15 letter minimum

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We had 6char for a long time and it was ideal, when it went all people have done is heavily abused it and I must say that the moderation team have to spend ALOT of time deleting 'lol' or 'ok' or ':)' posts which people seem to do regularly to raise PC.

I don't see what is too wrong with 10 char, yes you can't see just 'lol' any more, now you need to elaborate perhaps 3 or 4 more words, which can generate a more interesting thread to read. We've not forced you into writing a bloody paragraph each time with a 10 char limit. Under no circumstances has hl2.net become a prison of free will, it's simply being further streamlined and in our opinion an...improvement.
But when munro needs that bit extra, where does he go? You go to 11
There are very few people out there who can satisfy Munro with a full 11 I must warn you. Seems a little unnatural...almost
...it is understood that you mods and editors and admins (ect ect until = Munro) have all the power, but shouldn't there be at least a general consensus with us users?

It's not a big problem, but its noticable enough...
I find it intersting as to why there has been an increase in spam lately. If it's because of annoying n00bs who can't ever be arsed to think and just want to enlarge their e-penis (postcount), then ban them. If it's because of a lack of interesting things to talk about, then I can't really see how forcing people to say more will help that much. Personally, I'd prefer to leave this for a week or so, then have a proper vote on it. That way we'll see whether it really does help, or whether there are times when a < 10char reply can be constructive.
I agree that replys containing nothing but lol or wtf are annoying and make the thread feel dead and pointless, but I'd much rather just ban the users who make those posts. Like Planetary said, quotes don't count as characters, so we wouldn't be able to reply with quote anymore with a limit in place. I say wait for a bit and see if it's annoying enough to reduce further.

Slightly off-topic, but I've had a look at some other forums, and they are a lot harsher places than our little oasis. At Face-Punch studios, I saw a guy get banned for writing his name at the end of his post. Sometimes I think we forget how lucky we are...
Character minimumss are flawed unless you're at a minimum where all responses with that number of characters or fewer will always be spam. It's possible for a post to be less than 10 characters without being considered spam. The same can't be said for responses less than, say, three characters. Maybe the character minimum should be three?
I just realised the thread title is exactly 15 chars.

Yeah I just thought I'd throw that out 4 pages in. God I'm bored.

I'm not going to tell you how, because you're not allowed to do it.

EDIT: LOL, coverup
Well, this thread has turned into crap.
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