14mins of Crysis gameplay footage

Samon said:
Nano suit. Crysis takes one step closer to being lame.

You just found out about this? It was one of the 1st pieces of info received.
Samon said:
Nano suit. Crysis takes one step closer to being lame.

Yeah, games where your character has a special suit are pretty lame :p

The only thing that sucked was the punching down trees. Fists as a melee weapon are stupid, how about a machete that hacks down trees?
VirusType2 said:
That narrator needed to be completely silent. They should have left the game volume all the way up, and told him to be silent. The sound effects are incredible.

I like the ice effects.

This looks so ****ing amaZing, but I don't like the "super strength punching" bullshit. That was so ****in gay. Yes, I'm going to walk through AK-47 gunfire, and start jabbing his jaw. Now I'm going to punch down your house. HAHAHAH you have to be ****ing kidding me! NO THANKS.
I believe that he had the game set so that he couldn't die. The super-strength did seem a bit corny still; I think stealth kills would be a little better - if you get within a certain distance, you should be able to pounce (think Aliens in AVP2).
ElFuhrer said:
The only thing that sucked was the punching down trees.

QFMFT!!! The strength seems OK.. so whatever, now you are in "strength mode" How about making it able to take more damage damage, being able to jump higher, move faster, lift or push heavy things, stuff like that.... PUNCHING DOWN TREES AND HOUSES?? NOW YOU HAVE GONE TOO FAR:cry:

get it? too Farcry?


This makes the game utterly stupid. It looked like Doom1 punching animation!!! Nooooo!! lose it!

It seems obvious to me that the Crysis team is becoming interested in making some other types of games.
Yuss! My life has meaning!! I can PUNCH through tree trunks!!!

That's the most uninspired power anyone could come up with ;(
I was wondering the other day how their going to go with Helicopters. Whether or not their blades can cut through trees. Because if they can't, and you can punch through trees, thats just lame
I don't see why you're all complaining about the strength mode. The point is to make it possible to play the game in whatever fashion you want. So, if you don't like strength mode for whatever reason just don't use it and use stealth mode or something else all together. I for one recall they mention that when in strength mode you can move much heavier objects, so I don't think punching down trees is that far fetched. Oh yeah and I do think that when in strength mode you are going to have some disadvantages to balance out the game, maybe move slower or use stamina quicker.
Redneck said:
I for one recall they mention that when in strength mode you can move much heavier objects, so I don't think punching down trees is that far fetched.

Just....just think about that for a moment.

In a game striving for realistic A.I. Realistic graphics. Realistic environments.

Do you really like punching down trees and buildings isn't that far fetched now?
Sparta said:
Just....just think about that for a moment.

In a game striving for realistic A.I. Realistic graphics. Realistic environments.

Do you really like punching down trees and buildings isn't that far fetched now?

It might not be realistic, but then again an alien army coming out of a meteor isn't either. I for one like it and I think it will be fun, and IMO fun outwais realistic. Like I said befor, this game is shaping up to be highly costumisable so if you don't like strength mode and puching buidings and trees down then don't use strenght mode, but let the ones that do like it have their fun.
Samon said:
Nano ones are. :p

Actually, no. Infact they are the most realistic concept, the military have been developing nano suits since 2002.

http://www.newscientist.com/article.ns?id=dn2043 , after reading that then take into account that Crysis is based in the year 2020.

If anyone wants a realistic explaination..

Memetic alloy's in the suit are computer chip controlled sending electical current that changes the composition depending on the movement of the arms or legs.

The contraction of the alloy when a current is applied assists the contraction of muscles, giving you the ability to run faster and pick up heavier objects without expending as much energy.... and yes possibly even the ability to punch down small trees with ease.. so why complain? if anyone thinks it's dumb .. then don't do it? lol

I'll side with Crytek on this one as they have obviously done their homework.
Is there a new link for this? Both IE and FF are showing a spanish version of "page does not exist"
Samon said:
Realism is not god, Clarks. :p

why are you being lame , i know your staff here but that does not give you the right to be a complete tit !!!
russ_uk said:
why are you being lame , i know your staff here but that does not give you the right to be a complete tit !!!

He's stating his opinion... Like everyone else... :/
russ_uk said:
why are you being lame , i know your staff here but that does not give you the right to be a complete tit !!!

Give me a minute while I sweep my opinion under the bed. :|
Not that Samon can't defend himself - but seriously guys! If your going to try and convince the man otherwise why not spend a bit of time thinking about it rather than resorting to "Samon is a numpty!" :)

I know where you’re coming from Samon, I too am sceptical about how Crysis will turn out. I bought Far Cry under the presumption that it was going to be this nice blend between realism and arcade (maybe siding more with realism), with intelligent AI and such like... because of this misconception, I’ve never got past the level where it turns to a tree top base and those sodden monkeys appear.

However, the optimist has got to hope for something a little more solid this time round. Iron sights are always a bonus in my opinion, not just because I like to use them but in theory it should mean that your opponents with have the option to use them (maybe slowing down the pace a little). Although I’m not fond of the suit, I do like the idea that it doesn’t just mean you’re a hard ****** in every way and that you need a little bit of consideration to where to put its power (the fists punching looks so crap though :) )

Weapon customisation could be good – but I hope it’s not restricted to your government issue ones, and you get a chance to fiddle with the enemies various weapon upgrades (even if it is just a scope of silencer).

