2 computers same account



I have a desktop computer at home with internet connection, nevertheless i study in a diferent town and i usually take my laptop with me, and i was wondering if i can play in my laptop cs: source or even half life 2 and my brother at home can play (in offline mode) half life 2?? And if by mistake (hes 9 years old) he starts steam online and im playing online will this make my account banned??
I doubt a ban, maybe a message along the lines of "account in use". You should be safe with offline mode.
I do it all the time, all that happens is it asks you to log in again with your password, nothing serious.
Your Brother's 9 and he's allowed to play Half Life 2.
Your Brother's 9 and he's allowed to play Half Life 2.
Yes, actually i think we'll become a serial killer since he loves to rip off arms and legs in sof2
@apocalipsus : And how old would you be to allow something that irresponible?? that really really sucks , to my mind. And making fun of it is even worse. Shame on you.
I say teach the kids that it's fiction, then go ahead and teach them what all the swear words mean and why people use them then fork over the violence/online.
Dear feaking lord. I was a fairly young child when I went to go see Interview with a Vampire, and when I say fairly, I mean a little more than 8 or 9.
My mother even took me!
Now, she always made sure I knew the difference between REAL LIFE and MAKE BELIVE.
So, i never got scared of movies, games or anything violent, because I knew it was fake.
I've been playing video games for a long time now, especialy violent ones. I have no plans on going out and commiting mass murders just because I saw it in a movie or video game.
Its all about how you raise the child, I say go ahead and let the kid play the game, just as long as he realises its just a video game and it does not reflect real life.

How could anyone support censorship? Its completely useless.

Teach a child the values of principles as well as the purpose behind actions.

Btw, you can have as many offline modes running as you want, only one can be logged in at a time. (If this isnt answered already)
Sorry, but I don't think a nine-year-old should be playing HL2. It doesn't matter how well he's brought-up, the game is still an odd mixture of fiction and reality. It looks photo-realistic places, and the violence is strong. Nine-year-olds are dumb, and I see little benefit to any social/moral awareness developing if a nine-year-old kid is allowed to participate in something designed by adults for adults.

How can simulating extreme (and realistic) violence be any good for a kid that is still in the process of learning right from wrong, and developing social and moral issues?

Jesus, I'm 24, and even I felt like killing people last time I took the tube.
