down with a bump and pulled all non essential periferals from playmate and then computer, dissabled virus/spyware, bandwidth shaping ware, chat systems
11. verified that doom3, riddick, cncgen, battlezone 2, X2 the threat and Playboy Mansion Poker still ran problem free
12. underclocked the 9800pro
13. gave up reading through 130 hits on 'crash to desktop' and started construction a voodoo model of valve studios... with intent
14. boosted agp voltage by 0.2
15. tried to remember the other things i've tried but can't. (probably due to use of afformentioned substances) ohyeh:
16. tried various version of vid drivers including omega
17. out of pure desperation, i tried the mass file copy suggestion listed about 6 posts into this thread: http://www.halflife2.net/forums/sho...t=crash+desktop
.. yeh - sounded like bs to me too, but this fix has worked for some...
18. 900% coverage memtest, just to be sure the rams a-ok. systemfile checker...
19. Uninstalled steam. restart. reinstall from cd (dvd?)
9.5 worked the best out of all, I think.
quote from hitchikers guide?
can anyone tell me what solution is hiding behind this link:


i always get this msg when i try it:
You do not have permission to access this page. This could be due to one of several reasons:
You do not have permission to access the page that you were trying to. Are you trying to edit someone else's post or trying to access administrative features? Check that you are allowed to perform this action in the Forum Rules.
If you are trying to post, the administrator may have disabled your account, or it may be awaiting activation.

and no response to my email about it either...
well it's been a few days with only minor issues, (flipping back to the desktop a few times when starting, but not acualy crashing). At some point over the weekend i went back to using the onboard soundcard (something about the positional sounds didn't sound right with the live card). Yesterday i had a proper session on it - got together with a few clan members and played for about 4 hours. no problems whatsoever. Nothing's changed between then and now, but i've just had an endless loop after hitting escape to go change an option. Ended up killing it via the task manager. Just when i thought it was stable.

virus and adware scan hasn't turned up anything, and i'm thinking about going through my list again... what a chore. any new suggestions people?
I think everything within reason has been tried, along the lines of hardware and software configurations. What i'm looking for, i think,are a few commands to undo whatever it is that one of those patches did to ????up the performance and stability...

i know my game runs more like it used to using dx81 mode (the commands in the config file at the start of the thread), and also seems more stable with VPU recover dissabled. there's gotta be more we can do from within the game...

Any thoughts / suggestions along these lines people?
well hello mate first reply in this post so ill try and make it my last and solve a few problems for you (ive skimmed all th posts so sorry if this has been mentiond)i had severe locks and crashes to desktop yet low and behold i havnt had one for a month now and thats with heavy heavy play (its that bad my lass has forgot what i look like).
stability is the key and cs:s baught out the worset in my 9800pro took me forever to find a solution and then it was in the most unlikly place but it worked so here it is up your agp voltage a little to 1.6/1.65 wich ever solves the problem first it cant harm your grfx card the limiters on the card take care of all the voltage and garuntee the correct voltage is distributed to where it needs to be.
the way it was explained to me is that it makes the agp and northbridge more stable cs:s seems to be somewhat of a bitch for some gamers.
i garuntee this solved all my problems i havnt had a lock or crash to desktop since i changed this setting give it a go it cant hurt all it can do is nothing then you know its another thing crossed off ya list.
good luck let me know if it helps
I used to have the same problems with unstable loading leading to crashing to desktop sometimes. It was mainly noticable when testing custom maps. However lately it hasn't happened at all...i didn't touch the config, so i'm not sure if valve have attempted to fix the/a cause of it
every now and then i revert all and enter cl_smooth 0. Yesterday it was on a 24 player game - first time i'd been dunmped to desktop for about 4 days. It happened about 20 mins into the game. So frustrating.
Jst to say i used to have this problem with my FX5900XT. Turns out it was my power suply.. So i bought a new1 Tagan480watt. All is find now :)
powersupply isn't making any of my other favourite titles crash... and they're as resource hogging as this is...

tried upping the voltage on the agp socket too - i think its 14 on the list. it was was of the things that seems to do the job for an hour or so, then i started crashing again....
ROFL - i don't know what bug fixes those last couple of small updates have done. But after being stable for a while, i'm now suffering from the odd sudden restart! not just while playing either. the first one happened about 30 mins away from a my last save while map editing with hammer! how aggravating... ?

anyone else had a recent change like this?
ttrnasfer said:
ROFL - i don't know what bug fixes those last couple of small updates have done. But after being stable for a while, i'm now suffering from the odd sudden restart! not just while playing either. the first one happened about 30 mins away from a my last save while map editing with hammer! how aggravating... ?

anyone else had a recent change like this?

