2 days after release and we're already nitpicking.

Captain M4d

Jul 15, 2004
Reaction score
Can't you guys just enjoy a game? CSS is great, and I am extremely positive that HL2 will be 1000000000000000000000000000x better. You guys are such pessimists. How bout we start talking about the cool stuff that we see, because I'm getting bad vibes from all this negativity?
[/bad mood]
Captain M4d said:
Can't you guys just enjoy a game? CSS is great, and I am extremely positive that HL2 will be 1000000000000000000000000000x better. You guys are such pessimists. How bout we start talking about the cool stuff that we see, because I'm getting bad vibes from all this negativity?
[/bad mood]


Beggars cant be choosers (when it comes to CS:S right now)
Cs:S is good, sure its pretty much Cs but its pretty much free. Since its pretty much free don't complain. If i complained about all the free things then i would be an idiot. Ima go complain about Planeshift(Free MMORPG(to get & to play).
Im gonna go complain about these forums cuz i can post on here free. They should be PTP Pay to Post.
What do you mean two days? People started bitchin in the first few hours..

And what the hell? This belongs in the CSS forum.
People have been bitching for the last 18 months!! Even before the game was out there was bitching.

In the heart of every man lies a whiny little bitch. All you need is a buggy game to bring it to the fore.
Even once HL2 comes out people will be complaining.

"You didn't include this, this sucks, that is wrong"

People can never be satisfied.
Spend less time on the forums.... A lot of people around here are going insane due to lack of HL2 SP.....

Just spend more time playing the game, and less time on the forums :) attitudes in-game are much more positive I find for CSS then those not... Maybe those on the forums are criticizing the screens and not criticizing what appears on the screen (two totally different things, even though a screenie is a capture of that one moment... )
Iced_Eagle said:
Spend less time on the forums.... A lot of people around here are going insane due to lack of HL2 SP.....

Just spend more time playing the game, and less time on the forums :) attitudes in-game are much more positive I find for CSS then those not... Maybe those on the forums are criticizing the screens and not criticizing what appears on the screen (two totally different things, even though a screenie is a capture of that one moment... )
This guy is absolutely right.

Forums are 99% of the time a cesspool of negativity generated by people like me, a minority. If you value your optimism do not visit forums like this one or you too will eventually turn into one of us.
Minerel said:
Cs:S is good, sure its pretty much Cs but its pretty much free. Since its pretty much free don't complain. If i complained about all the free things then i would be an idiot. Ima go complain about Planeshift(Free MMORPG(to get & to play).
Im gonna go complain about these forums cuz i can post on here free. They should be PTP Pay to Post.

right, if it was free, u didnt have to preorder and pay right?
i think its bullshit, that cs s comes free with hl2, if it was free, than it would be released public on steam, for the steam users, with hl cd keys
altough you think your paying for hl2 only? well i think thats bs 2

but i think the game rocks socks baby
Mr-Fusion said:
This guy is absolutely right.

Forums are 99% of the time a cesspool of negativity generated by people like me, a minority. If you value your optimism do not visit forums like this one or you too will eventually turn into one of us.

omfg you have more than 2000 posts wauw :p
a lot of people bring up bugs for discussion so that they can be recognized and fixed eventually, then people say that they are being negative.

cmon now. if we ignore bugs, they won't be fixed.
People bashing CS:S for how it performs now should just either stop dealing with computers since they don´t know much, or they are plain stupid..

To claim that "CS:S won´t change even if there are updates!!!111" is like saying that your car won´t be any faster if you put Nitro in it.

There will be AT LEAST 2-4 MAJOR updates for CS:S in the near future, thats a promise. There are some known bugs atm, such as error to load files, that can be seen in console etc..
Valve knows exactly what buggs there are since people have been playing CS:S as madmen for the last 2 days..

Expect a release soon and try to get used to playing CS:S instead of shitty 1.6

Minerel said:
Cs:S is good, sure its pretty much Cs but its pretty much free. Since its pretty much free don't complain. If i complained about all the free things then i would be an idiot. Ima go complain about Planeshift(Free MMORPG(to get & to play).
Im gonna go complain about these forums cuz i can post on here free. They should be PTP Pay to Post.

That is the stupidist thing I think I've read here ever.

If you were starving to death and I took a shit in a hot dog roll and gave it to you would you complain? I mean it's free isn't it so you couldn't complain. :upstare:
Pointing out bugs and seriously thrashing a game are two different things. :p
I always take games the way they are, because it's USELESS to whine..