A.I. is something I’m actually personally interested in, so I could go into a lot of details of what I expect and what I don’t – but in general I just hope they are aware of their environment and that “they will try and find cover” doesn’t mean “run into the open” like one of the guys in the trailer managed so well :)

Graphics are always nice, and physics obviously come hand in hand with that. Generally I personally feel it’s the best thing out their (graphics wise) I’ve seen to date (check out the HD tech demo). Physics on the other hand I’ve yet to be totally impressed (the screwed up tire when he’s actually saying “All physics are total correct” while blowing up the house and the tire bounces about on the ground for no reason)

Sorry for rambling but I think its got potential. I’m not trying to convince anyone that this WILL be the best game ever, just maybe elaborating more than others on the points their trying to express :)

EDIT:: Damit - I can't edit my first post but if a mod could paste this link in place of the one that doesnt work any more that would be great :) http://www.totalcry.com/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=85&Itemid=37
<3 samon, I like people with an aquired taste for certain types of gameplay. Me though.. I'll get exited about anything and everything that looks interesting and fun, + I've always fancied tearing down whole forests (AVP fantasy :p)
AH_Viper said:
Not that Samon can't defend himself - but seriously guys! If your going to try and convince the man otherwise why not spend a bit of time thinking about it rather than resorting to "Samon is a numpty!" :)

I wasn't going to post a long rant, hehe. I'm glad you are not entirely oblivious to what I'm saying :thumbs:

clarky003 said:
<3 samon, I like people with an aquired taste for certain types of gameplay.


But Clarky, you look forward to these threads simply for my bitching. :p !
For some reason I have quickly lost intrest in Crysis.

Only the graphics and physics are appealing but yet I sense the physics arn't all that good either, so what, you can cut down trees and smash some buildings but I bet there is SO much that can't be destroyed through physics.

Seeing a NPC stick his head and gun through a wall like everyother game stinks. I don't care if it is a demo, I bet 100% it will be in the final game, with that crappy AI that just seems to stand there and not react to threats/risks.

Gameplay from that video looks awful, and sorry if you punch a tree like that, the tree wouldn't "jump" up a few inches then fall on the ground... and again you can smash up buildings with fists but take 5-10 hits to kill someone? Realism... I know, it isn't God but that fist stuff is cheese on a stick, it seems placed with little thought put into it.

Awesome graphics, not bad physics and crappy gameplay is all I see now.
I sort of agree, but if you were playing it, and didn't have god mode turned on, it would be fun.

It seems like they are making the game like a built-in mod. So if you want to be a machine gunning madman, a sniper, a stealth fighter, or a super-suit future super-soldier, that is entirely up to you.

I think it will be a lot of fun to be honest. Once you start from the beginning and play the game right - instead of a demonstration. Sound effects weren't heard, and sound is about 25 or 33% of a game if you ask me - very important.

There were a ton of bugs in it, but they will have to fix that. There is no way the AI will be doing that crazy shit... when you got in the truck, your body appeared on top of the roof or something.

They just wanted to show off how far that have gotten so far. When the game is done it won't have huge bugs like that.

I won't be able to play this because there is no way I'll be able to reasonably buy a computer that can - at least not until the game is a few years old most likely, but games like this are good for video games. They introduce new programing techniques never seen before, but other companies will surely follow suit, which is a good thing, IMO.
clarky003 said:
rofl, havn't seen this one before.. a rather large tree falls onto the jeep while hes driving it.


GOOD video! The AI looks promising, they just need to work on it alot more, like the dumbasses that stood on the bridge for the jeep to hit them.

How COOL will it be to fire fight in that ice sphere with everything breaking. :D

"It's close combat some I'm going to use fists here" WTF, it isn't that close, lol. :|
wonder what kind of computer these were played on...
if you notice when he tries to run over the 2 guys on the bridge the guy on the right never dies but is just pushed by the car . LOL
Finally we could see them blowing down a really big tree. Nice collection of Crysis videos, does anyone know if there are any real HD-quality videos showing the gameplay and that are not recorded with cameras?
I found nothing impressive with the enemies taking down a really big tree whilst the player was driving, that could easily be scripted, heck, it was even in Boiling Point xD
But otherwise the game looks fairly nice.
The thing that interested me (and only in the slightest) was the whole "And the aliens are attacking the American Armada. Mmm...massive scale war with big alien monstrosities. Unfortunately, the battle itself looked shit house. Metroid Prime had a similiar looking boss, and what a unique battle that was :D
Darksabre said:
The thing that interested me (and only in the slightest) was the whole "And the aliens are attacking the American Armada. Mmm...massive scale war with big alien monstrosities. Unfortunately, the battle itself looked shit house. Metroid Prime had a similiar looking boss, and what a unique battle that was :D

Awwwwwwww yeah :LOL:

The fisticuffs is completely out of place. If you're going to include a damn strength mode, at least make the hand-to-hand combat engaging.
venturon said:
Awwwwwwww yeah :LOL:

The fisticuffs is completely out of place. If you're going to include a damn strength mode, at least make the hand-to-hand combat engaging.

Hand-to-hand combat is okay if it's done properly like in Chronicles Of Riddick, but that super strenght mode sucks asshole ;(