Your psu and/or your fans are failing.
I have been developing the same problem recently, since november 16 I NEVER had crashes, and I mean this is for 5 months straight, stable, almost perfect gameplay. Then suddenly yesterday I crash 4 times in a row like 30 minutes into the game, what gives?
ttrnasfer said:
ROFL - i don't know what bug fixes those last couple of small updates have done. But after being stable for a while, i'm now suffering from the odd sudden restart! not just while playing either. the first one happened about 30 mins away from a my last save while map editing with hammer! how aggravating... ?

anyone else had a recent change like this?

Yes lets blame everything but our hardware!
but if the hardwares running all other heavy duty titles without a hitch m8...

seriously m8 - if a comp can run Doom3, Riddick and a BZ2 MPI with 2 online players and a local one for 2 hours without lockups, a slideshow, desktop suprise, or unrequested restart - the problems with the source engine. Not its cooling, not its vidcard/mobo combo, not its sodding agp voltage.

did you even read the rest of the thread?
think before you post comments like 'oh lets blame the game and not our hardware...' fukkin moron, you'll only get people suffering with genuine problems who've been working through the solutions step by step upset - stay the **** off my thread and post that shit for some teenager you tosser.
i know that was random but pla dont beat me in the corner again mommy, i just dont think i could take it:(
ttrnasfer said:
did you even read the rest of the thread?
think before you post comments like 'oh lets blame the game and not our hardware...' fukkin moron, you'll only get people suffering with genuine problems who've been working through the solutions step by step upset - stay the **** off my thread and post that shit for some teenager you tosser.

No because I quoted what I was going to reply to for a reason. If your computer suddenly restarts, its not the game, its obviously something to do with hardware, but you are obviously too arrogant to realize that.
ttrnasfer said:
but if the hardwares running all other heavy duty titles without a hitch m8...

seriously m8 - if a comp can run Doom3, Riddick and a BZ2 MPI with 2 online players and a local one for 2 hours without lockups, a slideshow, desktop suprise, or unrequested restart - the problems with the source engine. Not its cooling, not its vidcard/mobo combo, not its sodding agp voltage.

did you even read the rest of the thread?
think before you post comments like 'oh lets blame the game and not our hardware...' fukkin moron, you'll only get people suffering with genuine problems who've been working through the solutions step by step upset - stay the **** off my thread and post that shit for some teenager you tosser.

Just because other games run fine doesn't exclude your hardware. Random reboot is the first sign of failing hardware. Hope your mobo burns your gfx card, enjoy!
DiSTuRbEd said:
No because I quoted what I was going to reply to for a reason. If your computer suddenly restarts, its not the game, its obviously something to do with hardware, but you are obviously too arrogant to realize that.

the only time it ever restarts suddenly is either playing css or mapping css - and usually mapping. it's only happened once in game. NO OTHER TITLE OR TASK MAKES IT RESTART - NOW FUKK OFF
ttrnasfer said:
the only time it ever restarts suddenly is either playing css or mapping css - and usually mapping. it's only happened once in game. NO OTHER TITLE OR TASK MAKES IT RESTART - NOW FUKK OFF

Yes, that would be a hardware conflict thats making you restart, either from overheating or faulty ram. Quit blaming things on the source engine when its YOUR HARDWARE. Oh and watch the language I am trying to help out, but you are ignoring it.
ttrnasfer I like your style!
Anyway I tried for a while to disable my pagefile, and it gave me a few similar errors, could happen after 4 hours or 20 minutes, especially when alt-tabbing out, I have 1 gig RAM, well may work for you to change it.

Uh.. It is legal right? (had to ask) ;o)
my little brother has similar reboot problems when playing CS:S and I have heard other ppl complaining about the same thing... my bro has a new comp so I doubt it's the hardware...

Ps. ppl stop flaming... we're not in kinderkarden anymore ;)
Is it a crappy PSU?

I would say try and get a DECENT psu, wattage means shit if the PSU is crap. I have a tagan 480w, there are other brands that are just as decent.