1944 D-Day mod update (Releasing Soon)


May 24, 2005
Reaction score

Is currently gearing up to release their WW2 mod for HL2, as well as releasing the SDK for their full team.






Our existing work can be found here:


or feel free to drop into our forums to see what we are all about. You would be surprised to find out that we are not your typical MOD and especially not your Typical WW2 mod.


If you feel you can contribute to our mod and/or full commercial game drop us a line @

[email protected]

More content and information is available on the site, with regular updates, community comps, as well as exclusive alpha member positions up for grabs.

Ronan Hayes
Lead Programmer / Producer
Oohhh My Gawd. I just looked through your website hit CTRL + D and basicly WOWed at everything I saw there. The tech is amazing, the models are superb, and the maps realistic (from what I saw). A+
Keep up the great work and get everything released! :)
Indeed, those guns are awesome. Look like photographs tbh.
i just want to know how this weapons look ingame?
Exactly like the 3D renders above, although to be honest the lighting in game is a hell of alot better, than that basic setup.
ahm, ok then let the mod come, looks realy nice.
and what will make this mod better than dods?

renders look great btw!
HL2 System


Welcome, I just want to quickly outline what to expect in the first release of 1944 HL2 mod.

We will be delivering 2 maps


While these maps will be relatvely large, there will be a fully simulated world behind this, units will be entering and exiting the level as is needed. While this feature will not be evidednt until the AI is fully integrated it is the core back bone of the system.

Mod Setup and Config
The mod can be setup for 2 systems of play


At the start of any game the server will issue a valid rules set to the player, which it will inspect from time to time. This will ensure that the server knows if any of the files have been altered.

Mod Premise

(All values discussed are defaults, and can be altered)

The mod is played over 1 hour intervals, at the end of each hour the level is loaded. Every 5 minutes a brief review of scores is taken, before the gameplay continues on (Please note this is not a round reset system, but a continuous system).

The game is won, either by blocking the enemies efforts in securing and re-enforcing, or by having the most points at the end of the hour.

When you join you can select a team, each team has a number of squads available. You select a squad and then select your unit. There are quick options with regards to gear setup but for the most part this is open to the unit to decide what they want to select.

A squad will usually consist of around 6 members

That squad can have:

-Any Number of Riflemen
-Any Number of Submachinegunners
-1 Machine Gunner
-1 AntiTank
-2 Medics
-1 Radioman
-1 sniper (German only for certain maps)
-1 spotter (German only for certain maps)
-1 Squad Leader

At the start of a game, a squad is filled up. For clan games the option to vote a squad leader is available. For public games the sqaud leader is automatically assigned. Then every five minutes this is reviewed and based on points a new squad leader is assigned.

When you die in a Clan match, you queue outside waiting for the rest of your squad to die out, or for the opportunity for them to make a call for re-inforcements at which point your squad may be available to re-enter and link up with them.

In a public match you are simply queued into the first available squad awaiting re-entry.


Mod Dynamics


As the mod is always evolving and more in tune with a full battle than a quick 3 minute round or attrition system. A points systemis crucial to evaluating progress.

Points are available for:

-Team Points
-Personal Points

Team points are given for a team doing things correctly together. This can include defensive actions, offensive actions and obeying orders, or responding to calls for re-inforcements.

Each map will be setup with several strong points which are of strategic importance. The sides must hold the core points or push out the enemy.

This can be achieved by giving your squad members orders, for example...

You want to flank an enemy position.

Pushing 0 gets you into command mode when playing as a squad leader.


1 could be the flanking command then you can simply point at location and select a unit. That unit will now need to flank that position.

Alternatively if the squad leaders need to keep their head down, they can open up their map (which is a weapon number) review the map and point at locations on the map giving orders that way.

The map will be positioned by the squad leader on the ground for all members of the sqaud to see, This is more slow and sluggish than the pointing. Its down to the squad leader to decide on the best course of action...

The Squad leader can issue orders, and the squad members can issue orders and requests.It is down to the squad leader to decide how best to act and handle their squad.

Team Points will increase at varying rates depending on how the squad is handled and how they work together. Flanking, Covering, Defending, Assualting, Helping other squads all gain you points, while disobeying orders, dieing, loosing ground or strong points all loose you points.

On a personal level each unit can gain points by obeying orders, helping other squad mates, assualting, defending and using initiave. Its a complicated system that will force teams to work together and punish those players that do not work as a team or together.


More information is available on the site, and we will be releasing more and more details over the next while. The main difference between us and DOD is our focus, we have our own full game in development, the mod is merely an introduction to our full game. Not a competitor to DOD or any other WW2 mod. Its simply a means of us testing our AI system for squad dynamics and game rules.

While the mod may be released on HL2 its more of a verification that our AI system is portable and robust enough to work on any engine.
Pop over to the forums and get active we are taking our testers directly from proactive community members.
nice shots, i love you so, i want a baby from you!!!!
Cool stuff :)

So how soon is the release? I'm already bored shitless of these dod maps.
this may turn out to be better than DoD:Source if not only for the HDR lighting, amazing models by the way!