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Dec 24, 2004
Reaction score
Dear HL2.net,

My name is Martin, you probably know at least one of my three character personalities I maintain on this website: TheSomeone, NotAtool, Trumofo(which was short lived and identified as NotATool's alt account.) I have other personalities on different websites, such as MonsieurRenard, Catz, etc... Look out for them if you wish.

TheSomeone was created a couple hundred posts after the account was actually created. Before that I had just made an account for the art forum and tech support, with only slight intentions of creating another character. It was when I started posting regularely in off-topic that I actually devised his personality. TheSomeone was my second character to Nobody: a laid back pothead who never cared. I wanted to create a character that highlighted the OPPOSITE traits of Nobody, right down to his pseudonym. So I created TheSomeone: An arrogant, self-important twerp who got riled up at the least provocation, insulted everyone, then when things went awry kept caring even more and started apologizing.

I think this has been expemplified through the .999... ordeal, the falling cat, younotaloudhere and the whole hetairia uncovering, the art thread where I called an artists' compositions bland, etc... TheSomeone was my way of letting off steaming, of saying things I'd never say in real life.

As sort of a TheSomeone 2.0, I created NotATool which was meant to be an intelligent, argumentative user which actually had respect for other members. Some members like MechaGodzilla which absolutely hated TheSomeone ended up liking NotATool. It was never meant to be an experiment, simply fun, but it turned out to be interesting.

In both characters I surface as well. For example, TheSomeone's sketchbook thread? Go look there, that's all me posting. Under NotATool I also surfaced, such as my fascination with rhetoric. But both are seperate personalities, and I even have a profound dislike for TheSomeone.

In any case, TheSomeone has been recently getting on my nerves and everybody else's nerves. I don't think it's fair that I ruin people's forum experiences so that I can let off steam by calling people morons online. Also, after recent conversations with Erestheux (who is perfectly aware of this) I decided it wasn't fair either to "manipulate" people into hating me. If you hate TheSomeone, power to you. If you hate me for creating TheSomeone, that's fine too.

So this is forever goodbye. All my accounts are gonna be bant.

If you want to keep in touch with my art stuff, look me up on conceptart.org and friends me. It's actually me there, not TheSomeone or some random character :D. (I go as EmmDoubleEw)

I had a good time here, cyall.


-TheSomeone was created as an opposite personality to an earlier one: Nobody (admin at migamer.com on enemy territory)
-NotaTool = Thesomeone 2.0
-I only rarely surface my true personality in either
-I'm tired of TheSomeone
-This is goodbye!
Oh no! Not the person whose name I always read as ThreeSome. :(

EDIT: Creepy. I mainly posted to see how many posts I had and look how many. :O
Reginald said:
Oh no! Not the person whose name I always read as ThreeSome. :(

EDIT: Creepy. I mainly posted to see how many posts I had and look how many. :O

Notice you and thesomeone have the same number of posts...
I doubt you were adopting a new distinctive personality for each of your usernames. It's the Internet, everybody is somebody else. You needed attention, that's all.
smoke said:
Notice you and thesomeone have the same number of posts...

That was the point I was getting at in my post. :P

No longer though. D:
I wonder how long he waited to get to 2,222 posts...
Hahahaha. So in a way we don't know who you really are.

If you aren't bant, will you still post here? Maybe under EmmDoubleEw? :)
What the hell. I gotta say...some people on this forum are screwed up in the head.

I just wanna ride my motorcy...........................................cle.

Tr0n said:
What the hell. I gotta say...some people on this forum are screwed up in the head.

I am inclined to agree. What is the point of acting vaguely retarded for two years and then saying "AHA! No-one likes me!"?

Also who was "notatool?" and why did I like him?

Utterly unmemorable.
about a year and a half.

Anyway, if you ever wanna blow off some steam just go on msn and start bitching at [email protected]. I love when people start bitching at me. Don't ask why, find out why.
-- Jackson Browne says you're a nob, persona or not. lol

-Angry Lawyer
hmm psychiatrists call this sort of behaviour "multiple personalities" or "dissociative identity disorder" ....or in layman's terms: batshit insane
I like it when people are assholes on the internet and then claim it was a social experiment.
I am really an alternate personality of CptStern's.

/ban raziaar for multiple accounts.

Greatgat said:
I like it when people are assholes on the internet and then claim it was a social experiment.

Maybe we're just too smart to understand his genius.

Perhaps years from now, people will look at the forum logs for 2006 and say "Man, that faceless character fooled everyone into believing he was mediocre and moderately unlikeable. He is a scientist for our times."

Unlike, say, supertrooper's clip art website and overused smileys there was nothing outrageous enough here to justify a two-year stint.
And, unlike knghenry, he didn't have the ballsiness to betray his flat-out psychosis.

What was "thesomeone"'s defining moment? Calling a sketch bland?
Way to push the boundaries of acceptance.
And apparently Notatool is supposed to be awesome - because he was respectful and inoffensive.
Why not just dress up as your grandmother if that's the goal?
I guess it's a fitting reveal that the real "culprit" is a literal nobody that no-one here has ever heard of before.
What could have been a slightly interesting "Oh that guy. I remember him." revelation is instead an indifferent "Who?"

I give this forum caricature *1/2 out of **** for the sheer determination required to do absolutely nothing of interest with two years of effort.
Raziaar said:
I am really an alternate personality of CptStern's.


omg there's so much material to pull from that statement :laugh:

"my younger overly religious alternate self" ... <- that's being kind, I could say much much much worse

homersexual: "come here so I can touch myself"
crafty: "here taste this tell me if tastes like poison"
batshit insane "stop ****ing pretending to be MEEEEEE <stabs self>
worried: "is this thing on my neck getting bigger? because it's definately getting bigger on you"
CptStern said:
omg there's too much material to pull from the statement :laugh:

"my younger overly religious alternate self" ... <- that's being kind, I could say much much much worse

What makes you think i'm overly religious, self?
Angry Lawyer said:
Schizophrenia doesn't cause multiple personalities, by the way.

-Angry Lawyer
You are correct.

The term "schizophrenia" translates roughly as "shattered mind," and comes from the Greek σχίζω (schizo, "to split" or "to divide") and φρήν (phrēn, "mind"). Despite its etymology, schizophrenia is not synonymous with dissociative identity disorder, also known as multiple personality disorder or "split personality"; in popular culture the two are often confused.
Raziaar said:
What makes you think i'm overly religious, self?

Stern's religious quotient is 0%, which makes you infinity times more religious, because any number divided by zero produces infinity.

-Angry Lawyer
Angry Lawyer said:
Stern's religious quotient is 0%, which makes you infinity times more religious, because any number divided by zero produces infinity.

-Angry Lawyer

You fail at math.
Murray_H said:

I just wanna ride my motorcy...........................................cle.



ugh the someone that doesn't mean you can't stay :(
Tr0n said:
What the hell. I gotta say...some people on this forum are screwed up in the head.
This is my sentiment also.

This thread loses.
Er, okay. It was nice...being slightly annoyed by you? :E
man, there are some wackos on this forum. maybe it's ubiquitous, but i don't really browse other forums regularly. why put down other forum goers or lie about yourself on a largely anonymous forum? is your self-esteem really that low?
Adidajs said:
man, there are some wackos on this forum. maybe it's ubiquitous, but i don't really browse other forums regularly.
I could direct you to a certain white nationalist forum that is about 95% wackos, but I don't think they deserve the attention...
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