1944 D-Day: Open Beta 1st May

The signup will commence on the 1st of May, we are looking for around 128 - 256 players for the testing phase

There was a mistake on the HLFallout where is said the HL2 mod would also be released. Since that was posted we have decided to commit to a final HL2 release. The current testers who have experienced the HL2 are aware that the only thing holding the HL2 mod is finished content, which we have finally gotten over.

Just a little more information on our current development Cycle.

At the moment we are producing around 12 vehicles a week, all of these are currently being tested in the engine, and high definition textures are being made for them. (All are fully unwrapped)

Weapons are steady in development as well, all Grenades, Anti Tank weapons have been completed. With major rifles, sub machine guns and machine guns etc. Being developed with meticulous detail. These all are begin verified by the various researchers and institutions that we have involved with the game, including some major WW2 museums.

Characters are being developed by Kalescent Studios, this is an extremely long process, but we are looking at true next-gen quality. Couple this with our research we are confident that we will surpass MOH Airborne, COD3 and BIA3. We have around 30 units in development, and using code we create all manner of variations, by mounting badges, rankings and painting other markings on the units. Kalescent Studios have extensive experience developing with Unreal 3 based games, and approached us with their proposals when they saw some of our more recent textured content.

Mapping has always been a tricky aspect, for some reason we have never been able to attract the legion of mappers that most mods have. Perhaps its the Multiple mods or the fact that the full game doesn't use Hammer. We have resolved this issue by providing all of our mappers with a tool that is very similar as hammer but with additional features. To top off our development workflow, members who simply don't like hammer, can use their 3D app of choice and export to .X or .OBJ and we can import them directly into our sandbox editor.

Audio & Research has always been easy for us, we have access to nearly all weapons, uniforms and gear. We have also made regular visits to the firing ranges to ensure we know how to capture the animations correctly. Our researchers also have access to a lot of working WW2 vehicles. This hands on experience is what will truly set 1944 apart from other games. This un-restricted access to such a huge array of content gives our Audio team the best possible sound samples to work with. Unlike other games where the M1 rifle sounds like a spud gun, our weapons will have a true kick that represents exactly what the weapons should sound like. To top it all off we have several dozen voice actors and 3 professional audio studios assisting with the production of the audio.

Ultimately it comes down to the quality of the game, while we have spared no expense with technology or securing art content, it will be the game play that is the deciding factor. With a game purely built on top of an AI framework, the AI is the core to the game, controlling over 250,000 units in real-time, each AI unit has its own personality, communicates and interacts with their own squad and others. Throughout the course of the game the AI evolves and grows with the player and the experiences they witness. This factor alone will make 1944 stand out from the rest.

We are hoping that we can finally put

"Not another WW2 game"

To rest and show people just how much fun a WW2 game is when a new approach is taken.

We would appreciate help from any developers who are willing to give that final push to 1944, to ensure that its the best it possibly can be.

-Texture Artists

We will review all candidates, even if you don't have the wealth of experience. Once you have the passion and drive to help with the game, our team is more than willing to help you along and train you up to be the best possible developer you can be. All we need is your time and your effort.
