1st RC not accepted?

All points aside a sec, keeping it simple, money makes the world go round. VU wants its cash, and VALVe wants to get HL2 on the shelves to make cash too. Im not sure exactly on that, but i know they'll both make money, and THAT factor on its own will spur both of them to want to ship it out and start raking it in. I recon it'll come out asap in the next month. VALVe invested so much in the making of HL2, they need to make it back soon! :imu: :imu: :imu:
It's most likely that VUG will hold back the final version of HL2 until the holiday season. They'll try to provoke Valve into submission for as much time needed, but also acknowledge the possible revenue for the holiday season. Like stated in the article, it's a game of chicken.
any longer and im not even gonna buy it, ill just have my friend copy it or whatever. I'm sick of this whiner Lombardi cryin over some lawsuit...if they put the game out, they'd get enough money to wipe their tears with that. Moral: Let out game so u can wipe ur tears & ur butt with $20's.
Gweedodogg69, you have a very intelligent signature.
You will end up buying it if you want to play multiplayer.
As for the delay, just be thankful that the publisher isn’t Bam Entertainment (Bujingai, anyone?)
shad3r said:
even if only trivial changes need to be made to the first RC version, the next RC needs to be _fully_ tested. start from scratch, do it all again. whenever u change the code, however trivially, old bugs will rise from the dead, and new bugs will be born.

That may be true but if a game is never meant to be released because "there are some bugs", then no games would be out. Do you have any idea how many games come out riddled with bugs? And I don't mean "oh my guy shot 2 bullets instead of 1" kind of bugs I mean "Game won't load" bugs. That's what patches are for...

Anyways, what I'm saying is, there are always going to bugs, one way or another. The question is, are the bugs small enough to "let them slide".
shad3r thats a nice read but thats from a different type of testing fully. First its not even a QA rc, publishing house tester but an in-house development bug finder.

Testing a game in-house for the developer and working for a publishing house QA team, that tests only RC's is quite different.

EDIT: and no it depends on the severity level of the bug, that determines whether the testing clock is reset.
I know I probably will but I said on another forum cause they were talkin about if the RC got leaked, VU would release it cause of possible sales loss and because VU would get mad if Valve released it on Steam so I said.........."I'd release it anyway, screw VU. Gabe - "Oh no...VU sued us cause we(Valve) released it on Steam. I guess we owe them(VU) money, let me dig into my house built exclusivly to hold the $100,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,0 00,000,000,000.99 we(Valve) made since we released it on Steam. Here VU, have $1,000,000,000.00 doesn't hurt me...mwaahahahahahahaha"
Man if they accepted the first RC I would have been so proud of VALVe!! :)
Who can give me items!?? I need a grandfather collossus blade for my pathetically hobo barb.

Or a lightsabre....or the new 1.10 azurewrath!! NEED ITEMS!!
killahsin-[CE] said:
shad3r thats a nice read but thats from a different type of testing fully. First its not even a QA rc, publishing house tester but an in-house development bug finder.

Testing a game in-house for the developer and working for a publishing house QA team, that tests only RC's is quite different.

you are 100% correct - i tried to edit and point that out but i missed the 15min cutoff.

and, as you pointed out in an earlier post, if the problems with HL2 are IP related or content related, they won't have to start testing again from scratch, they can just verify it's fixed and move on. and most of VUGs job will be checking that aspect of the game...
My Problem is that when it comes out is irrelevant, I'm still going to buy it no matter what! I would just rather it come out sooner rather than later since I'm Jonesin hardcore for it ;)
I'd like to mention that there's no difference between a final version and a release canditate. If Vivendi accepted the RC, Valve wouldn't have to send another version, because the RC is the thing that's going to be copied. Hence the name "Release canditate".

It was expected that the first RC would fail anyway.

EDIT: As for Vivendi delaying the game for 6 months, the only reason I can come up with is that they don't think the extra holiday sales are worth it. It would just cut into sales of other games. It would be better to delay it so that it's released in a slow sales period and ensure that Vivendi makes money all years round.

That's the only reason I can think of for CZ being delayed.
The CD you use to install and play the game and the release candidate are indeed very different. So if the RC were accepted, Valve would have to create an installation program and extras to go on the discs, and submit that (final version, a.k.a. gold master) for duplication.

