I've mentioned this elsewhere, but Orwell took his ideas for 1984 from 'We' by Yevgeny Zamyatin (which pre-dates 1984 by about 20 years if I remember correctly). Orwell was quite open about this - so no one can go round saying HL2 is totally unoriginal in this sense. Most literature is dependent on previous writing and ideas. Even the greats.

It's not so often great literature makes such a mark in a computer game - but this is just a sign of the times, and proves how sophisticated gaming has become.

HL2 did an excellent job of capturing the feel from 1984 (more so than the film with John Hurt).

ya ya ya.
Actually, its kinda different from 1984. Obviously there are some simalarities, but then everything has similarties to 1984. In 1984, the oppressed people were controlled mentally, mostly. The Combine don't seem to be interested in using porn and tv to control the masses.
Scotsman said:
Actually, its kinda different from 1984. Obviously there are some simalarities, but then everything has similarties to 1984. In 1984, the oppressed people were controlled mentally, mostly. The Combine don't seem to be interested in using porn and tv to control the masses.

Actually, the Combine use propaganda broadcasts from Breen and a drugged water supply to control the mindset of the masses. HL2's oppression is a bit more overt than that which is portrayed in 1984, but then, you have to have something to aim your gun at.
ow sorry i had mistake not 1985 flashpoint but 1984. but i think 1984 book is better than hlaf life 2 becouse it is more realistic. u cannot ask any person what is going on in the start not even ur girlfriend and everyone is saying oh dr free man u will save us but nobody anwers the questions i hav but i havnt played long so maybe the anwers come later.
but maybe people and i are drugged from water lol and combination soldiers is just hallucinatiion :)

I think the cat is very funny :D