17 year old gets 10 years in prison for consensual oral sex on 15 year old.


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Aug 23, 2004
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The Georgia Supreme Court has turned down an appeal from a teen who was sentenced to 10 years in prison for having sex with a 15-year-old.
In a ruling released Friday, the court denied a motion for reconsideration filed by lawyers for Genarlow Wilson, who was 17 when he and the 15-year-old engaged in consensual oral sex. He was sentenced for aggravated child molestation.
Wilson?s case was one of two cases that were cited earlier this year when lawmakers passed a law that otherwise strengthened penalties for sex offenders, but reduced the penalty from a felony to a misdemeanor for some teenagers convicted of sodomy.
Presiding Justice Carol Hunstein noted that in easing the penalties for teens, ??the Legislature expressly chose not to allow the provisions of the new amendments to affect persons convicted under the previous version of the statute.??
Hunstein added she was ??very sympathetic to Wilson?s argument regarding the injustice of sentencing this promising young man with good grades and no criminal history to 10 years in prison without parole and a lifetime registration as a sexual offender because he engaged in consensual oral sex with a 15-year-old victim only two years his junior,?? but said the court was bound the by limits set by the Legislature


How did this get to court if it was consensual?

He's 17 and she was 15. Parents pressed charges...I guess now kids better watch their back if their 17...does this mean we 21 year olds can do stuff with 17 year olds and get away with it?
So... a 15 year old can't take it, and a 17 year old can't give it... what can a 16 year old do I wonder?
That's much too harsh of a penalty. And the 15-year-old received it? Wow.
Here is my discussion: the U.S. supreme court better grant certiorari on this one.
Sooooooo stupid. That's ridiculously harsh.
Shit. Today is my 17th birthday. Time to hide the evidence.
that is way to harsh of a punishment for that;especially a minor.
Well, now I guess that all I can do is hope that 4 year olds can't sue.
Absolutely ridiculous. A ****ing two year age difference.

In order for consensual sex to be punishable by law there should an overwhelming, insurmountable violation of one of the partners basic rights. By this I mean if he ****ed a 15 year old retarded girl who only knew how to say yes and nod ... then yeah that'd be about right.
Well, he's ****ed for life. And he didn't even get ****ed. **** that.
Well hopefully the strict sentencing of this single innocent boy will teach all other youngsters not to express their affection towards one another privately and under their own free will.
NEWSFLASH: 2 Trillion Teenagers Are Thrown In Jail, Parents Agree
Way to ruin someone's life. Irresponsible ****s for pressing charges
What the ****?

My girlfriend is two years younger than me. If we'd met when I was 17 and she 15 I'd get thrown in jail for ten years?

I contemplated moving to America when I finished UNI, **** that shit. This really shows how much the normal American cares about their own. That country is really turning into a moldy, fly-infested piece of shit.
I'm so very glad I live in... well, a country that isn't the United States.

**** sexual suppression. There's no other way to put it.
When I read things about ages and such in situations like this, I always wonder which way the age difference goes. She could be less than two years younger even, who knows when he turns 18 and she turns 16.

Of course, she could be nearly three years younger too.

Still though, this is all retarded.
Why does everyone care about other people's sex that much.. ****.
Heh, 10 years in prison for a blowjob, that's a high price to pay when a prostitute would do it for $30.
At the end of the day... people should just stop breaking the damn law. Doesn't matter about the age difference. If a law's there, just don't ****ing break it, dumbasses.
Why have the courts seen fit to repress our reproductive cycle?

Do our courts really know what best for us?

Will they ever deactive the repressing field and let us breed again?

I still can't believe this. I think this is where checks and balances really need to step in. I think that the executive branch should just say "No, where not going to put him in jail".
The same law is in the UK aswell, if you the parents press charges it's classed as rape.
The same law is in the UK aswell, if you the parents press charges it's classed as rape.
Tbh though it was the 15 year old's responsibility. The minor should be able to dismiss the charges, since it was that person that got 'raped', not the parents. I know it doesn't happen that way, but it shouldn't be up to the parents to have the final say. If it was consented then it should be up to the 15 year old.
Why does everyone care about other people's sex that much.. ****.

Because God is watching. While this "immoral" sex harms no one, it pisses off God and God sees everything. So it's up to the lawkeepers to keep that country "clean" and "moral" to please God.

Perhaps I'm taking this too far, but I fear religious idiocy is in fact the direct cause for the desire to control people's personal harmless pleasures.
Why have the courts seen fit to repress our reproductive cycle?

Do our courts really know what best for us?

Will they ever deactive the repressing field and let us breed again?

I still can't believe this. I think this is where checks and balances really need to step in. I think that the executive branch should just say "No, where not going to put him in jail".

In most cases it's a necessity to "repress our reproductive cycle" as you put it, unless you think it's OK for 60 year olds to have sex with 13 year olds. Every case should be judged on its own merits though, you're always going to have a cut off point where above it it's OK and below it it's wrong, it's the nature of how the law works. However maybe everything is a little too rigidly defined.
so if someone of 30 years old hav sex whit someone of 28 that person go to jail?