18 year old kills 5 & himself on day of graduation


Jul 6, 2003
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(CNN) -- On the same day he was to attend his high school graduation ceremony, Scott Moody, 18, shot five friends and relatives to death and wounded another before killing himself, Ohio police said Monday.

Logan County Sheriff Michael Henry said Moody shot people Sunday in two nearby homes outside Bellefontaine in an apparent murder-suicide. Moody's sister Stacy Moody, 15, was wounded in the neck and was hospitalized Monday in critical condition, Henry said.

Scott Moody's body was found in a house Sunday along with the bodies of his mother, Sheri Shafer, 37, and two of his friends, Megan Karus, 19, and Paige Harshbarger, 14. Stacy Moody was found in the kitchen of the home after managing to call her step-sister, who alerted authorities, Henry said.

The bodies of Scott Moody's grandparents, Sharyl Shafer, 66, and Gary Shafer, 67, were found dead in the kitchen of another house about a quarter mile away, he said.

Henry said investigators don't know the reasons behind the shootings. "That's the main, No. 1 question -- why?" he said.

The shootings probably began at the grandparents' home between 7 a.m. and 10 a.m. Sunday, Henry said. Moody apparently shot the victims while they were sleeping, said Det. Jeff Cooper, who added a .22-caliber Marlin rifle found at the scene was being tested.

Cooper said there had been a party at the other house -- where most of the victims were found. Scott Moody and Megan Karus were due to graduate Sunday from Riverside High School in nearby De Graff, Ohio, Cooper said. He said autopsies were being conducted on all the victims.

Cooper said Karus' body was found in the living room of the second home and the bodies of Harshbarger, Sheri Shafer, and Moody were all found in bedrooms upstairs.

The killings have shocked the town of about 13,000, about 45 miles northwest of Columbus, Henry said. "You can't describe how you feel," he said. "It's tough. It's very tough on everyone. I feel so bad for the families."

Before the killings, police had visited Scott Moody's home in response to 10 "nuisance calls," Henry said, but nothing serious was reported. A neighbor, Iris Angle, said the tragedy was "such a shock" and the victims were "very nice people, nice neighbors."

"I just can't imagine what they're going through," she said.


terrible just terrible...
Thats a sad thing to hear. It happened not too far away from where i live too.
bobthecombineguy said:
Thats bullcrap and you know it. what about the one in germany a while back, where he killed, like, 13 people?

More shit like this happens in America than anywhere else in the developed world.. that much is pretty evident.
Damn... just think how messed up you would have to be in order to kill your family and yourself. Really scary, and very sad.

and Craig; it does, we just don't hear about it.
Im thinking there going to blame his xbox.
joule said:
What made him do it?

Unless some extremely close friend says something, or he wrote it in a diary or note, I doubt we'll ever know.

HAHAHAHAHAHAHA weskerQ8, hilarious.
Foxtrot said:
Yup, only in America will people be killed in Ohio, you are pretty good with geography.

Suppose only in America people will be killed in Halifax too?
C'mon guys, don't turn this into an America thing, aight? This is a tragedy, and nationality is irrelevant.
SimonomiS said:
Please, please say your being sarcastic...

lol I would be @ the wrong forum wouldnt I.
I would have to go to christiangaming.com oe something
If you say this happens everywhere, you are either just dumb or being deliberately naive. I can count the cases that have happened outside of the 'US of A' on one hand.
Feels good to be human, doesn't it...
craig said:
Only in America.
Of course some moron has to say that. Thanks! :LOL:

That is a pretty crazy story, though. Hope that doesn't happen at my graduation.
SimonomiS said:
Please, please say your being sarcastic...

Umm, yeah, but you quote slipknot in your sig. Therefore you should not be allowed an opinion on ANYTHING.
isis said:
If you say this happens everywhere, you are either just dumb or being deliberately naive. I can count the cases that have happened outside of the 'US of A' on one hand.

Wow, I'm impressed. You must really keep close tabs on world news. I mean, if you know of every occurence of this type of thing in every country other than the US. Impressive.
isis said:
If you say this happens everywhere, you are either just dumb or being deliberately naive. I can count the cases that have happened outside of the 'US of A' on one hand.
Hah, who is being naive now?
isis said:
Umm, yeah, but you quote slipknot in your sig. Therefore you should not be allowed an opinion on ANYTHING.

Wow, both this and your previous post make you look thicker than I thought possible.
That and your a freak with waaaay too many fingers.
Foxtrot said:
No, not even mostly. The only reason you hear that is because our media pwns yours.

haah you sir are so funny.
You call making shows like "SHOCKIN USA" (oh im scared now) "MONSTER JAM" , etc and having channels like fox(retarded losers) makes you "PWN 111!1!1!1 l33et speak suck" oure media? I dont really think so.
And yes it happens more in america then anywhere else, dont be in denial.
Chav said:
haah you sir are so funny.
You call making shows like "SHOCKIN USA" (oh im scared now) "MONSTER JAM" , etc and having channels like fox(retarded losers) makes you "PWN 111!1!1!1 l33et speak suck" oure media? I dont really think so.
And yes it happens more in america then anywhere else, dont be in denial.
chav...never try to argue. Stick to laughing at disfigured people, you are better at it.
Wow, and the family/friends were so young too. The mother is only 37 for instance. That would have made her 19 when she had Scott Moody.

A .22-caliber Marlin rifle is quite a weapon to be using.
If theres 100 apples, and 10 of them are bad, and you split them into a bag of 70 and a bag of 30, which is most likely to have more bad apples?

America probably does have more gun-related murders than other countries, through sheer probability.
A True Canadian said:
Wow, and the family/friends were so young too. The mother is only 37 for instance. That would have made her 19 when she had Scott Moody.

A .22-caliber Marlin rifle is quite a weapon to be using.
Woa, a .22 rifle? Didn't you hear the newsreport from Germany? It was an m4a1 and he also had an m79 grenade laucnher. He bought them both from Wal-Mart, during one of their half-off sales :(
Foxtrot said:
chav...never try to argue. Stick to laughing at disfigured people, you are better at it.

I still am laughing at disfigured losers and looking at that response it seems you have been shut up by me!

Guys, guys. Obviously craig, isis and Chav know EVERYTHING about... well, anything.




Oh wait, there are THREE cases in the UK! Wow! They all look similar, and they are all fairly recent!

But no, I'm sure that that sort of thing only happens in the USA. Those are just fake. Also, the USA doesn't have a population that outnumbers most European countries at all, which would mean that the shooting to population ratio would make it so that more shootings do indeed occur in the USA. Oh no. Chav and isis are just genius. Let me guess, they are also not Americans? Why would they be!? Americans are so stupid and fat! HA!

(Sorry for only getting cases in the UK, I didn't feel like finding some for other European countries. I've got nothing against any nation, actually. :))