16 Military Wives


Jun 16, 2004
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Have any of you seen the Decemberists' music video "16 Military Wives"? the important thing here is that this band has decided to release it's music video via bittorrent in order to get some publicity, and well, it's working, and it's a damn fine music video as well.

the link is Here and a direct link to the torrent is Here

the original article i found this from can be found here

what do you guys think?
Very constructive post Lost. i dearly hope you're downloading it and planning on posting something useful later :p
Wow, thats actually a pretty good song
I thought it was gunna be stupid :p

They have other music?
Well i have no idea if they have other music, but naturally i assume they have other songs. the excellent thing is that people will be interested in this band now and actively seek out other songs by them, via p2p or from a music store. either way the band gets a lot of publicity.

yay bittorrent!
/me shamelessly bumps the topic because it should be discussed further! more opinions damnit!