The RC wasn't rejected.
Is Vivendi willing to risk 6 months of low income if they release HL2 that late...i should hope not!
feath you are correct and incorrect at the same time. But going into a debate about it would be to quibble over symantics. No first RC is ever accepted, but a perfect first rc, doesnt get rejected, they just usually send it back for minor tweaks, but the testing period doesn't reset. So on a 'perfect' rc, they just say tweak abc and than send us that and than your done. You can recieve a rc back and not be 'rejected'.

As for why CZ was delayed it was delayed because again vivendi are trying to push valves hand over steam. The more a publisher can hinder a developer from being self published the more developers have to work with publishers, the more 100% margint hey make. Publishers main goals believe it or not is to keep the developers revenue at a minimum so they always need the publisher.
JhohCreexul said:
The CD you use to install and play the game and the release candidate are indeed very different. So if the RC were accepted, Valve would have to create an installation program and extras to go on the discs, and submit that (final version, a.k.a. gold master) for duplication.

The RC wasn't rejected.

That would be part of the release canditate. Explain why it's called a release canditate if it wasn't the version to be released.

How do you know the RC wasn't rejected?
Because if it were he wouldnt have said we are sending them the final finished version. That is of course if doug knows what he is talking about. Which one can only hope he does.
killahsin-[CE] said:
feath you are correct and incorrect at the same time. But going into a debate about it would be to quibble over symantics. No first RC is ever accepted, but a perfect first rc, doesnt get rejected, they just usually send it back for minor tweaks, but the testing period doesn't reset. So on a 'perfect' rc, they just say tweak abc and than send us that and than your done. You can recieve a rc back and not be 'rejected'.

You're arguing what "rejected" means. I take rejected as "not accepted". Meaning that if Vivendi have any issues then it will not be accepted. Valve would still have to burn another cd. Hence, another release canditate. What I'm saying is the Vivendi have no issues, they won't send it back so Valve can someone make it into a gold disc. A release canditate that passes is the same as a gold disc.
killahsin-[CE] said:
Because if it were he wouldnt have said we are sending them the final finished version. That is of course if doug knows what he is talking about. Which one can only hope he does.

EDIT 2: Doug would've been referring to the final version as an RC which passes. Ie. the Gold disc.

They have to test that all the files are there, it's part of the RC test, so they must have an installer. Vivendi wouldn't want to release Half-Life 2 if there was an installer that didn't work on computers with Windows 98, or something.

EDIT 3: That's how I understand the process anyway.
Feath said:
You're arguing what "rejected" means. I take rejected as "not accepted". Meaning that if Vivendi have any issues then it will not be accepted. Valve would still have to burn another cd. Hence, another release canditate. What I'm saying is the Vivendi have no issues, they won't send it back so Valve can someone make it into a gold disc. A release canditate that passes is the same as a gold disc.

Rejected, is when your RC has crashes non stop, has serious bugs, flashing textures, cannot be completed because of a game stopping bug, shadows go through objects. Things that totally hinder the game. A rejection of a RC resets the 'testing period clock', otherwise the rc can have content related issues, or IP tweaking, and not have the clock reset. A QA team will always have issues, with a game no matter how solid the initial RC is. QA teams goals in life are to find the most minute things. Valve would not be working on the final finished 'complete' version if VUg had rejected them. They would not even be asking VUg for a release date, heh.

As to your last post the only way they would know theyw ere working on RTM version would be if they had not been rejected. Thats what I am trying to say here.
If the RC was not accepted, does that mean magazines have to pull the reviews because it will not accuratley show off the finished product?
AcousticToad said:
If the RC was not accepted, does that mean magazines have to pull the reviews because it will not accuratley show off the finished product?

They are reviewing the game. The Game itself won't be changed. (like the story or the game feeling).
I Don't mean to scare anyone else here but, This Legal Battle Between VU and Valve Does Scare Me A Little.. How Can They Release The Game If they're Tied Up In Court With The Very Issues That Have to Do With the release of The Game?.. Whether Or Not VU can Sit On The Finished Code. Let's Hope This Gets Resolved In A Timely Manner, We've Been Waiting ong Enough I'd Say...
Btw don't listen to hunteraz lol. If you read his post history its quite clear his uncle doesn't work for VUg, since hes predicted wrongly 3 or 4 times as to when it can and will go gold =P
AcousticToad said:
If the RC was not accepted, does that mean magazines have to pull the reviews because it will not accuratley show off the finished product?

Of course not, magazines often base their reviews on pre-gold code.

They don't want to trail a game's release and thereby miss out potential sales (i.e. they want to have the 'scoop' on how good a certain game is perceived to be before word-of-mouth gets around).