2 girls in my class made a porn video

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I'm not a legal expert but if that's illegal, the world has gone mad. In the nudist situation you are describing the people aren't performing sexual acts. In the 'alleged' tape the two 14 year olds are ...(although I still have no proof in my PM). So therefore in my opinion it would not be illegal to own such material. Next thing you know police are gonna arrest you for letting your toddler walk naked on the beach or giving it a bath without a swimsuit
I think this is the largest gathering of HL2.net staff I've ever seen.
Dam Girls, I am 100% sure that they have been affected by the lesbian song (The two Girls under the rain vid). yo can find it on yahoomusicvidoes
A2597 said:
It would be illigal (at least in the US) to have a copy of that video, your talking jail time, severe fines, and possibly a nice Bubba to play with for the next year or so...

Underage + naked = child pornography.

So recording your son running round nakid in the garden playing in his paddling pool is a crime :angry:
G0rgon said:
Dam Girls, I am 100% sure that they have been affected by the lesbian song (The two Girls under the rain vid). yo can find it on yahoomusicvidoes

:sleep: no words for you
You know azzor after the big battle between me and you last month, I noticed you have changed alot. Man look if you feel angry, then its cool man Just keep it that.:(
D33 said:
Think of it this way, is licking another human body against the law?

Nope, it's not, and that's about all they can do.
You are so nieve... ...and lacking imagination.
D33 said:
Think of it this way, is licking another human body against the law?

Nope, it's not, and that's about all they can do.
oh, ha i didn't even see this. to answer your question d33, yes, yes it is. 'licking' the genitalia (genetalia?), of another person is considered sodomy in many states of the USA. in TX, KS, MO, and OK, anal, oral or masterbatory sex acts between same-sex partners is considered sodomy, and is against the law (OK has a 10 prison sentance on the books for such an offense). in many other states (e.g AL, LA, MS, UT) the law applies to those type of sex between same-sex and opposite-sex partners. so be careful where you lick and where you lick!
KidRock said:
do u know how many chinese/japanese underage porn movies are made? lots
Oh, well in THAT case it's FINE to perve over minors. :hmph: Or is that paedophilia? 14 is younger than my sister... NOT cool.
Whats up with kids these days? Back in my day, you didnt make porn untill you were at least 16 :D
I'm 17 and I wouldn't go within a 10 miles of that video even if it was legal in the UK.

as for this whole nudist beach thing and taking photos of children under age in that circumstance, it wouldn't be legal to distribute them or take them without the parents or childs consent, also they would have to be tasteful as in no spreading or anything like that.
heh heh, this is funny.

This kind of crap happens all the time, theres been a few videos like this comming out of my school. But not from the girls everyone wanted to see. ;(
The Mullinator said:
This kind of crap happens all the time, theres been a few videos like this comming out of my school.
Do you, per chance, go to Porn Academy or something!?

And seriously folks... Quit all the desperate pleas for this video - there's plenty of good porn on Kazaa or whatever sites. If you knew the girls then it might be more understandable, but they're 14 for God's sake!!! He accepts that that's wrong so he isn't going to give you the tape.
/me searches for porn on Kazaa

first video: Granny has sex with horse xxx rape britney spears underage lesbian.wmv

j/k it would be much worse than that.
mrchimp said:
/me searches for porn on Kazaa

first video: Granny has sex with horse xxx rape britney spears underage lesbian.wmv

j/k it would be much worse than that.
That's certainly true - God it can be frightening sometimes... <Shudders>
RoyalEF : If you intend to take a comment like that completely seriously then don't be rich and call someone else naive.

Lil' Timmy : Is that only a law in America? Such a silly country :)
The horror...The horror....
Well, I doubt the fact that they made it voluntarily counts for anythign? Not a snowball's chance in hell. Oh, and how do tyou define paedophilia? Does the offender have to be five years older? Ten years older? Or is it that the offender has to be on the other side of the big one-eight? If I, being a sprightly middle-teen, happened to, say, engage in sexual intercourse with a ten-year old - This is purely hypothetical - does that make me a paedophile. The answer? Yeah, probably.
Ok, first off, the fact you guys want a tape of a 14 year old porn video is so disgusting I can't find words to describe it. I don't have the video, don't want it, don't know the name, I'm not going to tell you the girls names, and it's a private school, so they can do what they want. If you guys ask one more time for the tape I'm gunna ask a mod to close this or delete it. No, I'm not lieing, I know the girls very well. Why would I make up something like this?
Sulkdodds said:
The horror...The horror....

leave marlon brando out of this one!!!

bloody peadophile I hate peadophiles sulkdodds

you shall be punished
Why would you even make this thread pat? What did you expect the reaction of the guys here, most of whom are probably fourteen themselves. The idea of anyone wanting to watch that is very disgusting... but you know what they say if theres grass on the field play ball lol
Ya, I kinda expected it. It just goes to show that there is basically no morals in the world because of crap like mtv....
pat_thetic said:
If you guys ask one more time for the tape I'm gunna ask a mod to close this or delete it.

Yeah but we won't because 1) everyone's just having a laugh and 2) as normal, you're over-reacting.
I think you should stop this conversation at once
It's quite sick and perverted
pat_thetic said:
Ya, I kinda expected it. It just goes to show that there is basically no morals in the world because of crap like mtv....

No comment really, your weak minded way of looking at the world is starting to annoy me, and it's quite hard to really annoy me :/
heh lol close this thread, its absolutely pointless, I dont think anyone SERIOUSLY wants to see that vid...
MaxiKana said:
heh lol close this thread, its absolutely pointless, I dont think anyone SERIOUSLY wants to see that vid...
I wouldn't be so sure, alot of people seem to be demanding the filename and getting violent about it :p lol

Anyhow, as was stated, why even post this thread unless for laughs, Pat?
Well considering some of the people in this thread are 14 or under, they proberly would watch it given the chance although I don't think they actually expect to get a filename...
Nothing like getting a jump start on their career's!
Sn7 said:
Nothing like getting a jump start on their career's!
/me laughs :LOL:
EDIT: WTFuxors? No /me command? There is none? Whadya mean "there is none"? ;(
Well, I am 13 and I watch porn. I don't think there is anything wrong with that.
"Desperate for attention."

took the words right out of my mouth.

wtf is wrong with this...i can't seem to quote a message.
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