And I almost never think, 'hey they should have included this' , that's pathetic as I think about it..
Inanimate did u pull the 2-4 updates figure out ur ass or what? of course their will be updates becuase this game desperatly needs them. when they will come nobody knows.

and why should i try and get used to playing a POS game like cs:s. If valve made it good ill play if not ill stick to 1.6.
Inanimate said:
There will be AT LEAST 2-4 MAJOR updates for CS:S in the near future, thats a promise.D

And how do you know this? Last time I checked you didn't work for Valve.
If you were starving to death and I took a shit in a hot dog roll and gave it to you would you complain? I mean it's free isn't it so you couldn't complain.
Well if you gave me that hot dog roll, then i wouldn't but if i payed for thath at dog roll then i would. I wouldn't complain, I just wouldn't eat it.
I mean you never had to give me anything.. Valve never had to make Cs:S and could of left HL2 multiplayerless, at least they gave us something.
I am having so much fun with CSS, its so funny and very enjoyable. Playing it makes me want HL2 even more, and I know that it'll be here, so I'm not going to beg because I'm happy playing CSS.
i can't believe how well it runs now on the momment with my 9800xt
and 16x af :D

valve is doing a great job :D
Xenome said:
I always take games the way they are, because it's USELESS to whine..

And I almost never think, 'hey they should have included this' , that's pathetic as I think about it..

then why did valve put a report bug feature in CS:S which also contains a section for suggestions? .. :monkee:
zer0kewl said:
i can't believe how well it runs now on the momment with my 9800xt
and 16x af :D

valve is doing a great job :D

Yeh, I'm glad its running great and looking as good as it does on my comp. Its a Dell Dimension 8250 w/ P4 2.4, 512 ram and I replaced the crappy GF4mx with a 9600xt and it runs fine with the resolution 1024x768. FPS is about 50 when I'm doing nothing and in fire fights it can get down to 30, so no complaints here. :afro:
CS:S is just awesome !
the best multiplayer game ever
i dont know why some people keep saying thats wrong and thats sux
if anything missing it will be added with a patch , and im sure more maps will released this month.
Its just a port with better models and redone maps. Its the same old shite CS. What were people expecting. Bug complaints are fine though.
Cs:s is very well made and we will be seeing more stuff with patches. Look at what cs was when it came out and look at it now.
i can't really compare the old cs with the new one. old cs just used to bore me, css keeps me a lot more entertained. it's awesome.
I'm quite positively surprised how fun CS has turned out since the beta days when I last played it.. =)
I only find it great and i know halflife 2 will be only better so no pb here

p4 2,8
neovo 17inchtftscreen
Evil^Milk said:
i can't really compare the old cs with the new one. old cs just used to bore me, css keeps me a lot more entertained. it's awesome.
100% agreed, even though I used to be a big CS head for a while.
Raziel-Jcd said:
Cs:s is very well made and we will be seeing more stuff with patches. Look at what cs was when it came out and look at it now.

Most people found it better in beta, maybe because of the frequent updates adding new content or most likely the community been 100x better.

Although i believe your on about retail release to now, well that was crap and it still is.
People bash CS:S just like people will bash HL2 when it comes out. It is simply because people can't keep their expectations in check. They follow and believe all the hype regardless of it's source. All of these people are annointing HL2 the best game ever made and they've never played it yet.
Fishlore said:
People bash CS:S just like people will bash HL2 when it comes out. It is simply because people can't keep their expectations in check. They follow and believe all the hype regardless of it's source. All of these people are annointing HL2 the best game ever made and they've never played it yet.

errm, the reviews. Although unless you were one of the people that got the review code and played the game you cant really say for your self but the reviews hold it in high. I mean PCZone rate it higher than HL. When you read the review it shows there is hardly any flaw in the game and even the smallest details are cool. Although all the reviews did point out that the AI isnt too hot in certain parts and also no aparent MP. Although it is quite ammusing when he trys to come up with 5 bad points in the game.

CS:S on the other hand. I dont know what some people were expecting, it was a port, nothing more, nothing less. Well redone maps and models.
I don't give a dang about bug reports. As long as the reported bugs are fixed, I'm happy.

But I can't stand idiots who whine about the graphics. When they are the best in any game EVER. No arguments.