1UP - All you need to know about MGS4


Jul 18, 2003
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- http://www.1up.com/do/minisite?cId=3146394

The hard facts on Metal Gear Solid 4 are scarce. Kojima himself has instituted a media blackout on new MGS4 material and info until E3 of 2006, presumably to lay low until he unveils -- in typical Kojima fashion -- his next demo/trailer that will surely blow our minds. To bring everyone up to speed until such time, we've assembled every clue he's uttered so far, into one convenient location, so that conspiracy theorists can connect dot A to point B and so forth, and make educated guesses about where the series will go. Of course, there's more to learn, from Kojima himself, in our interview with him this Friday. So now's the time to brush up, and come back tomorrow for Saving Private Raiden: An interview with Hideo Kojima.

Go on, get reading if you haven't read it all before. ;)
very interesting stuff. I love that Snake's mustache alone has as many polygons as an MGS3 enemy :D
Interesting read.
Looking forward to this :)
nothing I haven't read, but it's a nice condensing of all the info - can't wait to see tomorrow's entry
Good read. I am psyched for this game, even tho I never played any of the earlier installments. Gonna pre-order a PS3 as soon as possible.
A great read, but the article from the Game Informer magazine was better IMHO. Kojima stated how the graphics seen in the trailer are the minimum standard for MGS4 and since cutscenes and gameplay will be indistinguishable, that is great great news. Plus, the concepts they are trying to implement for the gameplay are nothing short of incredible. I cannot wait for this one :-) E3 2006 can't come soon enough (for Rev info too :thumbs: ).
"I want to create [a] kind of simulation world. [For example, in most games you have a tree but it's basically a piece of plastic; a set piece.] There should be life in that tree. If we water the tree it will grow, if we burn the tree it will die."(2)

There will be a "psychological aspect" to the game. "There is an intense fear when you point a gun at someone. I want to represent that in MGS4...that's what real combat is all about."

i like that, KOJ FTW!!!!!