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Deleted member 56031

2 G-Man questions PLEASE ANSWER AS BEST AS YOU CAN (I know when it comes to the G-Man there is very little that is definite).

1. Why was G-Man at Black Mesa (It was not Gordan, Gordon was an extra that G-Man took interest in)?

2. Why did he want Black Mesa destroyed (the part near the end of Opposing Force where he arms the nuke)?

Thanks in advance.:thumbs: :thumbs: :)
For question number one, I believe Gordon IS why he was at Black Mesa.

For the second one, I don't really have a clue.
For question one I'd have to say to stop Breen, since he seems so intent on doing it it HL2 Breen having nearly forced the Resonance Cascade. Question two I'd have to say possibly to seal the demental rift that caused the Cascade.
Question one, we really don't know. You know it's gotta be something big, and maybe multiple reasons...start the resonance cascade, take over Xen, enlist Gordon Freeman, some people think he was actually trying to draw the Combine to Earth...nobody knows.

Question two, he did it to cover up his work. Destroy all evidence of the facility, the research there, and his presence. Black Mesa goes boom and nothing can be traced back to him.
I think it is hard to say anything that is completely strwngthened by reasons with in a theory about the G man because there are so many theories and all of them have serious major flaws, he is a very mysterious figure, even when speacking he answers in cryptic comments.

Though I whole-heartedly agree with darkside, probably becasue he didn't want anything to be traced to him, he always answers in cryptic clues and this implies he doesn't want to be found by anyone uless he knows.
I think the Gman was an advisory-type role, similar to the US army in Vietnam in the 60s. Probably sent by whomever he works for to observe and recruit potential employees during the catastrophe.

Question 2 has dubious canonical validity. We aren't sure, first of all, if Black Mesa was even destroyed. If it was, it's probably to be a coverup (although the portal storms would quickly refute this).
G-man used the Black Mesa incident to transform Gordon into his tool.
And he probably had other, larger motives than recruiting an agent. Doubtless that's a key part of it but there's something much bigger going on, but because he's so enshrouded in all this mystery we really don't have a clue what he's been doing. I have a feeling that in Episode 3 everything will come to light, however. Or, at the very least, some very important bits.

0mar, I think BMRF being nuked is canon. Valve says that Gearbox's games are considered canon, which means that the G-man did destroy at least part of the facility.
Wll, Walker said his primary goal, if only goal at Black Mesa was to use the incident to transform Gordon into his tool. Makes sense.
Did he really call it his primary goal? I don't remember him saying that. I remember he said he manipulated events to get Gordon where he wanted, but I don't think that was the big thing. If it was then he sure went through a lot of trouble, and he must've had a LOT of foresight.

You know I have to wonder how much time the G-man's put into this plan of his, whatever it is. He brings these people together like Adrian and Gordon and dumps them in the middle of an alien invasion to test out who's the strongest, who's going to work for him. It's like a "survival of the fittest" competition. And how far do you think he's gone with it? We know that from the getgo he was interested in Freeman and Shephard specifically; again, a lot of foresight there. Could he have engineered the whole resonance cascade, or did he just give the whole scenario a little nudge? How far had he planned it out? Exactly what was so important in that facility that he felt he had to "wrap it up?" And ultimately, what's the motive?

Questions, questions.
Well, my theory...
o Question One: G-Man was at Black Mesa because(i get the idea hes an arms/technology dealer to other armies)with the teleporter, he could sell the technology to other races, THATS how the combine got to Xen and Earth, the G-Man! So he watched as it all unfolded before him, while he can gain more opportunities to sell technology, VERY like the movie "Lord of War". But while he was trying to nogotiate for the teleporter,(you can see him arguing with a scientist at the start of HL1)he came across something else of interest... Gordon Freeman. HL1 was the test to see if the subject(s) were up to expectations, and HL2 was to prove to the people taking interest that they were able to survive in the toughest of conditions. If Gordon could defeat the combine, the technologically dominent species, then he could be worth the trade, because at the end of HL2 G-Man says "A lot of contracts have opened up" so he's planning to sell Gordon out too!!!:O

o Question Two: As for the destruction of Black Mesa, he was planning on destroying the teleporter so that armies would have to go through him to gain the technology. Gordon and other subjects are being considered as "puppets" because he can put them in a time lapse whenever he wants, he didnt know Gordon was worth the bother until the disaster arose. Thats whats in the suitcase, blueprints and documents/contracts for Gordon, Calhoun and Shepard. Notice that these were the three characters who fought their way through Black Mesa so Black Mesa was the ultimate test and it wasn't really down, to him, neither was the Combine attack. So he put these "subjects" in these stages of time when they happen to see if they're up to date for selling out.

That is only PART of my theory, but the full one is for another day!
Thanks guys. :thumbs:

Walker said his primary goal, if only goal at Black Mesa was to use the incident to transform Gordon into his tool. Makes sense.

Who is Walker??