1UP Orange Box Impressions - Video


Content Director
Aug 27, 2004
Reaction score
The 1UP Showhttp://www.1up.com/do/newsStory?cId=3163434 this week dwells deeper into the Orange Box with their roundtable impressions of Episode Two, Portal and Team Fortress 2 - In a video!
Ryan's back to talk about one of his favorite subjects and the best $60 you will spend this year (no hyperbole, no joke), Valve's Orange Box. We've got brand new footage from Team Fortress 2, Half-Life 2: Episode 2, and Portal -- but don't worry, it's pretty spoiler-free for you sensitive-types. Watch with reckless impunity!
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[br]If you want a clickable link, here you gohttp://gamevideos.com/video/id/15223...[br]...Just wait four more days!
I think spoiler free depends on your definition, To me its fine, but if you dont want to know a thing, I would continue your patience just a few more days. :D
Wost Video feed ever...watch 5 seconds..wait 5 minutes..watch 5 seconds..wait 5 minutes....the sooner game videos goes out of business the better....
Wost Video feed ever...watch 5 seconds..wait 5 minutes..watch 5 seconds..wait 5 minutes....the sooner game videos goes out of business the better....

Should've Youtubed the damn thing.It's shit quality anyway.
Good video. Not any huge spoilers, at least.
Good comments by 1UP though. To me, this is point in case about just where game development is at it's best.

Valve are doing it, and doing it superbly.
W00t finally after a few hours the whole thing played. Seems like they liked it though I can't say I've ever thought of the Hl2 guns as anything but light in the first place. The shotguns the closest the game gets to a conventional ownage weapon (as opposed to the Gravity gun). Portal sounds even more intriguing now after their talk of the relationship between the it and HL2, and it sounds like they too are caught in the unrelenting grip of TF2 fever.
Episodic alyx model in HL2?

Damn I cant wait for the older game to be updated
This is a repost from another thread:

Did anyone hear from Alyx: "Thank goodness you're ok!" *whilst nervous and paranoid*

Anyways, I don't like the Vortigaunts new voices and electric attacks. I miss the old ones!
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I've yet to watch the damn thing.
Jesus,how slow are their servers?
Somebody upload it youtube or something.
The new Vortigaunt voice is so much more smoooth. :afro:

When we were at VALVe, that voice was buggin' the crap outta me because I knew it, but I couldn't place it. It was a slap-on-the-forehead moment for me when Eric Twelker told me who it was.

It's Tony Todd who played (among many other things), Worf's brother Kurn in Star Trek: TNG.
Wasn't that Adam Baldwin as the rebel in that?

It took me a while to nice who it was...first time watching it I thought "who is that...i know that voice". Then the 2nd time around (when it was fully loaded) it clicked "Thats the guy from FireFly (Jayne)".
i hope there will be TONS and TONS of playermade portal-maps out there.. hope it will be like.. trackmania or something.. heard portal only takes like 3 hours to complete, and if thats the case.. well.. then we need more maps :)

tho ppl will probably compete with each other and do speedruns and stuff in portal, so the game is probably not dead just because you've completed it.. :o
actually im fairly certain the vortigaunt voice is done by the guy you plays worfs brother in startrek, and candyman, "tony todd"



http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5f_nW3Thff8 hes the one in this vid that wants his '****ing money'

you can hear alot of his startrek charactors voice in the clip talking to alex. (he also played adult jake sisco in that episode of ds9 any of you trekgeeks out there)

and yea the rebel is deffo adam baldwin.
Vortigaunt is being voiced by Oscar winning actor Louis Gossett Jr.
He also voiced him in HL2 and ep 1.
That rebel definitely sounds like Adam Baldwin(Firefly,X-Files)
I find it strange that they didn't comment on the graphics. I personally find them more than enough but with all this "next-gen-super-duper-graphics" thing going on I wouldn't be surprised if someone mentioned that the Source engine is looking dated. Other than this, it was a mildly interesting watch. By the way, the youtube thing is not the correct one, I think.
By the way, why is there no count down in steampowered for the OB? I wany my count down!
The antlion workers are smaller than I'd have thought. They look more like bulky antlions than anything else. Oh well.
Definitely loving the better graphics - the they should have had more blood splatters like that in the first two.

(I just bought those speakers!)
Something I really liked about that video was the car smashing the Strider legs and it actually impacting on the legs and moving them. Through HL2 and Episode 1 you'd go straight through them. This brings a whole new level of combat with them perhaps, being able to trip them up or punt them over with vehicles / grav gun. Fun fun fun!
there were some spoilers but i still cant wait for the orange box!!
Maybe Valve are just being ultra creative with the level designs, but I have to say the maps look a lot bigger than before. Anyhows I'm quite psyched now, it's just a pity that we PC gamers don't get the HDR versions of the original games initially as well. I bet those dirty console whores at EDGE only score the overall package a 9 though (after they gave Halo 3 a 10...kants..)
Wuh-Oh-Wuh. W-O-W. WOW. I can't wait! It seems to be taking agggessssss.