2 Alyx's!


Nov 29, 2004
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Ok, I found a very strange bug in HL2. On the second time through the game, I gained two Alyx,s! She popped up right next to me, like almost out of me she was so close, as I was walking down the corridor to the control room in the prison, you know, the one where she comes out of the ceiling duct after the battle. At the same time she was still talking to me in the HEV suit radio and just walking along side me. When we got to the sliding prison doors she stayed on the other side and just watched. Then Alyx number 2 popped out of the ceiling on schedule and I could see the two of them at once, one behind the bars and one in the control room. If I approached the one behind the bars with a weapon in hand she would back up to the other wall and stay there. After the battle was over and I went on, as usual. But once again later on, suprise, she popped up just before we entered the room where they turn out the lights and throw the red flares and ambush you, one acted normal and did all the talking, and other one just went along and helped fight the batte at the ambush site. When we went on from there the other Alyx disappeared, and I have not seen her again since, at least not the two of them at once. Has anyone else had this happen?

got any screenshot ?
men that would rock :p
lol funny anyway :)
Dude i had the same problem. Really weird. I forgot to make a screenshot but I'll load the save game again.
mmmmm sexy threesome action with twins :naughty:
i had the same thing happen to me in both places you mention, fido, on my first time through the game. second time through, and her doppleganger hasn't shown up at the first location/incident, so i doubt *KNOCK WOOD* that she'll show up in the combine flare scene.

i DO have screenies of these ... now to remember to post them on here.
VAVLe wanted a twin, you see your gonna be playing as the twin in the expansion, when the other alyx dies at the end
Happened to me too. It was during Point Insertion, right before A Red Letter Day. Kind of creeped me out, actually. Plus, I couldn't get around one of those clones, so I had to restart.
fido139 said:
Ok, I found a very strange bug in HL2. On the second time through the game, I gained two Alyx,s! She popped up right next to me, like almost out of me she was so close, as I was walking down the corridor to the control room in the prison, you know, the one where she comes out of the ceiling duct after the battle. At the same time she was still talking to me in the HEV suit radio and just walking along side me. When we got to the sliding prison doors she stayed on the other side and just watched. Then Alyx number 2 popped out of the ceiling on schedule and I could see the two of them at once, one behind the bars and one in the control room. If I approached the one behind the bars with a weapon in hand she would back up to the other wall and stay there. After the battle was over and I went on, as usual. But once again later on, suprise, she popped up just before we entered the room where they turn out the lights and throw the red flares and ambush you, one acted normal and did all the talking, and other one just went along and helped fight the batte at the ambush site. When we went on from there the other Alyx disappeared, and I have not seen her again since, at least not the two of them at once. Has anyone else had this happen?

:LOL: Yep, same happened to me dude. In the same part too, like one was just frozen right there, while the other one was fine.
lol... it happened to me too. It forced me to restart the chapter.
if you look at the latest screnshot posted, the alyx in the back is looking at the ass of alyx in the front :p lol
this should work, bind a key like this

bind p "ent_setname b; ent_remove b"

now point the reticle at the fake alyx, and press p.
Striker said:
if you look at the latest screnshot posted, the alyx in the back is looking at the ass of alyx in the front :p lol
"My butt's not 'that' big is it?"
AJ Rimmer said:
"My butt's not 'that' big is it?"
Well the one said to the other. Man you have a really fat ass. After that they started a fight. All of their clothes were ripped of. To bad I forgot to take a screenshot ;). Have a nice day.
Elkhound said:
Well the one said to the other. Man you have a really fat ass. After that they started a fight. All of their clothes were ripped of. To bad I forgot to take a screenshot ;). Have a nice day.

lol you bastard! how could you let us miss that! :rolling: