Dr. Freeman said:hmm...i remember Gabe saying that they were aiming from anywhere between 25-40 hours of gameplay...
19 hours? bahh...im sorry but lately it seems things about the game more disappointing than i'd like to remember, be it CS:Source = MP or the CE being a joke of a retail product
Valve, are u reading this?
This is the problem with people who get caught up in the pre-game hype. They get disappointed. Is it your fault that VALVe helped you set your expectations a bit too high, yes. Is it thier fault that you are now disappointed, yes. Does every single game developer on the face of the planet do the same thing with their own games, yes.
We as a community have to learn that devs are going to lie to us. We have to realize that all of the amazing things promised aren't going to be delivered. Hype used to kill games for me, but then I realized that all devs do this so I just started assuming the features that sound the most exciting to me are going to end up getting taken out or gimped to the point they aren't even the same thing. Go read all of the early previews for Fable and then play the game. They are two different games.
Back on topic, though. 20 hours sounds perfect to me. When it comes to my FPS's I'm a run-n-gun type guy. And most FPS's take about 10 hours to beat. If HL2 can give me 20, then that would be outstanding. But I would rather have 5 hours of pure gaming bliss, than have 40 hours of an "okay" game.