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Where and when did the oh so great "1337" language start?
On a stormy mountainpeak, thousands of years ago.
it was started in the 1980's so hackers forums would not be picked up by search engines, it then dissappeared but then reappered in online gameing when Quake or whatever was released.

Quite frankly 1337... it's just a fat load of bollocks really.
It's simmilar to z after warez, isoz etc.
i thought it was just a load of **** that origonated and grew alongside online gaming, but i never realised it was as early as 1980! sheesh.
Haha, it has a history. Wishing I had a time machine right now, and take out whoever invented hacking :)
Bad^Hat said:
Wishing I had a time machine right now, and take out whoever invented hacking :)

So you want to go back in time, and take out all of the people who started the computer age? :)
gh0st said:
dont miss steve jobs

WTF u talking about? 1337 5p33k was the basis of humanity!!! What do you think the first humans spoke? Caveman?... no no no.. it was definatly 1337 that they were speeking.

There's no "right" way to speek 1337 speak...it's retarded but it's admittedly fun to bother people with it!
Tredoslop, I'm afraid if you make another pun or whatever the hell that was, I'll have to kill you.
That wasn't even a pun. :| Sheep, I'll have to kill you.
everyone knows how to speak leet...like 1337 h4x0rz @R3 @W3z0/\/\3!!!
Man, someone should translate the works of Shakespeare back into their original form: l337 sp33|<!!

Today I looked at my alarm clock and it said: 13:37
I laughed out loud. Is that good or bad?
Good, if your a gamer, REALLY bad if youre a normal person.
Try this L33t Converter. Now we can all speak L33t!!! :bounce:
Although i'm not sure if these converter progs are a good thing... if everyone can speak L33t, whats the point of it?
Yeah, really. I saw nw909 and Prince of China, and died a little inside ;(

Also, bvasgm, GTFI XFIRE >:0
Oh God. Qckbeam... omfg... stop hurting me with thinking old people are back.
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