2 days with hammer...


Nov 17, 2004
Reaction score
..and i cant figure it out.

could a mapper hook me up on msn and learn me a few things for an hour or so?

I want to create a trench war map much like the one seen in Killzone.
Would appreciate it alot...

msn: [email protected]
The only reason im doing so good in hammer is because I have experience with AutoCAD for technical drafting. The setup and ideas are exactly the same.

Using a 3 axis creation system like this is hard for new users to catch on to. It will take you a while to get it down. You have to learn to combine all 3 axis and the 3d viewport. Honestly, I just recommend playing and toying till you get it down. I learned pretty much everything on my own just by messing up a ton - best way to learn. I'm still technically a newbie compaired to the majority of these guys too :) They're your lifeline and will help, use the search tool on the forums if you're stuck, and if you really need help, make a post and you'll get good advice pretty quickly.

Here's some great sites to help you - pm me if u have any questions:
Interlopers Tutorials
HL2 World Tutorials
Wavelength Tutorials
Some more editing links

That should help move you along... good luck and keep trying - you'll get it!
..For me it's my frist day;)

Hi, for me it's my 1st day with hammer & source, but I can give expert support for Maya & XSI rendering.. Maybe anyone give me some startup help to get an overview about fileformats and tools needed? So if anyone is interested to exchange knowledge via ICQ or anything just drop a PM.. ;)
It's not so complicated, I'm making a tiny little test map to try different stuff out. So far, I've got decals, textures, blocks, entities, flickering lights, light models, and ambient sounds working. :bounce:

And I'm a total newbie to Hammer. If you read the tutorials and Ichi's video tutorial...
I cant get my stupid map to load. i get a weird messege that says

CModelLoader::Map_IsValid: No such map 'test'
map load failed: test not found or invalid

Ive posted around but no one will reply. maybe ill get better luck here?
Post the .vmf on here - I'll take a look... not sure if that has to do with brush intercection or not, but I've never seen that before.

Do you have Hammer setup correctly?
Here's a good tut for CS:S setup: http://www.*************/wiki/index.php/HammerConfig
(Right click and copy the link then paste it in the browser)
Click "go advanced" on the bottom of this post and scroll down from the new window that comes up (its more detailed). Click manage attachments and select the map file you have (it should be in sourcesdk, css sample content, and then under maps. Add it and then click "submit reply" to post.
COALslaw said:
I cant get my stupid map to load. i get a weird messege that says

CModelLoader::Map_IsValid: No such map 'test'
map load failed: test not found or invalid

Ive posted around but no one will reply. maybe ill get better luck here?

You compile, right? Don't select "run game after". Then you gotta copy the BSP to the CS:S/HL2 maps folder. And then Create Server within the game.

Just making sure.